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Msg ID: 2800780 Pilotless helicopter +1/-0     
Author:Would you be transported?
12/8/2023 7:43:41 AM

HEMS obsolete?  Someone at the scene pushes a button and he helicopter autonomously flies to the site, is loaded with a patient and transported to the hospital?  Sound impossible, perhaps not.


Msg ID: 2800781 Pilotless helicopter +3/-5     
Author:I’d do it
12/8/2023 7:51:30 AM

Reply to: 2800780

As a patient or as a tour passenger. I prefer unmanned. Humans are much too susceptible to error. If you prioritize the computer logic to fly and have a safe outcome it will. We are programmed to make money and increase our social standing. Our EGO and our want to make money get in the way of safety. There's very few pilots who are confident and comfortable in their skin. Most want to keep raising the bar for recognition. The computer pilot isn't that fickle. Put me in the unmanned aircraft please. 


Msg ID: 2800783 Pilotless helicopter +1/-1     
Author:that was one crazy
12/8/2023 8:11:17 AM

Reply to: 2800781

word salad bro

Msg ID: 2800784 Pilotless helicopter (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Was about you
12/8/2023 8:19:29 AM

Reply to: 2800783

Msg ID: 2800787 Pilotless helicopter +2/-0     
Author:you say you prefer pilotless
12/8/2023 9:28:00 AM

Reply to: 2800784

how many pilotless aircraft you been in bro

Msg ID: 2800789 Pilotless helicopter (NT) +0/-0     
12/8/2023 9:35:39 AM

Reply to: 2800787

Msg ID: 2800790 Pilotless helicopter +2/-0     
Author:How is it you are so short sighted
12/8/2023 9:45:48 AM

Reply to: 2800787

I encourage you to look at the world around you. 

Msg ID: 2800808 Pilotless helicopter +2/-0     
Author:Except for those error-prone
12/8/2023 1:21:06 PM

Reply to: 2800781

humans In the engineering loop.

Msg ID: 2800811 Pilotless helicopter +6/-0     
Author:hey Dwigt
12/8/2023 1:44:32 PM

Reply to: 2800781

ask the military what their crash rate is for that technology. Nobody has more experience with this and their answer might give you pause.

Msg ID: 2800788 Pilotless helicopter +1/-0     
Author:Not going to happen
12/8/2023 9:30:48 AM

Reply to: 2800780

The link you provide talks about a utily platform for crop spraying etc. No mention of pax being carried. FAA regs don't currently permit what you suggest. 

Msg ID: 2800805 Pilotless helicopter +1/-1     
Author:Not going to happen yet.
12/8/2023 12:22:29 PM

Reply to: 2800788

To believe that it will never happen means you have your head in the sand and cannot fathom what might happen in the future. 

How many other things have they said will not happen end up being common practice? In 1903 the New York Times had an article that stated it will take from one million to ten million years to have powered flight. Nine weeks later the Wright Borthers flew at Kittyhawk.


Msg ID: 2800813 2016 +1/-0     
12/8/2023 2:32:33 PM

Reply to: 2800780


not sure if it is operational 

Msg ID: 2800827 Pilotless helicopter +0/-0     
Author:Hughes Pilot
12/8/2023 5:02:41 PM

Reply to: 2800780

Yeah, Sikorsky did this almost 8 years ago. (Yawn) ;

Msg ID: 2800828 Not gonna happen. +0/-2     
12/8/2023 5:10:25 PM

Reply to: 2800780
There is no way an autonomous machine could do anything remotely off airport. Both engineering wise and certainly FAA cert wise. What about high density airspace? You think approach is going to knock airliners off their approach corridors for this thing to come bumbling through not communicating? Dumbest idea ever

Msg ID: 2800841 Not gonna happen. +0/-0     
Author:Wow alert!
12/8/2023 9:42:49 PM

Reply to: 2800828

An Faa expert AND an aerospace engineer. 

Msg ID: 2800902 Not gonna happen. +2/-0     
Author:Eau Sale
12/9/2023 4:37:11 PM

Reply to: 2800828

None of us reading this will ever see a real patient transported by an un-piloted helicopter. We can't even get an electronic flight book at my employer. 

Msg ID: 2800920 Not gonna happen. +0/-0     
12/9/2023 7:50:07 PM

Reply to: 2800902

I think it will work very well until the computer controlling everthing farts, then it won't work.
