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Msg ID: 2799764 New Story +6/-12     
Author:Story time
11/26/2023 4:28:32 AM

Had a Ec-135 pilot flying O&G out of LCH once.


Dude was a cluster you know what.


One day he lands and somehow managed to get his strap from his lifevest swedged under the flotation deployment handle.


Did he carefully untangle the strap?  No.  He pulls and pulls and pulls on his vest till he blew the floats.


The bags inflated and in doing so snapped the transponder antenna clean off at the base.


Guess who had to install a new transponder antenna, and then perform 8 hours worth of recertification testing for said transponder/alt reporting system 24 month inspection?


That's right this avionics guy right here.


The Mechanics weren't too happy with him either having to repack floats.


How Some of you manage to make it this far through life without slipping in the tub and breaking your neck, or dying from dysentery because you forgot to take a $#!t is beyond me.



Msg ID: 2799772 New Story +5/-2     
11/26/2023 9:33:49 AM

Reply to: 2799768

My takeaway - it took you 8 hours to do a transponder check on EC135???

Msg ID: 2799773 New Story +0/-1     
11/26/2023 10:13:44 AM

Reply to: 2799772

guru didn't even know ICS wired to battery so no surprise.

Msg ID: 2799782 New Story +0/-1     
Author:Many examples of these terds
11/26/2023 12:31:57 PM

Reply to: 2799773

Kind of reminds me of the damaged tail rotor blades on a Bell L4, how could this keep happening? 
well "sirs" one evening whilst dailying same aircraft I found an object jammed stuck in between R/H aft landing gear cross tube and step, upon investigation discovered object was a chicken leg bone. Now how could a chicken bone find its self way out in the Gulf of Mexico one may ponder ? I then noticed all the chicken grease on flight controls and woe be hold if their wasn't fried chicken crumbs all over pilots side floor. After taking pics and making a report I asked pilot how all this happened, he informed me that the cook on a platform has some awesome chicken and throwing his scraps out the window while flying is just something he enjoyed doing. Of course when the report made to ops management they all began plotting to fire me.

welcome to the life of a helicopter mechanic 

Msg ID: 2799793 8 hour check +1/-1     
Author:Would you
11/26/2023 2:45:56 PM

Reply to: 2799772

Rather a thorough and complete check r

a pencil w-h-i-p?



Like you claim your Avionics dude just does anyway on a daily basis?



Maybe I should turn a blind eye to your ADC being off and out of tolerance next time I find it bad.


Maybe you smack into oncoming traffic in a cloud because you thought you were holding 1500ft like the tower told you to but really it was 2300 and you just hit that biz jet that was departing.


Don't question my integrity and I won't call you what you are.....morons.

Msg ID: 2799796 ATC would have the pilots checked their altimeter long before that happene (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Then they would use their standby
11/26/2023 3:52:54 PM

Reply to: 2799793

Msg ID: 2799816 obviously aviation isn't your forte... +0/-1     
Author:we, in the aviation business,
11/26/2023 6:27:09 PM

Reply to: 2799793

use the altimeter (you know, that static pressure thingy) to maitain assigned altitudes.  The transponder just reports the altitude to ATC.  If it's off by more than 125', they tell us to stop squawk and we write it up.


Who's the moron?  Come on now...who's the moron?

Msg ID: 2799838 obviously aviation isn't your forte... +1/-1     
11/27/2023 3:48:47 AM

Reply to: 2799816

here must fly toy helicopters to think an adc can't display altitude on a mfd.


my guess is all you have is a steam gauge single encoding altimeter in that vfr only p.o.s. you fly.


Leave the convo to the big boys flying 92's and the guru who just finished up a recert on everything, and go crawl back into your robbie there ranger boy.


You'll never be a real pilot if you can't grasp a simple concept of an adc sending alt data to the mfd, transponder, fms, tcas, fcc's, fadec's and egpws over arinc bus.


do you even know what half of all those systems are?

Msg ID: 2799911 thanks for proving my point... (NT) +2/-0     
Author:now go f**k up an antenna.
11/27/2023 7:17:44 PM

Reply to: 2799838

Msg ID: 2799778 Good Morning , Darrell (NT) +1/-1     
Author:The Texas Talking Tom Kat
11/26/2023 11:37:39 AM

Reply to: 2799764

Msg ID: 2799803 New Story +4/-2     
11/26/2023 4:40:29 PM

Reply to: 2799764

I'm betting the OP is the same moron that keeps posting pictures of trucks.

Msg ID: 2799870 New Story +1/-1     
11/27/2023 2:39:21 PM

Reply to: 2799764

an education, parenting and personal integrity problem.  Waaaay out of control in this country, kinda like open borders, we also have open heads, as in not full of much.
