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Msg ID: 2800853 HAA guy +9/-7     
12/9/2023 12:22:03 AM

Has anyone else noticed that the number of stroke patients has quadrupled in the last 2 years?  
Also, the average age of these patients seems to be much younger. 
I just assume this is caused by the clot shot. 

Msg ID: 2800854 Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science (NT) +1/-3     
12/9/2023 1:20:58 AM

Reply to: 2800853

Msg ID: 2800859 HAA guy +6/-2     
Author:since I don’t know one person
12/9/2023 5:31:09 AM

Reply to: 2800853
that has had a stroke and I have not flown any more than usual, I have not noticed this

Msg ID: 2800862 HAA guy +5/-3     
12/9/2023 8:54:08 AM

Reply to: 2800853

I haven't "died suddenly"  but have been diagnosed with miocarditis. It's really dibilitating !  Thanks Johnson and Johnson. 

Msg ID: 2800866 HAA guy +4/-4     
Author:nobody ever got sick
12/9/2023 9:29:07 AM

Reply to: 2800862

or died before taking the vaccine so yeah, the thing will kill you bro

Msg ID: 2800874 HAA guy +7/-3     
Author:The good thing is
12/9/2023 11:00:30 AM

Reply to: 2800853

this particular "blindness to reality" the stupid people suffer from is self-reversing. It's tough to admit that you've been played like a fiddle.

Msg ID: 2800904 HAA guy +4/-3     
Author:it’s even tougher to admit you were
12/9/2023 5:12:19 PM

Reply to: 2800874
wrong when you’re dead from covid

Msg ID: 2800907 Fact (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Fool Me Once….
12/9/2023 5:18:33 PM

Reply to: 2800874

Msg ID: 2800910 Fact +1/-2     
Author:Money maker
12/9/2023 5:58:44 PM

Reply to: 2800907

Tell people they need a vaccine to save them from the virus. Oh hang on you need a booster too. Oh wait a minute you need another booster. Guess what you need another......

The efficacy was between 11-32%. Howerer if you got the shot and 3 boosters you may be up to 69% covered. About 70% is what you will hear on TV (but they dont say its if you had 4 shots), and they wonder why we don't trust them.

Trust the science, ahem.

Msg ID: 2800915 Fact +2/-1     
Author:no, don't trust the science
12/9/2023 7:04:10 PM

Reply to: 2800910

70% less chance of getting covid when you have the vaccine? rolling up my sleeve...oh wait, I did.

Msg ID: 2800939 Fact +1/-2     
Author:saw some young ladies
12/10/2023 6:24:31 AM

Reply to: 2800915

holding up a sign that said they would pay to be inseminated if you were vax free.


I might do it for free if they look decent bent over and won't chase me down for child support.

Msg ID: 2800940 Fact +3/-2     
12/10/2023 6:28:22 AM

Reply to: 2800939

Msg ID: 2801403 Fact +0/-0     
Author:The movie
12/18/2023 11:56:34 PM

Reply to: 2800910

made by the guilty inmates.  Take a look at who profited off all that histeria.
