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Msg ID: 2800857 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-3     
Author:Little guy
12/9/2023 4:44:28 AM


Msg ID: 2800860 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +6/-0     
12/9/2023 8:22:46 AM

Reply to: 2800857

What the helllllll are you talking about  They are owned by 2 different companies troll 

Msg ID: 2800870 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +2/-0     
12/9/2023 10:38:30 AM

Reply to: 2800860

Not sure what the OP was talking about. AMC is owned by American securities and GMR's owned by KKR investments. Two totally different companies

Msg ID: 2800872 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +1/-1     
Author:That’s entirely
12/9/2023 10:47:06 AM

Reply to: 2800870

Not true 

Msg ID: 2800882 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-1     
Author:Um. Then what’s your
12/9/2023 12:45:59 PM

Reply to: 2800872

Explanation?   KKR and American Securities are Different companies, dumb dumb.   So explanation " owners keeping them separate " 

Msg ID: 2800883 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-0     
Author:Uh. Yeah it’s entirely true
12/9/2023 12:47:06 PM

Reply to: 2800882

op.  Different owners.  

Msg ID: 2800891 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +3/-1     
Author:Stop spreading
12/9/2023 1:26:24 PM

Reply to: 2800883

Mis information 

Msg ID: 2800892 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:What does the OP mean
12/9/2023 1:30:53 PM

Reply to: 2800891

Msg ID: 2800911 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +1/-0     
12/9/2023 6:19:07 PM

Reply to: 2800857

Maybe the hedge fund(s) or bond holders or whoever that are part of kkr group are part of who recently bought air methods.  

Msg ID: 2800914 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-1     
12/9/2023 7:02:30 PM

Reply to: 2800911

Start asking who's a new secret partial owner of AMC.

Not usually one to gossip, but theres validity to the question.


Msg ID: 2800950 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-0     
12/10/2023 8:42:16 AM

Reply to: 2800914

ask the normal channels and it's a blank stare, there's way more going on behind the scenes than we'll know and unfortunately, it probably won't be good for the employees.

Msg ID: 2800918 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-1     
Author:Who own the Chiefs?
12/9/2023 7:29:40 PM

Reply to: 2800857

Owns, Owns.

We're moving to Florida next year.  If Di3kie Dunn says it, it's got to be true!

Msg ID: 2800962 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-0     
Author:taylor swift
12/10/2023 10:21:34 AM

Reply to: 2800918

owns the chiefs 

Msg ID: 2801201 Are the owners keeping AMC and GMR separate? +0/-0     
Author:OK THEN
12/14/2023 1:34:19 PM

Reply to: 2800962

WHO are the new BOND holders of AMC then.....
