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Msg ID: 2800521 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!! (NT) +1/-1     
Author:Just have to ask. Negotiable
12/4/2023 12:34:20 PM

Msg ID: 2800523 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!!  +1/-2     
Author:yep and
12/4/2023 12:39:36 PM

Reply to: 2800521

Thanks for letting out the secret.

Msg ID: 2800527 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!!  +0/-5     
Author:Medtrans $300 ends Dec 31
12/4/2023 2:13:28 PM

Reply to: 2800521

I guess they filled all their vacancies.

AMC sounds like a better deal.

Msg ID: 2800535 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!!  +0/-1     
Author:It's not widespread
12/4/2023 4:33:14 PM

Reply to: 2800527
Only at bases that managers aren't being stubborn and are smart enough to pay the extra to keep the base open.

Msg ID: 2800538 "smart enough"?? Maybe it's staticistically smarter to close it (NT) +0/-1     
Author:for the shift than to pay big $$$
12/4/2023 4:40:23 PM

Reply to: 2800535

Msg ID: 2800542 "smart enough"?? Maybe it's staticistically smarter to close it +1/-1     
12/4/2023 5:48:40 PM

Reply to: 2800538

Let's see...just one HAA flight billed out at $55K would cover quite a few "shift bonuses."

But I'll admit, I'm not up on all that new math. You might be right.

Msg ID: 2800546 it not about "billed at", more than "collected from" that counts +1/-0     
Author:if it statistically operates at a loss..
12/4/2023 6:32:10 PM

Reply to: 2800542
... why make it worse when the transport is not generally immediate (STAT)? it might be that your trying to use new math when simple math applies that makes it difficult for you.

Msg ID: 2800549 it not about "billed at", more than "collected from" that counts +0/-0     
12/4/2023 7:05:00 PM

Reply to: 2800546

Yeah, that's probably it. Lucky they got smart guys like you making those decisions.

"Operating at a loss"? Seriously? You know of HEMS bases operating at a loss? Might want to update that ol' resume!

Msg ID: 2800556 it not about "billed at", more than "collected from" that counts +3/-1     
12/4/2023 8:50:13 PM

Reply to: 2800546

Msg ID: 2800566 there's a base that consistently get called in the middle +1/-4     
Author:of the night, sometimes more than once,
12/5/2023 9:56:03 AM

Reply to: 2800556
to fly out a pregnant illegal immigrant from the podunk hospital to a children's hospital so she can have her anchor baby. it's flown at a loss everytime! paying a pilot a grand extra a night to fly a loss leader is not very smart.

Msg ID: 2800568 there's a base that consistently get called in the middle +1/-0     
Author:loss leader lol
12/5/2023 10:01:32 AM

Reply to: 2800566

you may want to look up what a loss leader is bro

Msg ID: 2800572 Sure sis. Means what it means when I said it above +0/-3     
12/5/2023 10:57:53 AM

Reply to: 2800568


A loss leader strategy involves selling a product or service at a price that is not profitable but is sold to attract new customers or to sell additional products and services to those customers. Loss leading is a common practice when a business first enters a market.


So, like was stated, it doesn't make sense to pay a pilot MORE to earn the company LESS in many situations, particularly when it is essentially a loss leader!

Msg ID: 2800580 Sure sis. Means what it means when I said it above +0/-0     
Author:say wut
12/5/2023 1:01:20 PM

Reply to: 2800572

it's not winn dixie bogo lol but I'll be sure and send your profound thoughts up to leadership

Msg ID: 2800583 Sure sis. Means what it means when I said it above +4/-0     
Author:the funny part
12/5/2023 1:41:30 PM

Reply to: 2800580

is the dumb c*nt posts THE ACTUAL DEFINITION of loss leader and still doesnt understand what it is. lol quite amazing

Msg ID: 2800607 says the ditto who doesn't understand why it was said (NT) +0/-0     
Author:because that's what it is
12/5/2023 4:36:29 PM

Reply to: 2800583

Msg ID: 2800600 Winn Dixie BOGOs are not loss leaders. +0/-0     
Author:box of pasta shouldn't cost $3.50
12/5/2023 4:03:51 PM

Reply to: 2800580
you are paying more for BOGO deals than you could buy it normally at Walmart

Msg ID: 2800621 Winn Dixie BOGOs are not loss leaders. +1/-0     
Author:say wut
12/5/2023 6:33:44 PM

Reply to: 2800600

now we've moved on to the price of spaghetti it win dix lol

Msg ID: 2800644 you took us there (NT) +0/-0     
Author:just making sure you don't get lost
12/5/2023 10:37:53 PM

Reply to: 2800621

Msg ID: 2800660 you took us there +0/-0     
Author:it’s very true that
12/6/2023 4:56:39 AM

Reply to: 2800644

stupid people are easily led and distracted. see above

Msg ID: 2800669 correcting you is not a distraction! (NT) +0/-0     
12/6/2023 9:21:29 AM

Reply to: 2800660

Msg ID: 2800677 correcting you is not a distraction! +0/-0     
Author:o ssays the
12/6/2023 1:19:31 PM

Reply to: 2800669

dumb dork that can't figure out what a loss leader is even after posting the def lol

Msg ID: 2800686 correcting you is not a distraction! +0/-0     
Author:loss leader
12/6/2023 3:11:58 PM

Reply to: 2800677

buy one HAA helicopter flight at full price and get the next one free!!! limited time only!!

Msg ID: 2800700 no... more like 'call us in the morning when we're open' (NT) +0/-0     
12/6/2023 6:54:59 PM

Reply to: 2800686

Msg ID: 2800567 there's a base that consistently get called in the middle +1/-1     
Author:of the night, sometimes more than once,
12/5/2023 9:58:47 AM

Reply to: 2800556
to fly out a pregnant illegal immigrant from the podunk hospital to a children's hospital so she can have her anchor baby. it's flown at a loss everytime! paying a pilot a grand extra a night to fly a loss leader is not very smart.

Msg ID: 2800585 there's a base that consistently get called in the middle +0/-1     
Author:they call in the middle of the
12/5/2023 1:43:00 PM

Reply to: 2800567

night! sometimes more than once even! it's a loss leader! lol wut a dumb c*nt

Msg ID: 2800544 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!! (NT) +0/-1     
Author:PHI only pays 300, enjoy AMC Bro's
12/4/2023 5:59:44 PM

Reply to: 2800521

Msg ID: 2800668 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!!  +0/-0     
12/6/2023 9:08:56 AM

Reply to: 2800544
There are bases that fly in a market that have a very high payer mix and are a cash cow for AMC. Does it make sense to close that base over 500 bucks when it averages 60 flights a month?

Msg ID: 2800674 Bragging about 60? Those are rookie numbers (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Pick it up slacker!
12/6/2023 11:22:26 AM

Reply to: 2800668

Msg ID: 2800683 Bragging about 60? Those are rookie numbers  +0/-0     
Author:those are rookie numbers
12/6/2023 1:57:12 PM

Reply to: 2800674

30 is the number for a pro

Msg ID: 2800701 60 is an average of ONE flight per shift! (NT) +0/-0     
Author:ONE for the day, that may or may not pay
12/6/2023 6:57:27 PM

Reply to: 2800674

Msg ID: 2800702 60 is an average of ONE flight per shift! +0/-0     
12/6/2023 7:00:18 PM

Reply to: 2800701

congrats on getting through first math

Msg ID: 2800703 You see MATH 101, everyone else sees (NT) +0/-0     
Author:BUSINESS 101
12/6/2023 7:14:56 PM

Reply to: 2800702

Msg ID: 2800705 You see MATH 101, everyone else sees +0/-0     
Author:are you the same dork
12/6/2023 8:32:07 PM

Reply to: 2800703

that waits for people to crash after heli expo or a different dork

Msg ID: 2800693 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!!  +2/-0     
12/6/2023 5:36:35 PM

Reply to: 2800521

I still won't do them.  HAA is enough under normal shift rig with respect to sanity.

Msg ID: 2800715 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!!  +0/-0     
Author:Fires and wires
12/6/2023 11:56:10 PM

Reply to: 2800521

 $1000 for a work over is normal in west coast utility. Been that way for at least 5 years. 

Msg ID: 2800721 AMC pilots getting $1000 extra for workover shifts!!!  +0/-0     
12/7/2023 7:38:30 AM

Reply to: 2800715

that's in addition to the time and a half regular ot pay
