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Msg ID: 2799818 FBO JANITORS UNION NOW!!!! +1/-1     
11/26/2023 6:38:47 PM

 Check your emails and mailbox's for the big push to unite the brotherhood and get unionized!

We want everyone from the little airports to the biggies. FBO janitors hold the keys the success of these operations.

Msg ID: 2799819 FBO JANITORS UNION NOW!!!! +2/-0     
Author:sounds good
11/26/2023 6:58:03 PM

Reply to: 2799818

many of them already union

Msg ID: 2799821 FBO JANITORS UNION NOW!!!! +2/-0     
Author:For the crazy guy in forum
11/26/2023 7:01:35 PM

Reply to: 2799819

Probably get better benefits and higher pay then most AM rotary mechanics.

Msg ID: 2799832 Local 109 probaby will want them under their local (NT) +0/-0     
Author:(like all the rest)
11/26/2023 9:59:32 PM

Reply to: 2799818

Msg ID: 2799839 Local 109 probaby will want them under their local +0/-0     
Author:not sure why you are so obsessed
11/27/2023 4:10:06 AM

Reply to: 2799832

with this as everyone is all over the country. if everyone worked at the same location, you would have a point 

Msg ID: 2799842 gee, 109 ought to take that advice. every class and craft should (NT) +0/-0     
Author:be their very own local!
11/27/2023 4:40:39 AM

Reply to: 2799839

Msg ID: 2799849 gee, 109 ought to take that advice. every class and craft should  +0/-0     
Author:ok but
11/27/2023 7:27:35 AM

Reply to: 2799842


Msg ID: 2799850 because they seem to think mixing such under their into their local (NT) +0/-0     
Author:is OK.
11/27/2023 8:20:19 AM

Reply to: 2799849

Msg ID: 2799852 because they seem to think mixing such under their into their local +0/-0     
Author:ok so
11/27/2023 9:17:13 AM

Reply to: 2799850

why is that not ok

Msg ID: 2799854 Elected representatives, for one! Layers of governance, for two! Inter- +0/-0     
Author:Imixing classes/crafts for three!*
11/27/2023 9:23:53 AM

Reply to: 2799852

* conflicting interested parties

Co-mingling of funds, for four!

Stupidness, for primacy!!


Msg ID: 2799855 Elected representatives, for one! Layers of governance, for two! Inter- +0/-0     
Author:you say it’s bad but
11/27/2023 9:28:43 AM

Reply to: 2799854

you still don't say why it's bad. tell me about why there is a conflict of interest. If you have to use it's stupid as your main reason, you probably don't have much of an argument. you have presented nothing to say why it's bad. nothing 

Msg ID: 2799856 Yes, I said why: Because it is stupid for all those reasons given! +0/-0     
Author:1 thru 4 and lots more!!
11/27/2023 9:37:09 AM

Reply to: 2799855

Why have locals then under the International?   Why are we just not all OPEIU, under the one international as recognized by the DOL/OLMS??




Msg ID: 2799857 Yes, I said why: Because it is stupid for all those reasons given! +0/-0     
Author:I agree
11/27/2023 9:40:32 AM

Reply to: 2799856

everything you said is stupid 

Msg ID: 2799858 Yes, I said why: Because it is stupid for all those reasons given! +0/-0     
Author:does the alpa have separate locals
11/27/2023 10:25:07 AM

Reply to: 2799857

for check airman? that should be your guide

Msg ID: 2799861 YES! ALPA instructors who are given their OWN class and craft +0/-0     
Author:have their own "local". But,
11/27/2023 11:05:11 AM

Reply to: 2799858

they aren't given their own local because they are all included as line pilots under their CBA!


The more you know, the more you actually understand!

Msg ID: 2799862 YES! ALPA instructors who are given their OWN class and craft +0/-0     
Author:the airline pilots are much
11/27/2023 11:20:01 AM

Reply to: 2799861

more powerful yet they don't see a need for check airman to have their own local. what happened to all that about intermixing of crafts and conflicts of interest? yes, I'm starting to get it! lol

Msg ID: 2799901 NMB didn't certify them as separate, which is why they (NT) +0/-0     
Author:are under one local (MEC)
11/27/2023 5:31:59 PM

Reply to: 2799862

Msg ID: 2800102 ALPA instructors fly the line, which is why they are in same (NT) +0/-0     
Author:class/craft as regular line pilots!
11/29/2023 4:51:57 PM

Reply to: 2799862

Msg ID: 2800119 ALPA instructors fly the line, which is why they are in same +0/-0     
Author:ok sounds good
11/29/2023 6:42:44 PM

Reply to: 2800102

sovereignty and all that time for your nap

Msg ID: 2800137 You still haven't given us the airline where instructors are a separate (NT) +0/-0     
Author:class/craft under one MEC.
11/29/2023 9:53:23 PM

Reply to: 2800119

Msg ID: 2799863 YES! ALPA instructors who are given their OWN class and craft +0/-0     
Author:I asked if they had their own local
11/27/2023 11:22:50 AM

Reply to: 2799861

the answer was YES! followed by "they aren't given their own local..."


Msg ID: 2799945 what airline bitte? (NT) +0/-0     
Author:you could've said (but you didn't)
11/28/2023 8:47:59 AM

Reply to: 2799863

Msg ID: 2800098 And still you didn't! (NT) +0/-0     
11/29/2023 4:40:49 PM

Reply to: 2799945

Msg ID: 2799859 Elected representatives, for one! Layers of governance, for two! Inter- +0/-0     
Author:I have to say
11/27/2023 10:34:46 AM

Reply to: 2799854

Ive never heard so much irrelevant nonsense as all this union crap.  Don't you people have any other things going on at your job or in your life without having to add in all this union dysfunction?

Msg ID: 2799860 Elected representatives, for one! Layers of governance, for two! Inter- +1/-0     
Author:new tactic lol
11/27/2023 10:52:47 AM

Reply to: 2799859

downplaying the hugely significant changes a union can have on your quality of life in the form or better pay and benefits as "irrelevant". yeah, don't get distracted by trying to improve your situation, just keep hating your job! lol

that's a new one

Msg ID: 2799959 109 told the check airmen get own local if not ruled same class & craft +1/-1     
Author:OPEIU & the pogue forcing 108
11/28/2023 12:32:52 PM

Reply to: 2799860

None of the original organizing check airmen want to go in to 108 and maybe 2 or 3 support it now. We all wanted 109 and to be in their contract with our own pilot class addendum. When the new self appointed designee for the check airmen colluded with the already failed OPEIU organizer they steered us all into 108 to help financially support their failing union with the promise our pogue check airmen rep would get an equal seat as the union president. It came down to money for OPEIU and power for the poguewho now has zero support to organize. We begged OPEIU to not put us with 108 and work out a deal to get into 109 they dont care and support is at all time low. Most of us here in Denver say get us back into 109 or drop it all together. OPEIU sucks!

Msg ID: 2800100 Who promised you this was the deal?? +0/-0     
11/29/2023 4:44:18 PM

Reply to: 2799959

"We all wanted 109 and to be in their contract with our own pilot class addendum."


All you really NEED is your own local so that you have control of your destiny, not somone from a different class and craft, including union groups who are in competition with you!


So, who promised you that you were going to be appended to 109 when they were organizing??
