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Msg ID: 2800254 Monroe County Sheriff HAA Pilot S76 SPIFR +5/-2     
Author:For $91.5k/year ?
12/1/2023 7:18:45 AM

Is the hiring team or budget wizards down there smoking meth?  I guess the hurt feelings cops don't want helicopter pilots to make more money than those who drive a patrol car.

Msg ID: 2800255 Monroe County Sheriff HAA Pilot S76 SPIFR +21/-3     
12/1/2023 7:46:00 AM

Reply to: 2800254

The will be a military pilot with a pension who will take that job.

Military helicopter pilots have been keeping the wage down in the industry since the Vietnam Era.  While our fixed wing brothers have gone on to use there experience to push up wages and conditions.

Please know your worth, you have great skills, many combat deployments. Don't sell yourself short.

Msg ID: 2800264 Monroe County Sheriff HAA Pilot S76 SPIFR +1/-10     
Author:You mistaken army pilots
12/1/2023 9:31:06 AM

Reply to: 2800255

Army helicopter pilots are and were always just rednecks who couldn't cut it in any other aviation capacity. it's shouldn't surprise anyone of their mediocrity in accepting low wages. Helicopter pilots really are just losers. Truth hurts.

Msg ID: 2800270 Monroe County Sheriff HAA Pilot S76 SPIFR +9/-2     
Author:X CWO
12/1/2023 10:49:53 AM

Reply to: 2800255

I'm just wondering how you factor that there are a pretty significant number of commercial FW pilots who are also retired military pilots into that logic?  I mean, if "retired" military helicopter pilots are keeping wages suppressed in the helicopter industry, how come that doesn't seem to be the case in the FW world?

It has NOTHING to do with military retirements or VA disability compensation.  Hint.  ALPA! 

If helicopter pilots had more common sense they would figure that out and ditch the "office workers" union for one that deals in the transportation industry.

But what do I know, I'm just a retired military helicopter pilot with a VA disability, over $4K a month in SS and no house or car payments.  I couldn't possibly have enough brains to figure that out! 

Msg ID: 2800269 Florida Keys +3/-1     
12/1/2023 10:37:07 AM

Reply to: 2800254

They get away with it becase they can

Find a retired military pilot. Pension, Disability checks coming in. Free medical insurance

Fly a helicopter and get paid 90K. Use the money to buy a place with a boat dock

Msg ID: 2800278 Florida Keys +0/-4     
Author:Yep and...
12/1/2023 12:20:50 PM

Reply to: 2800269

Ruin the industry for everyone else.

But hay, I get mine that is all that matters.



Msg ID: 2800298 Florida Keys +1/-0     
12/1/2023 4:10:30 PM

Reply to: 2800278

Dont hate the player, Hate the Game


Retired Military mechanics do the same. If you want go fixed wing. Work for the Majors. Then buy yourself a helipcopter to fly on your days off

Msg ID: 2800328 Florida Keys +1/-0     
Author:Lazy doesn’t
12/1/2023 9:39:22 PM

Reply to: 2800278

get you a good income, does it?

Msg ID: 2800300 Monroe County Sheriff HAA Pilot S76 SPIFR +0/-0     
Author:Define what pay should start at?
12/1/2023 4:33:10 PM

Reply to: 2800254

What should it start at and what should it top off at? 100k-200k?

Msg ID: 2800321 Monroe County Sheriff HAA Pilot S76 SPIFR +5/-0     
Author:In the KEYS?!
12/1/2023 7:34:47 PM

Reply to: 2800300

170k starting. 

Msg ID: 2800341 Monroe County Sheriff Aviation Operation  +3/-0     
Author:Shouldn’t be controlled by grieving
12/2/2023 1:40:18 AM

Reply to: 2800300

Gây cops who drive cars & whining that pilots get paid more.  
