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Msg ID: 2801644 PHI Health mechanics +3/-1     
Author:Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy
12/24/2023 11:43:26 AM

New (Union) Year


You guys deserve better!!

Msg ID: 2801646 PHI Health mechanics +1/-3     
12/24/2023 11:44:23 AM

Reply to: 2801644

Unions suck


A. guru

Msg ID: 2801693 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:If you’re going to do it
12/25/2023 12:39:45 PM

Reply to: 2801646

You should have written in the CBA an option to strike. There's no reason why you shouldn't have that option like the airlines do. Air Methods and even the PHI union they have doesn't have it written in there as a strike clause. If the companies willing to change the rules as they seem fit, why shouldn't the union or the pilots be able to strike. Should be given an option that anything more than three negotiations. You have the option to vote to strike. I haven't seen that in any of the CBAs for air Medical.  That's why the company can stall and do whatever they want because there's no threat of a strike. That's why the airlines have so much power and pole because the airlines can't go more than a week or two with loss of revenue if the pilot strike

Msg ID: 2801698 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:I don't think
12/25/2023 1:22:08 PM

Reply to: 2801693

it needs to be written in the CBA for a union to strike. Once the union is in place, you can strike anytime there isn't a contract. And all companies lose lots of money during a strike, not just airlines.


Msg ID: 2801699 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:Some actually have it written
12/25/2023 1:23:52 PM

Reply to: 2801698

And I'm pretty much willing to bet Air Methods and PHI pilots have it in there CBA a no strike clause. I agree there should be the PHI union for pilots is pretty weak and that HR VP changes the rules and rewrites the CBA as they seem fit. There's so many times they should push for a strike and I guarantee you after about a week they'll get their money

Msg ID: 2801700 PHI Health mechanics +2/-0     
Author:there is a no strike clause
12/25/2023 1:27:07 PM

Reply to: 2801699

in the contract as long as the contract is in effect, which is common. you have no idea what you're talking about.

Msg ID: 2801718 PHI Health mechanics +0/-1     
Author:PHI Pilots contract CBA
12/26/2023 7:12:50 AM

Reply to: 2801700

Has a no strike clause dummy.   Its fact. you were probably too young to remember before spitting out your stupidity about no strike clause in the CBA but PHI when they had their strike many years ago, the company wrote that in there on the new CBA to prevent that from happening and the loss of tens of millions of dollars and oil and gas contract revenue they lost on it. Who cares on the AMC one.  And if there isn't one then WHY didn't the union threathen that instead of almost 2yrs negotiating 😂. So in fact YOU have no idea what your talking about.  and if you are a union head for AMC then your negotiating skills suckkkkk taking almost 2yrs to finally agree on a crappy contract and no strike 

Msg ID: 2801719 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:READ ARTICLE 33 local 108
12/26/2023 7:19:04 AM

Reply to: 2801718

Local 108 for PHI article 33 specifically says no strike, no lockout.   shouldn't have NEVER been put in there.  So tell me then how I don't know what I am talking about wiseazzz racist 

Article 33. No Strike, No Lockout

1. The Union agrees it will not, under any circumstances or for any reason, call, encourage, authorize or engage in any strike, slow down, unprotected concerted activity, or other hindrance to work during the term of this Agreement.
2. Any Pilot who engages in any activity described in section one of this Article will be subject to discharge, and such discharge will not be subject to the grievance procedure and System Board of Adjustment provisions of this Agreement, except as to the question of whether the Pilot engaged in such a violation.
3. The Employer agrees not to lock out Pilots during the term of this Agreement.
4. If the Employer knows that one of its customers is being picketed, the
employer will notify the Pilot about the picket line before dispatching the Pilot to the location of the picket line.
5. A Pilot may refuse to take an assignment to cross a picket line if he has reasonable safety concerns. In any such case, the Company will be permitted to service the customer the best way possible.

Msg ID: 2801720 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:you don’t know what you’re
12/26/2023 8:22:29 AM

Reply to: 2801719


talking about 

1. The Union agrees it will not, under any circumstances or for any reason, call, encourage, authorize or engage in any strike, slow down, unprotected concerted activity, or other hindrance to work during the term of this Agreement.

Msg ID: 2801723 PHI Health mechanics +1/-0     
Author:and another thing dumbass
12/26/2023 8:48:19 AM

Reply to: 2801718

We could have struck at any time after the contract expired. We didn't need to "threaten" something everyone knew was an option. We got a good contract with guaranteed raises and the PILOTS voted in favor by a large margin. Striking is A LAST RESORT. I'm sorry you're such an idiot but holy crap you are one stupid mother f**ker.

Msg ID: 2801726 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
12/26/2023 1:51:18 PM

Reply to: 2801723

Bringing out the best in people, since 1794.

Msg ID: 2801727 PHI Health mechanics +0/-1     
12/26/2023 2:42:51 PM

Reply to: 2801726
Ultimately I don't know what the mechanics want the company to do for them. Phi gave maintenance over a 4% raise this year with the step and cost of living combined we are getting the additional 3% match of thr 401k. I'm not sure about the profit sharing bonus or not. I'm all for unionization if you think your being treated unfairly and you want representation but if you think your going to unionize and magically get more money it's not going to happen maintenance has no power

Msg ID: 2801730 PHI Health mechanics +1/-0     
Author:well you don’t know anything. ,,,,,,
12/26/2023 4:35:21 PM

Reply to: 2801727

when they implemented 360. they froze the pay for experienced people and guess what it's still frozen 

Msg ID: 2801731 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:well you don’t know anything. ,,,,,,
12/26/2023 4:35:22 PM

Reply to: 2801727

when they implemented 360. they froze the pay for experienced people and guess what it's still frozen 

Msg ID: 2801732 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:360 was like
12/26/2023 5:02:08 PM

Reply to: 2801731

8 years ago bro

Msg ID: 2801738 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
12/26/2023 6:36:50 PM

Reply to: 2801732
They didn't freeze the lay they adjusted the payscale its not my fault you make to much money I will trade you from my m step 6 if you want

Msg ID: 2801768 PHI Health mechanics +1/-0     
Author:PHI Lead
12/27/2023 3:57:07 PM

Reply to: 2801738

Anybody who's against a PHI mechs union has no idea what theyre missing out on...

Yes, pay is an issue for several mechanics in the company. Also we are on average way below our competitors.

Pilots have no evaluations at PHI, the mechanics demand the same.

Annual tool stipends should be a standard in the Air Medical industry.

Shorter top out pay scale.

Mediation representation for mechanics for on the job issues.

If you're willing to work for low pay and benefits then this isn't company for you. Yes, several people have bailed but there are a lot of us left who are fighting for what's right for us, the future mechanics at PHI AM, and the industry as a whole!!!


Msg ID: 2801821 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
12/28/2023 7:53:54 PM

Reply to: 2801768

 Some of us know full well what we'd be "missing out" on - that not being anything of use. In a previous life perhaps we've experienced it. Don't need you dragging it in.                                                                             Yep, some have good reason for having the red posterior about pay. But we know where the door is if felt it's intolerable.                                                                                                                                               "We are on average way below".. finally a valid point. I've met many of you, you truly ARE way below average.     Shorter to the top of the scale? Point in your time Slick.                             ;                           ;              Fighting for everyone? Bless You, BraveHeart.                  

Msg ID: 2801771 PHI Health mechanics (NT) +0/-0     
Author:you accepted step 6,,,,,,idiot
12/27/2023 4:55:46 PM

Reply to: 2801738

Msg ID: 2802733 PHI Health mechanics +0/-0     
Author:Union Man
1/12/2024 3:16:51 PM

Reply to: 2801727

Well the law states the union and company must negotiate in good faith... that means they have to make movement. The IAM Aircraft Mech II's in nowhere Leesville, LA make more than your lead servicing 3 hangers in Indiana. I'm Pretty sure every Aircraft Mech the IAM has makes more than you folks. Correct... you have no power... because you stand alone. Honestly, if you really think nothing will change, sign a card and let us show you something. We have 150k members in aerospace alone, no other union  can say that. We fight Boeing and Lockheed Martin but ya man... PHI Inc is gonna be a real obstacle to try and get a good contract... That company is a real heavy hitter... Raytheon doesnt even compare 😂 
