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Msg ID: 2800074 Skillsbridge Program +1/-1     
Author:Army Guy
11/29/2023 1:43:52 PM

Do any operators participate in this and offer positions to military pilots under this program?

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Msg ID: 2800120 Skillsbridge Program +1/-0     
11/29/2023 6:59:25 PM

Reply to: 2800099



"The DOD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service. DOD SkillBridge connects transitioning service members with industry partners in real-world job experiences."

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Msg ID: 2800085 Skillsbridge Program +0/-1     
Author:Past article
11/29/2023 2:47:41 PM

Reply to: 2800074



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Msg ID: 2800144 Skillsbridge Program +0/-1     
Author:Enough trash talk
11/29/2023 11:17:35 PM

Reply to: 2800074

 I can say in my many years power lining I've never seen a direct military-to-utility pilot. I also know of no place other than perhaps Erickson that participates in this program.

 Best of luck in your transition.

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Msg ID: 2800146 Skillsbridge Program +0/-0     
11/30/2023 4:26:02 AM

Reply to: 2800074

To answer the OP's question: Metro Aviation offers a Skillbridge program. I talked to them last year at the RTAG convention about this exact thing so my knowledge is first hand from a Metro recruiter. If selected and approved you would attend the company basic indoctrination program to include aircraft training, qualification and Part 135 checkride. Then, you would probably be working as a traveling line pilot (typically called a float pilot or pool pilot depending on the company). You would not receive a paycheck from Metro (Metro can't legally pay you while you are still on active duty and in the Skillbridge program) but all your expenses (travel, hotel, rental car, per diem) would be paid while you build experience for when you return to Metro once you are on transition leave or officially retired. You CAN legally draw a second paycheck while on transition leave. 

If you think you may be getting a 100% VA disability rating, I think the first step would be to share all of your claimed issues with a Medical Examiner so that you don't get grounded after receiving a Medical Certificate and are then found to have a grounding condition once you receive your VA Disability letter. You should know what is a grounding condition and what isn't but if you don't, do the research and figure it out before you dedicate too much to going down a road that is a dead end.

If you've got issues in your medical records that are service connected, file a claim for them. What is a nagging neck, back or knee issue now may very well be a grounding issue 15 years from now and you deserve to be compensated for it. File the claims and let the doctors figure out what is or isn't service connected and what the percentage should be. Don't let anyone shame you from filing your VA Disability claim but once you have it, don't broadcast it since it obviously upsets some people. I recommend you bank all of your disability checks since there is a good chance you'll need that money for those medical issues later in life.   

Take everything you read here with a grain of salt and don't take part in the negativity. You will probably have to make some sacrifices in the form of pay, schedule and/or location to get what you want but all the heli jobs in all sectors are good jobs if you have a good attitude and genuinely have an affinity for the type of flying you will be doing. Go for what checks as many of or all the boxes as you can, apply yourself, don't get on the adversarial side of the fence and you will probably have an enjoyable second career. Be the kind of person you want to work with and you'll be fine. Good luck and thank you for your service.

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Msg ID: 2800175 Skillsbridge Program +0/-1     
11/30/2023 11:40:09 AM

Reply to: 2800074

I believe Metro is participating in this. I am not 100% sure on that though so you'd have to check with them.

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Msg ID: 2800333 Skillsbridge Program (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Bristow does
12/1/2023 9:50:12 PM

Reply to: 2800074

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Msg ID: 2800344 Skillsbridge Program +2/-2     
12/2/2023 8:00:39 AM

Reply to: 2800074

Why is it that someone points out the hypocrisy of the government giving money and advantage to companies and individuals to absolutely insane levels, that is a bad thing.

We all know the abuse going on, between the disability scandals, now you add companies getting kick backs for hiring pilots.  Which will lead to discrimination and less hiring of other pilots.

I thought this forum was for the open discussion of problems in our industry? Both good and bad.

But one question, if Army/Air Force/Navy/Marines/Coasty are such good pilots and so well trained, why do we need a skills bridge and extra training to bring them over to the civilian side of helicopter flying? 

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Msg ID: 2800530 Skillsbridge Program +0/-0     
12/4/2023 3:07:09 PM

Reply to: 2800074

Air Methods does

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