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Msg ID: 2800168 EMS Holiday scheduling +1/-5     
Author:Da Grinch
11/30/2023 11:14:29 AM

Any of you 7/7 EMS guys work out an equitable schedule for the Holidays. Seems crappy to expect someone to work a Christmas or Thanks givivng for 7 years in a row.


Thanks and Thank you all for what you do!

Msg ID: 2800169 EMS Holiday scheduling +0/-0     
11/30/2023 11:17:40 AM

Reply to: 2800168

Use vacation that is what it is for. 

Msg ID: 2800171 Ask the other pilots at your base +3/-0     
Author:If they'll help out
11/30/2023 11:25:04 AM

Reply to: 2800168

Easiest thing is to just ask if other pilots want to swap. If that doesn't work, put in your PTO request early and if the company can't fill the shift then it's on them. It isn't going to break your base to be OOS for a day. 


Fwiw there are a handful of people who are willing to work the holidays where I'm at (I'm one of them) and I've learned that sweetening the pot with something as small as a 6 pack or a growler of their favorite brew goes a long way. Your milage may vary. Good luck!

Msg ID: 2800181 Ask the other pilots at your base +2/-3     
Author:no it's not on them
11/30/2023 11:53:49 AM

Reply to: 2800171

you don't get a holiday or any other day off that leaves the base OOS. ayfkm bro? your request will be DENIED. another dipsh*t answer from somebody that doesn't work in EMS. yeah, offer somebody some beer and you pretty much are guaranteed to have Christmas off. lol

Msg ID: 2800189 Ask the other pilots at your base +0/-0     
Author:I’m o
11/30/2023 12:43:32 PM

Reply to: 2800181

Absolutely on them all f I use vacation.  

Msg ID: 2800191 Sounds like you're a hostage +2/-2     
Author:To your base?
11/30/2023 12:52:45 PM

Reply to: 2800181

Option 1: Use PTO for the day and give the company plenty of notice to try and fill the shift. If they can't find anyone, oh well. You tried, and you're off on Christmas.

Option 2: Call out sick 1 hour before shift on Christmas. You're still off for Christmas.

It's wild to me that apparently you think there's just no option for you to not work a holiday. Have fun in those self-imposed shackles, bud.

Msg ID: 2800194 Sounds like you're a hostage +6/-1     
Author:I would describe it more as a
11/30/2023 1:15:06 PM

Reply to: 2800191

responsibility. I really don't know anybody that would call in sick an hour before their shift on christmas as it would says volumes about what kind of shi*ty person you are but you do you bro. So Christian of you to lie on Christmas of all days but can't have any of them self imposed shackles!

Msg ID: 2800197 Work the system +5/-0     
Author:It already works you
11/30/2023 1:40:22 PM

Reply to: 2800194

You do you, amigo. I guess this Thanksgiving I'll be thankful for policies that allow me to have holidays off without having to call out. Also: not everyone is a Christian. I hope one day you'll break free from your Stockholm Syndrome.

Msg ID: 2800198 Work the system +0/-0     
Author:by all means be thankful
11/30/2023 1:54:26 PM

Reply to: 2800197

for that. even though you may not be a Christian, you did admit you're a liar trying to hide it behind "working the system".  

Msg ID: 2800206 Benefit of having a union and contract. Time off rules. Managements (NT) +2/-0     
Author:Problem now
11/30/2023 2:25:04 PM

Reply to: 2800181

Msg ID: 2800229 Benefit of having a union and contract. Time off rules. Managements  +0/-0     
11/30/2023 5:34:25 PM

Reply to: 2800206

You scheduled to work under the union rules?  Work it or do the lying, dirtbag thing above.

Msg ID: 2800257 Ask the other pilots at your base +0/-0     
Author:Blue Falcon
12/1/2023 7:52:45 AM

Reply to: 2800181

That one made my laugh, I will now and forever have a new name for that style of pilot.

Bud light salutes you Mr. Blue Falcon Pilot word inventor.

You take vacation and screw everyone else

Screaming Voice " Total douch# move"

When everyone else is working you throw them under the bus

Screaming Voice " Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!!"

So here's to you oh Falcon of the dodging work

Real Men of Genius  

Msg ID: 2800173 EMS Holiday scheduling +5/-1     
11/30/2023 11:29:45 AM

Reply to: 2800168

Everyone at my base is an adult, therefore, we all know it's crappy and we will all work with eachother to swap and cover as needed. I've never had a problem getting time off around the holiday as I need. Now in return, I know I need to help someone else out to receive that same benefit.

Msg ID: 2800178 EMS Holiday scheduling +0/-2     
Author:swap and cover yeah sure
11/30/2023 11:48:57 AM

Reply to: 2800173

hey, mr. adult, can you work Christmas for me? lol how stupid are you bro

Msg ID: 2800187 EMS Holiday scheduling +0/-1     
Author:you: I'll give you a can of beer if
11/30/2023 12:32:46 PM

Reply to: 2800178

you work christmas for me. 

me: awesome. I'll do thanksgiving too.

Msg ID: 2800195 EMS Holiday scheduling +1/-0     
11/30/2023 1:31:06 PM

Reply to: 2800187

The 7/7 that started on Thursdays (week of days then week of nights) shifted holidays every 5 years,

The 3/4 (day/night) starting on Monday the opposite shift 4/3 (day/night) starting Thursday the holiday schedule never changes.

Was fortunate to have the base pilots agree that we only worked one holiday either Thanksgiving or Xmas and would cover each other. As a PAM i covered one base each holiday.

If the pilots dont agree and your on the 3/4 4/3 schedule and AMC union put your vacation request in per the contract.

Msg ID: 2800228 EMS Holiday scheduling +1/-0     
11/30/2023 5:10:32 PM

Reply to: 2800178

I'm more than willing to work Christmas for you if you'll take my Thanksgiving or that one day of my hitch I need off early so I can travel to my family in 2 weeks.

See how easy that was?

Msg ID: 2800199 If you want xmas off, ask me for a trade +2/-0     
Author: but you gotta ask
11/30/2023 1:54:44 PM

Reply to: 2800168

i ain't gonna suggest it for you

Msg ID: 2800201 EMS Holiday scheduling +5/-0     
11/30/2023 2:11:56 PM

Reply to: 2800168

You’ll never work fixed date holidays 7 years in a row on a weekly schedule. A year, 365 days is 52 weeks and a day, so holidays fall back a day every year, 2 days in leap years.

Thanksgiving is a different deal, it’s the 4th Thursday in November. Often, families will do a Thanksgiving at the base. Sucks to be called out then, but that's the job.

I took the job in full knowledge that it was a 24/7 schedule. If somebody wants holiday and over-time to work my holiday or wants to swap a day, I’ll take that. Otherwise, I just do the job, day or night, fair weather or foul.

Msg ID: 2800405 okay, so six years in a row (NT) +0/-0     
Author:still a long time
12/2/2023 10:54:10 PM

Reply to: 2800201

Msg ID: 2800464 EMS Holiday scheduling +0/-1     
Author:Boom Boom Boomer
12/3/2023 4:20:59 PM

Reply to: 2800201

The typical Boomer response I expected

Msg ID: 2800471 EMS Holiday scheduling +0/-1     
12/3/2023 5:05:23 PM

Reply to: 2800464

If by "boomer response," you mean actually doing the job you agreed to, then yeah, boomer response.

Msg ID: 2800202 EMS Holiday scheduling +2/-0     
Author:how many pilots do you know
11/30/2023 2:17:48 PM

Reply to: 2800168

that have worked the same schedule for 7 straight years. zero, that's how many.

Msg ID: 2800209 I have. 14 years same schedule. Same base with AMC (NT) +1/-0     
Author:Get away from GMR. 1st solution
11/30/2023 2:27:48 PM

Reply to: 2800202

Msg ID: 2800221 EMS Holiday scheduling +4/-2     
Author:part of the job
11/30/2023 3:50:14 PM

Reply to: 2800168

that you applied for and accepted.

you get off on being a community "hero" and all that, well, the schedule comes with it.

if you want banker's hours, apply at a bank.

Msg ID: 2800223 EMS Holiday scheduling +4/-0     
11/30/2023 4:04:59 PM

Reply to: 2800168

It's double time, go to work.  I have my family get together on the weekend either before or after, it actually works out better for everyone.  If you take vaca over Christmas you are king of the Blue Falcons, super doosh.  A beer truck isnt getting me to OT Christmas.  

Msg ID: 2800234 EMS Holiday scheduling +2/-0     
Author:well YOU DON"T have to work
11/30/2023 6:22:52 PM

Reply to: 2800223

xmas if you just take vacation...then you would have 3 weeks off.....don't complain if you have been doing it for 7yrs and not doing anything about it...

Msg ID: 2800249 EMS Holiday scheduling +0/-0     
11/30/2023 11:23:15 PM

Reply to: 2800234

Holiday pay is double, catch a late flight and it's worth it!

Msg ID: 2800409 EMS Holiday scheduling +0/-0     
Author:30 years of EMS
12/3/2023 2:38:41 AM

Reply to: 2800168

If Christmas is on a Monday, it will be on Tuesday the following year except during a leap year it will be on Wednesday.  You set your schedule during a slower month like February to work a 10.5 day shift for all four pilots which will shift the Holiday every year.  If the next years holiday falls on your shift change day you do nothing.  
