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Msg ID: 2799960 AMC check airmen want to be in local 109! Stop forcing us into local 108 (NT) +2/-0     
Author:We don’t want it!!!!
11/28/2023 12:34:25 PM

Msg ID: 2799963 AMC check airmen want to be in local 109! Stop forcing us into local 108 +0/-0     
Author:say wut
11/28/2023 1:50:22 PM

Reply to: 2799960

why are you posting something like that on here lol

Msg ID: 2799976 Because OPEIU should not be allowed to force us into 108. we want nothing (NT) +0/-0     
Author:To do with that joke of a union
11/28/2023 2:55:05 PM

Reply to: 2799960

Msg ID: 2799982 Because OPEIU should not be allowed to force us into 108. we want nothing +0/-0     
Author:then don't do it
11/28/2023 3:49:39 PM

Reply to: 2799976

why you crying to me. can't help you bro

Msg ID: 2799986 AMC check airmen want to be in local 109! Stop forcing us into local 108 +0/-0     
Author:Just curious
11/28/2023 4:13:45 PM

Reply to: 2799960

 Can a pilot opt out of the union? I worked a non aviation job once and we could decline union membership but of course we also had no union representation. In my case I negotiated my own pay And schedule.

Msg ID: 2800001 You NEED to be your OWN local!! (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Protect your sovereignty!
11/28/2023 6:54:18 PM

Reply to: 2799960

Msg ID: 2800008 You NEED to be your OWN local!! +0/-0     
11/28/2023 7:09:26 PM

Reply to: 2800001

wut the hell are you talk about sovereignty lol

Msg ID: 2800095 Sovereneignty! +0/-0     
Author:Yes, sovereignty!
11/29/2023 4:29:14 PM

Reply to: 2800008

The meaning of SOVEREIGNTY is supreme power especially over a body politic.  (Merriam-Webster)


So, if you mix class and crafts, you no longer have supreme power over your affairs (your political being).

You will have shared it with those not in your class and craft.   You will have elected officers outside your class and craft, including key positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.   You will forfeit your power as a class and craft to someone else.



Msg ID: 2800097 Sovereneignty! +0/-0     
Author:say wut
11/29/2023 4:40:31 PM

Reply to: 2800095

if it's good enough for the airlines, it's good enough for us bro. try getting more sleep or something and quit bothering people with this nonsense


the management

Msg ID: 2800104 But it's NOT good enough for the airlines! They DON'T mix +0/-0     
Author:class/crafts into one MEC!
11/29/2023 5:19:05 PM

Reply to: 2800097

Once again, you could have provided the airline that does and proved me wrong.  But you didn't.


AIRLINE instructors are line pilots.  They are in the same class/craft as non-instructors, because they are all in the line pilot (flightdeck) class/craft

AMC instructors are not line pilots.  They are and were given a separate and distinct class and craft from the line pilots.  The union had a conniption fit if an instructor flew the line!   Some instructors didn't even have a Class II medical.  They are not the same class or craft!


So, you are 100% incorrect here!

Msg ID: 2800106 But it's NOT good enough for the airlines! They DON'T mix +0/-0     
Author:since your not an instructor
11/29/2023 5:22:27 PM

Reply to: 2800104

let the instructors worry about themselves and you could spend more time shaving your vag 

Msg ID: 2800111 Ok. Until the want to join someone else's local, I will (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Keep your sovereignty!
11/29/2023 5:41:40 PM

Reply to: 2800106

Msg ID: 2800115 Ok. Until the want to join someone else's local, I will +0/-0     
Author:sounds good do that
11/29/2023 5:49:46 PM

Reply to: 2800111

see ya later thanks bye

Msg ID: 2800135 So, are you ever going to give us the airline that has +0/-0     
Author:instructors as a separate class ...
11/29/2023 9:50:14 PM

Reply to: 2800115

... under the one MEC?


You yap, but you don't say much!

Msg ID: 2800023 AMC check airmen want to be in local 109! Stop forcing us into local 108 +0/-0     
11/28/2023 11:42:19 PM

Reply to: 2799960

This again, you really need to get a better hobby. No one wants you or your stellar negotiating skills, move along. 

Msg ID: 2800049 AMC check airmen want to be in local 109! Stop forcing us into local 108 +0/-0     
Author:Just curious, still
11/29/2023 10:58:28 AM

Reply to: 2800023

 Can a pilot opt out of the union? 

Msg ID: 2800052 AMC check airmen want to be in local 109! Stop forcing us into local 108 +0/-0     
Author:Short answer no
11/29/2023 11:10:16 AM

Reply to: 2800049

long answer also no

Msg ID: 2800061 "Can a pilot opt out of the union?" Yes, but you still pay agency fees. +0/-0     
11/29/2023 12:40:38 PM

Reply to: 2800049

"Can a pilot opt out of the union?"

Yes, but you still pay agency fees. You still "benefit" from negotiated contracts, so you pay.

Not joining the union is surrendering your vote on policies to somebody else.

Winston Churchill once said that: “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”

Unions work best when members are active. If members don't control the Local, they're surrendering one self interested bureaucracy for another. Your principled opposition is valuable.

Msg ID: 2800084 "Can a pilot opt out of the union?" Yes, but you still pay agency fees. +0/-0     
11/29/2023 2:44:03 PM

Reply to: 2800061

That is the funniest thing I have ever read.


Thank You

Msg ID: 2800108 So, pay the union or they will have you fired! +0/-0     
Author:And, if you pay the fee....
11/29/2023 5:25:31 PM

Reply to: 2800061

... you are paying MORE than someone who "joins" because they charge you full price, but reimburse members cash here and there.

AGENCY FEE PAYERS should not have to pay more than ANY member!   If they do, they are not paying their fair share; they are paying much more than their fair share!


