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Msg ID: 2800016 PHI fails in 401Ks (NT) +0/-0     
Author:down to 1% in 2024
11/28/2023 9:44:55 PM

Msg ID: 2800019 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:Info Please...
11/28/2023 9:58:11 PM

Reply to: 2800016

have the voices crept back in?

Msg ID: 2800038 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:i heard that as well
11/29/2023 8:58:20 AM

Reply to: 2800019

they are loweing it to 1% now....sounds like a sell off coming....

Msg ID: 2800039 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:Made up
11/29/2023 9:03:59 AM

Reply to: 2800038
This is 100% made up for all curious we are on track to get the additional match for 2023. They are not lowering the 401k and if anything they will probally be giving a cost of living raise next year based on the number of jobs openings and that the company is profitable

Msg ID: 2800042 PHI fails in 401Ks +1/-1     
Author:Class A airspace
11/29/2023 9:46:14 AM

Reply to: 2800039

Huge reason I left Phi, 401k was just awful. That 16 percent direct contribution now is much better. Then 17 and 18 coming in next 2 years. I don't even see how PHI can call it a retirement plan, what you going to do with till you're 85? 

Msg ID: 2800055 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
11/29/2023 11:47:34 AM

Reply to: 2800042

Even Buccee's matches 6%, you'd think a O&G operator would guarantee at least that much. 

Msg ID: 2800056 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-1     
Author:say wut
11/29/2023 12:02:12 PM

Reply to: 2800055

6% is a very high match for ANY company. 4.7% is actually about average. let's not pretend some gas station's  6% is normal since most of them offer 0%

Msg ID: 2800058 PHI fails in 401Ks +3/-0     
11/29/2023 12:31:31 PM

Reply to: 2800056
The average is 4% if a company matches. Phi is 3% below average but not terrible plus there is the potential to match higher if company does well. But let's not pretend everyone is maximizing this match most people probably don't even put 10% in the 401k it's not the companies responsibility to save for retirement its yours. Put in enough and you won't have a problem

Msg ID: 2800059 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-1     
Author:say wut
11/29/2023 12:35:01 PM

Reply to: 2800058

nobody said it was their responsibility but employees will go to companies that will maximize their investment. PHI is not one of those places unless it's close 

Msg ID: 2800062 PHI fails in 401Ks +1/-1     
11/29/2023 12:46:18 PM

Reply to: 2800059

Not sure how you can say they are Profitable???  LOL   BRO with all the base openings and missed flights due to Lack of staffing on Pilots and Crew and bases OOS.....dude that math doesn't even remotely make sense...and I work for them....Not sure what your seeing but yeah we are not profitable....

Msg ID: 2800063 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:not one person
11/29/2023 12:49:52 PM

Reply to: 2800062

said they were profitable bro. 

Msg ID: 2800065 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-1     
11/29/2023 12:51:40 PM

Reply to: 2800063

"This is 100% made up for all curious we are on track to get the additional match for 2023. They are not lowering the 401k and if anything they will probally be giving a cost of living raise next year based on the number of jobs openings and that the company is profitable "


Msg ID: 2800064 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
11/29/2023 12:49:59 PM

Reply to: 2800039

 what you typed?????  "we should be getting the OTHER 3% because we are profitable???"  why should that even matter....we got hired to be matched at 6% and then they pull it away and tell us "work harder and IF we make goal we will match the other half"......Thats insane for our company to do that the last couple of far as I am concerned PHI Health only does 3%...till the end of the year happens it is a roll of the dice.....

Msg ID: 2800069 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
11/29/2023 1:16:45 PM

Reply to: 2800064
If you got hired before the bankruptcy sure. But that was years ago quit crying about it and quit. If you are that concerned about your 401k your more then welcome to workover empower well let you contribute up to 95% that 2500$ you could make up in just a hitch or 2.

Msg ID: 2800079 PHI fails in 401Ks +1/-3     
Author:Putting Federal Cap
11/29/2023 2:10:51 PM

Reply to: 2800069

Is criminal.


I max every year.


Still don't have enough saved to retire before 50.


If there was no cap and I could put my entire salary of 100k a year in the 401 and I could evade all taxes from uncle sam and be done working tomorrow.


I only have 1.5 mil saved up and I'll be 48 in a few days.  Zero debt since 20 years ago when the bitch left. 


No kids.


Still winning.


Avionics career has served me well.


Eat $#!t losers.

Msg ID: 2800088 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:the guru knows less about
11/29/2023 3:05:34 PM

Reply to: 2800079

a 401 than an ICS. you are taxed when you take out the money bro. anything is left in your estate gets taxed by who ever gets it. I can't believe the wife left your dumbass. lol

Msg ID: 2800176 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:You guys are morons
11/30/2023 11:41:10 AM

Reply to: 2800088

The rich don't pay taxes.


The idea is you never take it out.


The idea is if you put it all away then your tax base is 0. 


Live off the intrest and never take it out because you won't have to, because you'll have so much in there, you'll never spend all of the free intrest.


Are you all daft? 


No wonder you all bitch about pay.  I've never once asked for a raise in my entire life.  They know I don't need it because I live in squalor within my means.  Besides, in my early years I was already double stepped by supervisors because they recognized early on, I was the best. 


Getting married these days is a fools errand.  She left, like they all do, because the grass looked greener,  realized it wasn't, then tried to come  Nope.  Go find yourself some lame EMS pilot simp to take you back.  I'm one and done.  Got too much respect for myself to be someones doormat.


One of you losers should wife her up tho really.  She was a great lay.  Super smart. A bit lazy.  Mediocre cook.  Hated cleaning, but still did it, because she knew I wouldn't.  Oh, and loved to party.  Although pushing 48, I bet she's not doing much of that anymore.  Probably pressed into the work force for the first time in her life because well....the wall.  Ah, I bet she's a delight to be around.  Just like all you whiney hoes.


Balls on ya chin. 

Msg ID: 2800177 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:lol theretarded psycho guru
11/30/2023 11:45:08 AM

Reply to: 2800176

you have to pay taxes on anything the money earns, too. it just keeps getting better with this idiot. lol

Msg ID: 2800186 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:if withdraw money
11/30/2023 12:20:36 PM

Reply to: 2800177
whether it’s just the interest or not, IT GETS TAXED. holy crap lol

Msg ID: 2800196 PHI fails in 401Ks +1/-0     
Author:I don't know guru
11/30/2023 1:34:47 PM

Reply to: 2800176

I don't think anybody is buying the "wife left because grass greener" story. You violating multiple restraining orders and doing jail time because of it is a story I could believe.

Msg ID: 2800641 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:guru says he lives in squalor
12/5/2023 10:19:46 PM

Reply to: 2800176
squalor definition: 
If something is extremely dirty, filthy, or just plain disgusting, it falls into the territory of the noun squalor. We’re not just talking about a messy room. We’re talking about a grimy dungeon filled with rats and roaches.
guru probably smells bad lol

Msg ID: 2800091 PHI fails in 401Ks +1/-0     
Author:what's funny but not surprising is
11/29/2023 3:56:15 PM

Reply to: 2800079

for the last 30 years the guru never thought he would have to pay taxes on his 401 money. holy crap that is freakin hysterical

Msg ID: 2800080 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
Author:I shouldn’t have to do
11/29/2023 2:26:57 PM

Reply to: 2800069

Workover to make more to survive.  The pay salary sux at the company Bro.  It's the lowest in the industry. We can't fill spots bro even with that trickery "stipend" they are offering.  I shouldn't have to survive by doing work over and not enjoying my social life with a decent salary, keeping the company afloat. Maybe they should start paying more and they would see an increase in hiring

Msg ID: 2800113 PHI fails in 401Ks +1/-0     
Author:that guy
11/29/2023 5:45:43 PM

Reply to: 2800080

you are arguing with paid shills. their message is that the water is fine, if you dont like it, be quiet and keep working.  


the real answer is UNIONIZE OR QUIT. nobody in phoenix will ever care what you say, only what you do.

Msg ID: 2800121 PHI fails in 401Ks +3/-0     
Author:Lead PHI
11/29/2023 7:25:39 PM

Reply to: 2800113

It's time for mechanics to unionize in PHI. If we don't PHX will continue the trend of poor pay and benefits.

Msg ID: 2800123 Bristow is the king  +1/-0     
Author:Of the 401K’s
11/29/2023 7:50:30 PM

Reply to: 2800016

200% on your first 3%. So 6%. You do 3%, you get 9%. You do 10%, you get 16%, etc.

Msg ID: 2800222 PHI fails in 401Ks +0/-0     
11/30/2023 3:58:10 PM

Reply to: 2800016

News flash people 401K is a scam I contributed for decades and could have put my money in a savings account all those years and could have made more money. Its not really about the matching is more about the funds and stocks that they are investing your money in and how the market performs overtime.

Msg ID: 2800225 PHI fails in 401Ks +1/-1     
Author:That's why
11/30/2023 4:30:28 PM

Reply to: 2800222

You take the split option and put it in the external brokerage over at Schwab like I do.


Phi 401 vehicle offerings are pis-s poor at best.


If you find a decent one from phi's offerings, put cash in it....the market will tank and Phi will play the shell game with your cash and say, uh this fund sucks, we are dropping it ........for this other crap fund.......and the money you lost goes away with the tide and the 50% you had left in that crap fund gets shuffled to some other crap fund not of your choosing....only to eventually do poorly.


Ask this Avionics guru how I know.



Been there, played the shell game.  100% of my 401 is over at the Schwab side of the house today.  Yeah I take a 100 dollar hit every year for fees.  But it's f king worth it.


I decide how my money is invested.  If you had half a brain, you'd be over there too.




Msg ID: 2800226 I also use the brokerage +0/-0     
11/30/2023 4:38:05 PM

Reply to: 2800225

Are you saying that the 50% you had to put in PHI's 401k vs the schwab brokerage got completely wiped out? The heck were you investing in? They have an S&P 500 fund for goodness sake. (With an above market expense ratio, but still)

Msg ID: 2800235 I also use the brokerage +0/-0     
Author:Nope, I did the slip
11/30/2023 6:33:14 PM

Reply to: 2800226

You can slip stream some money movement activity under the radar as long as you keep it flowing into cash and not purchasing anything on the phi side but the money market fund.


When it gets some accumulation slide that to the external when no one is looking...or a better time ...when they are switching account holders like from Mass to hartford to MFS to whatever is next.  Use those big moves to move your lump sums.



I did that and now the lions share of my 401 is all Schawb......and the killing I'm making over there dwarfs anything on the Phi side.....hence the 100%

Msg ID: 2800236 I also use the brokerage +0/-0     
Author:for the doubting Thomas
11/30/2023 6:41:06 PM

Reply to: 2800235

Msg ID: 2800238 I also use the brokerage +0/-0     
11/30/2023 6:48:29 PM

Reply to: 2800236

Msg ID: 2800239 I also use the brokerage +0/-0     
Author:But yeah, hey
11/30/2023 6:52:31 PM

Reply to: 2800238

The avionics guy doesn't know how taxes or investing works.....

Msg ID: 2800241 I also use the brokerage +0/-0     
Author:about to slide some more right
11/30/2023 7:08:00 PM

Reply to: 2800239



thanks for reminding me.


Msg ID: 2800282 Good to know +0/-0     
12/1/2023 1:29:15 PM

Reply to: 2800241

I think I'll do the same myself. You just saved me some money!

Msg ID: 2800560 I also use the brokerage +0/-0     
Author:say wut
12/5/2023 8:23:59 AM

Reply to: 2800239

the guy straight up said since he won't be withdrawing any money against the principal, he won't have to pay taxes WHICH IS 100% NOT TRUE.
