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Msg ID: 2800785 Strange Issue, any ideas? +5/-11     
12/8/2023 8:29:36 AM
I wanted to share a rather peculiar experience I had recently, which still has me scratching my head. It's not every day you encounter something that defies explanation, but here goes.
Last week, I was flying a routine night mission from Galveston, Texas to Cameron, Louisiana. The weather was clear, and the Gulf of Mexico looked calm and inviting under the moonlit sky. Everything was going as smoothly as any regular flight, until I reached the vicinity of Sabine Pass, Texas.
That's when things started getting weird. My instruments, which were functioning perfectly until then, began to malfunction. The altimeter was going haywire, the GPS was losing its signal, and even the communication systems were acting up. At first, I thought it was a technical glitch, but what happened next was something I couldn't have anticipated in my wildest dreams.
Suddenly, over the aircraft's radio, I heard music. But it wasn't just any music - it was a 1940’s jazz tune, clear as day, as if being broadcast right next to me. This was especially bizarre since I was miles away from any source that could play such a tune, let alone broadcast it.
As I tried to make sense of this auditory mystery, I noticed something in the sky. A strange, blue aurora, undulating in waves, almost like the Northern Lights, but different. It was surreal, casting an eerie glow over the sea. This visual spectacle, accompanied by the unexplained music, lasted for about two minutes.
The most bizarre part? As soon as I flew away from Sabine Pass, everything returned to normal. The instruments stabilized, the radio silence resumed, and the blue aurora vanished, leaving me in the tranquil darkness of the night sky.
I've flown this route numerous times, but never experienced anything remotely close to this. I checked with air traffic control, and they had no reports of unusual activity or malfunctions in the area. It's as if this event was meant for me alone.
I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but the whole experience felt almost extraterrestrial, or at least something not of our regular understanding. Maybe there's a logical explanation, maybe not. But it's an experience I thought worth sharing with this community. Have any of you had similar experiences? I'm all ears.
Safe skies,

Paul Davis

Msg ID: 2800797 All I can say is..  +2/-3     
12/8/2023 10:33:09 AM

Reply to: 2800785

You're not the only one who has experienced this. Others will laugh, make fun, etc., but the fact remains, these type of annomolies around Sabine Pass are very real, maybe something to do with all the refinery's? Word of advice, don't mention this to your company or chief pilot, you'll quickly find yourself out of work. 

Msg ID: 2800801 All I can say is.I..'ll have a drink,,. +2/-4     
12/8/2023 11:24:10 AM

Reply to: 2800797

...of what ever he has been drinking.

Msg ID: 2800803 Strange Issue, any ideas? +0/-0     
Author:Emmet Cohen
12/8/2023 12:03:32 PM

Reply to: 2800785

Nice story, you lost me at 1940's jazz tune....


Msg ID: 2800804 Strange Issue, any ideas? +0/-1     
12/8/2023 12:05:09 PM

Reply to: 2800785

Recommend watching the movie "The Final Countdown" from 1980.

Msg ID: 2800812 Strange Issue, any ideas? +1/-1     
Author:it's quite obvious
12/8/2023 2:19:26 PM

Reply to: 2800785

that this is the result of intergalactic travelers.  There couldn't be any other explanation for these occurences.


Msg ID: 2800814 Strange Issue, any ideas? +0/-2     
Author:you say this never happened before
12/8/2023 2:44:18 PM

Reply to: 2800785

but you've posted this same thing many times bro

Msg ID: 2800815 Strange Issue, any ideas? +1/-0     
Author:Johnny Uranus
12/8/2023 3:07:42 PM

Reply to: 2800785

Msg ID: 2800821 Strange Issue, any ideas? +1/-2     
Author:6 months ago
12/8/2023 4:19:19 PM

Reply to: 2800815

As a seasoned RW pilot, I had traversed the skies between Port Arthur, Texas and Cameron, Louisiana countless times. The routine flight path over Sabine Pass was familiar to me, but on that fateful day, my ordinary journey took an extraordinary turn.

It was a crisp evening as I climbed into the cockpit,  ready for another routine flight. The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm golden glow across the horizon. Everything seemed perfect for a smooth journey.

I engaged the engines, feeling the familiar vibration beneath my seat as the rotor blades sliced through the air above me. The radio crackled to life, and I established communication KBPT tower,  informing them of my departure from Port Arthur.

Ascending into the sky, I marveled at the picturesque landscape below. The sparkling waters of Sabine Lake stretched out to the east, while the verdant marshlands extended as far as the eye could see to the west. I settled into my flight, following the well-worn route.

However, as I reached the midpoint over Sabine Pass, a strange sensation gripped me. The calm evening air turned unusually chilly, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

That's when I caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned my gaze towards the western sky, and my heart skipped a beat. There, hovering silently above the horizon, was an object unlike anything I had ever encountered.

It appeared as a metallic disc, its surface reflecting the fading sunlight. It seemed to defy the laws of physics, suspended effortlessly in the air. The sight was simultaneously captivating and unnerving. My training urged me to maintain focus, but my curiosity was piqued.

As if in response to my presence, the helicopter's instrumentation flickered briefly, causing my grip on the controls to tighten. My eyes darted between the mysterious object and the instrument panel, praying for stability. To my relief, the systems returned to normal, but an unshakeable unease lingered in the pit of my stomach.

I instinctively reached for the radio to alert air traffic control of the anomaly, but to my bewilderment, a series of garbled, otherworldly noises emanated from the speaker. It was as if the signals were being intercepted, distorted beyond recognition. I repeated my distress call, but my message was met with eerie silence.

Meanwhile, the UFO maintained its watchful presence, silently observing my every move. The encounter had transcended the realm of the ordinary, leaving me with a profound sense of vulnerability. It was as if the object possessed an intelligence beyond comprehension, a presence that sought to unnerve rather than harm.

Determined to complete my journey, I steered the helicopter away from the enigmatic craft, its image forever etched in my memory. As I approached Cameron, the unsettling atmosphere lifted, and a sigh of relief escaped my lips. I landed the helicopter safely, thankful to be back on solid ground.

Months passed, and I shared my encounter with trusted colleagues, seeking validation or explanation. Some dismissed it as a trick of the light, a mere optical illusion. Others believed in the existence of extraterrestrial life, suggesting that I had come face-to-face with an otherworldly visitor.

To this day, I cannot fully comprehend the nature of that encounter. It remains a mysterious chapter in my flying career, an eerie tale that I recount with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. Whether it was a chance encounter or a glimpse into the unknown, one thing is certain: the skies over Sabine Pass hold secrets that defy our understanding.

Msg ID: 2800829 Strange Issue, any ideas? +0/-1     
12/8/2023 5:13:36 PM

Reply to: 2800785

Msg ID: 2800835 Strange Issue, any ideas? +3/-1     
Author:yeah, it's all fun and games
12/8/2023 6:59:51 PM

Reply to: 2800829

until you get an anal probe....and then they melt your brain.

Msg ID: 2800838 Strange Issue, any ideas? +0/-1     
Author:did you enjoy
12/8/2023 8:34:10 PM

Reply to: 2800835

the probe because it sounds like you did

Msg ID: 2800899 not really, but they do send (NT) +0/-0     
Author:flowers the next day.
12/9/2023 3:10:20 PM

Reply to: 2800838

Msg ID: 2801022 Frequency Bleed over from the Oldies radio station (NT) +0/-0     
Author:pumping out the watts at night
12/11/2023 9:10:14 AM

Reply to: 2800785

Msg ID: 2801055 Strange Issue, any ideas? +0/-0     
Author:Uncle Joe
12/11/2023 3:06:36 PM

Reply to: 2800785

Happens to me every time I fly over the White House in my helicopter.

Msg ID: 2801098 Strange Issue, any ideas? +0/-0     
12/12/2023 9:26:56 AM

Reply to: 2800785
Last week, I was flying a routine night mission from Galveston, Texas to Cameron, Louisiana. The weather was clear, and the Gulf of Mexico looked calm and inviting under the moonlit sky. Everything was going as smoothly as any regular flight, until I reached the vicinity of Sabine Pass, Texas.
That's when things started getting weird. My instruments, which were functioning perfectly until then, began to malfunction. The altimeter was going haywire, the GPS was losing its signal, and even the communication systems were acting up. At first, I thought it was a technical glitch, but what happened next was something I couldn't have anticipated in my wildest dreams.
Suddenly, over the aircraft's radio, I heard music. But it wasn't just any music - it was a 1940’s jazz tune, clear as day, as if being broadcast right next to me. This was especially bizarre since I was miles away from any source that could play such a tune, let alone broadcast it.
Vietnamese, and perhaps other fleets of shrimpers, would transmit music from one of their boats for their fleets when I was there in the '80s and mid '90s.
No idea, no guess as to the visual phenomena were.

Msg ID: 2801118 Same asian fishermen are using LED/Lasers as position lights now +0/-0     
Author:to avoid collision at sea, and to...
12/12/2023 2:20:50 PM

Reply to: 2801098

... identify their boat from another for recognition by the fleet of boarts around them.  
