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Msg ID: 2799074 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +17/-2     
Author:not too late to get your FW stuff done
11/17/2023 10:18:29 AM

you will like it on the other side. Would never go back to that low paid nonsense again

Msg ID: 2799076 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +3/-5     
Author:flying the Regional Jets
11/17/2023 10:20:43 AM

Reply to: 2799074

isn't paid that much more flying a COW will be YEARS before you make that $$$$ least when it is IFR, i can still get paid and go to bed...

Msg ID: 2799077 HAA is the worst job known to mankind (NT) +5/-1     
Author:there's more out there an regional
11/17/2023 10:21:43 AM

Reply to: 2799076

Msg ID: 2799079 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +0/-4     
Author:not without experience
11/17/2023 10:23:07 AM

Reply to: 2799077

like i said, i will take my VFR job and go to bed...all the checkrides to do all over again and studying....from your private to thanks..

Msg ID: 2799080 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +1/-2     
Author:THERE are other Heli jobs
11/17/2023 10:26:27 AM

Reply to: 2799079

than HAA>.......HAA is what you make of it....its a easy might be on hitch for 7 days and NOT turn a blade and get a paycheck for it, especially OT>....I am at a HAA base where the crews are pretty cool and NO drama here, that the lead has worked hard for.....its actually a good base and volume....BUT if you don't like EMS then there are other Heli jobs out there.....why no do a Seasonal job flying fires with No benefits, no 401k and your hustling for that $$$$>...

Msg ID: 2799081 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +0/-1     
Author:If you want to travel
11/17/2023 10:35:19 AM

Reply to: 2799080

pool or float is the way to go. Don't like a base? Adios. You will make $150K with only the travel OT. With bonuses, I will make $170K plus NO STATE INCOME TAX if you reside in FL or TX, etc. which a considerable chunk of change that stays in my pocket. The nights suck, though. The only drawback.

Msg ID: 2799084 I've found that most pilots that don't like  +1/-5     
Author:it, is because of themselves
11/17/2023 10:41:04 AM

Reply to: 2799081

they have piszzzzzzzz    poor attitude....Its incredibly hard to get fired flying HAA and you have to work hard to make that happen.....most of the pilots fire themselves for doing stupid things or Lying about something they did....and yeah you did it, or harass and argue with others....Put your ego in check...its not that hard of a career....

Msg ID: 2799089 I've found that most pilots that don't like  +4/-1     
Author:random thoughts from
11/17/2023 11:08:20 AM

Reply to: 2799084

 random retard

Msg ID: 2799085 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +6/-1     
11/17/2023 10:43:00 AM

Reply to: 2799081

I worked as a Float for tired of all the travel, but yeah I was making $150k traveling for 2 days out of my 7 days on Travel OT, and the extra $15,000 stipend they paid a year to the floats plus your expense check at $1400 a month....

Msg ID: 2799590 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +0/-0     
11/23/2023 4:04:21 PM

Reply to: 2799079

you are exactly where you belong

Msg ID: 2799101 So, none of the nurses would bang you? (NT) +0/-2     
Author:HAA Rules
11/17/2023 12:36:50 PM

Reply to: 2799074

Msg ID: 2799115 So, none of the nurses would bang you? +2/-1     
11/17/2023 5:56:30 PM

Reply to: 2799101

I did not see or read any comments concerning the a--h medical crews. Thats what makes HAA really suck

Msg ID: 2799127 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +3/-2     
11/17/2023 10:26:06 PM

Reply to: 2799074

 Here I thought roofing houses in Phoniex right out of high was the worst job known to mankind. Now older and being a human shield seems like a worse job.

Msg ID: 2799131 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +4/-5     
Author:I disagree
11/18/2023 6:45:42 AM

Reply to: 2799074

HAA is the best job for me. Having tried everthing else (most everything) in this industry, I get to fly routes that i'm familar with. I work with some fun people, and Im close to family, getting home every day. Life is what you make of it, and you can decide to be part of the drama or let it go.

If I turn down a flight for weather I say 'declined for weather' over the radio. If the med crew don't want to fly and I have to abide by the 3 to go rule, I say declined for the '3 to go rule' over the radio. This holds them responsible, I don't get to kick back as everyone is expetecd to act like an adult and do the job they signed up for.

Pretty simple really, give it a try.

Msg ID: 2799144 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +2/-1     
11/18/2023 10:56:49 AM

Reply to: 2799074

The BEST is retirement and financial freedom.... imho.

Msg ID: 2799149 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +1/-1     
11/18/2023 11:52:08 AM

Reply to: 2799074

Worst job? You've apparently never done roofing work, or poured hot asphalt. 

Msg ID: 2799151 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +0/-0     
11/18/2023 12:22:52 PM

Reply to: 2799149

Cleaning a portable toilet is a pretty crappy job.  

Msg ID: 2799161 HAA and airlines. Obviously the only (NT) +1/-1     
11/18/2023 2:33:04 PM

Reply to: 2799074

Msg ID: 2799174 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +2/-1     
Author:All milk
11/18/2023 6:39:39 PM

Reply to: 2799074

and honey eh?

Why is American stock down 90% in the past few years?

Msg ID: 2799602 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +0/-0     
11/23/2023 5:02:34 PM

Reply to: 2799174

United is kicking their buttocks.

Msg ID: 2799706 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +1/-0     
11/24/2023 10:56:47 PM

Reply to: 2799174

UPS and FEDEX Captains jump to an American regional on buyouts with the understanding move up to the parent is open for a lifestyle change etc.  Only 10% to go!  Sounds interesting to me.  No clue which way it'll all go.

Msg ID: 2799573 You're just living in the Air Evac Era fallout (NT) +1/-0     
Author:Look Mom I'm Flyin'!
11/23/2023 12:06:08 PM

Reply to: 2799074

Msg ID: 2799591 You're just living in the Air Evac Era fallout +0/-0     
11/23/2023 4:06:03 PM

Reply to: 2799573


Msg ID: 2800130 HAA is the worst job known to mankind +0/-0     
11/29/2023 9:13:34 PM

Reply to: 2799074

much challenge in FW, and so easy to deal with it.
