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Msg ID: 2801408 Another year gone +7/-1     
Author:and no autonomous helicopter
12/19/2023 11:13:10 AM

took my job. All I can do is hope for next year. 

Msg ID: 2801421 Another year gone +1/-1     
Author:Black Bart
12/19/2023 4:55:52 PM

Reply to: 2801408

Me Too.

Msg ID: 2801422 Another year gone +1/-0     
12/19/2023 5:53:40 PM

Reply to: 2801408

".. and no autonomous helicopter took my job. All I can do is hope for next year. "

If you're moving passengers my bet is that your job is safe next year and for several years after that. Ican see the possibility of autonomous passenger airplanes but airplanes are an entirely different kettle of fish as they operate from airports. Airplane control is almost 2 dimensional, whereas a helicopter is flown in all three dimensions and all the controls: pitch, roll, yaw and power, interact in a more pronounced action than an airplane primary controls.

I have no idea why anyone would 5-10 times the price of airplane transport to make the same trip in a helicopter. The economics only operate in favor of a helicopter if one is operating off airport, which demands much higher pilot discretion.

I didn't anticipate autonomous automobiles this early...

Msg ID: 2801425 it is more likely aircraft will beat automobiles (auto autos?) to the (NT) +0/-2     
Author:mainstream. flying is more sterilized
12/19/2023 6:37:12 PM

Reply to: 2801422

Msg ID: 2801433 it is more likely aircraft will beat automobiles (auto autos?) to the +0/-0     
Author:first time I ever heard flying described
12/20/2023 12:09:44 AM

Reply to: 2801425

as sterilized 

Msg ID: 2801449 See Webster's definition, 2.c +0/-2     
Author:"... more sterilized..."
12/20/2023 11:44:07 AM

Reply to: 2801425

Flying is a strict set of rules and regulations, easily programmed into an algorithm.  In an automobile, there are way too many varibles coming at you, unplanned situations to deal with.


Flying is a more sterilized endeavor (def. 2.c)!




Msg ID: 2801456 See Webster's definition, 2.c +0/-0     
Author:say wut
12/20/2023 3:08:57 PM

Reply to: 2801449

lacking in stimulating emotional or intellectual quality LIFELESS


you have to be smoking crack in large quantities to think anything you wrote about autonomous aviation fits any kind of definition of sterilized. Just own up to the fact you probably often use words incorrectly to try to sound smart. 

Msg ID: 2801457 See Webster's definition, 2.c +0/-0     
Author:not the op
12/20/2023 4:00:56 PM

Reply to: 2801456

I've heard of a sterile environment.


In this case it could be applied.


Maybe you are the microcephalic here in need of more imagination?



Yours truly,

Avionics guru.



Msg ID: 2801458 See Webster's definition, 2.c +0/-0     
Author:say wut
12/20/2023 4:09:15 PM

Reply to: 2801457

the avionics guru that doesn't anything about avionics. if you need imagination to make a definition fit, you have the wrong word.




Msg ID: 2801459 See Webster's definition, 2.c +0/-0     
Author:a guru
12/20/2023 4:18:39 PM

Reply to: 2801458



Your proof reading sucks.


The word is (know.)


You failed to include it.


Go back and correct your work.



Also, you'll need to stay late after Class doing punish work for backtalk.


F-k tard.



Msg ID: 2801460 no imagination needed here. what's a "steril cockpit"? you only (NT) +0/-0     
Author:need a few IQ points to understand
12/20/2023 4:21:55 PM

Reply to: 2801458

Msg ID: 2801462 no imagination needed here. what's a "steril cockpit"? you only +0/-0     
Author:I bet
12/20/2023 4:28:11 PM

Reply to: 2801460

you are that pilot that keeps dropping his plastic sporks in the engine bay when leaning over the engines to do a preflight?


Try to not keep those in your shirt pocket there Lardass and maybe cut back on the free rig plate lunches.....


Just saying.....

Msg ID: 2801468 And, here we were all thinking the same thing about you. (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Ain't that funny.
12/20/2023 5:23:46 PM

Reply to: 2801462

Msg ID: 2801472 And, here we were all thinking the same thing about you.  +0/-0     
12/20/2023 6:23:13 PM

Reply to: 2801468

I'm the guy that has to keep signing off the DME you keep writing up 10 times in a month, hoping you figure out on your own the curvature of the earth is your problem and not the DME....


But alas, you are just a microcephalic pilot with peenis envy and no imagination.

Msg ID: 2801476 And, here we were all thinking the same thing about you.  +0/-0     
Author:still reliving your glory days
12/20/2023 8:08:07 PM

Reply to: 2801472

as a gom grunt. lol

Msg ID: 2801478 General Operations Manual. Surprised you even know (NT) +0/-0     
Author:what that is.
12/20/2023 9:10:01 PM

Reply to: 2801476

Msg ID: 2801479 no imagination needed here. what's a "steril cockpit"? you only +0/-0     
Author:things must be tough offshore
12/20/2023 9:13:47 PM

Reply to: 2801462

gotta bring your own silverwear. lol

Msg ID: 2801496 Another year gone +1/-1     
Author:Frankie Robinson
12/21/2023 12:17:13 PM

Reply to: 2801408

Msg ID: 2801539 Another year gone +0/-0     
Author:oh yeah,
12/22/2023 2:29:02 AM

Reply to: 2801496

you peelot guys are done now

Msg ID: 2801540 Another year gone +0/-1     
Author:only one problem
12/22/2023 2:34:43 AM

Reply to: 2801539

I can see with this "no pilot "  system.


Helicopters shake.  they shake so bad they chafe their own wires.  usually when that starts to happen, the pilot complains of some weird glitch gremlin $#!t going on and sicks the avionics guy on it.



These new birds with no pilot at the helm, well, when the glitch happens no one will know ....

ANd when it finally chafes thru the main bundle....well, it'll just be a lost asset at that point.


I would not put any of my money into that contraption or any one else's money for that matter.

Msg ID: 2801552 Another year gone +0/-1     
Author:yeah the main bundle
12/22/2023 8:51:37 AM

Reply to: 2801540

the wires will chafe through because of all the shiking and nobody will notice and the asset will be lost. lol hard to put a price on that kind of experience. 

Msg ID: 2801569 Another year gone +0/-1     
Author:says the guy
12/22/2023 2:38:37 PM

Reply to: 2801552

who probably flys for the big P.


Every bone head incident I've mentioned thus far (100's) is a real event that actually happened.  Because the Big P hires and retains the dumbest pilots in the industry.  I've witnessed some real winners in my time let me tell you.


Most would have been let go for the stunts they pulled.  But not at the P.  There's a shortage and with turnover so high, they can't afford to lose even one brain dead stick wiggler.  


Most recent event:

Botched auto.  Bye bye tail boom, chop chop.  Both instructor and student exit aircraft and are photoed from across the field by the competition, surveying the damage....


Slap on the wrist, don't do that again, ok.



I would have fired them both for being morons.

Msg ID: 2801587 Another year gone +0/-1     
12/22/2023 8:24:00 PM

Reply to: 2801569

when I worked for PHI offshore, it was a very good operation, especially the MX. A psychotic idiot like you would have a better chance dating Taylor Swift than getting a job at PHI. You're better suited to taking care of those DME write ups. lol
