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Msg ID: 2798655 Dare County Job +0/-0     
Author:Pay vs Housing
11/12/2023 10:43:43 AM
Really interested in the job but the pay needs to be 200k just get a 3br house within an hour of the base. Anyone trying for this job?

Msg ID: 2798658 Dare County Job +0/-3     
Author:3bdrm house????
11/12/2023 11:19:21 AM

Reply to: 2798655

rent something...your already planning on "well buying a house" .....or commute

Msg ID: 2798659 Dare County Job +1/-2     
Author:Rent is not an option
11/12/2023 11:28:50 AM

Reply to: 2798658
Renting a 3br is even more expensive than buying a house. And yes, you are required to live within an hr. Commuting in not an option.

Msg ID: 2798661 Dare County Job +0/-1     
Author:Tyrell Co.
11/12/2023 11:45:14 AM

Reply to: 2798655

Not true, you can rent a place across the bridge in Tyrell County dirt cheap. Just watch out for the black bears in road if driving at night. I would apply but live 2 hours away and not willing to move to meet their distance requirement. 

Msg ID: 2798665 Dare County Job +1/-2     
Author:could be worst
11/12/2023 12:30:43 PM

Reply to: 2798661

you could have a job with Monroe Co. flying their bird in Florida in one of the HIGHEST cost of living in the US and them paying you like $90k a interviewed with them and laughed at the pay flying a S76...they asked flat out what a GOM pilot flying a S76 pays and I told them....they said the deputies complained on the pilots making more so the Sheriff put a cap...but they apparently converted the OLD JAIL to living quarters for Sheriff dept. staff to stay there instead of commuting since so many live out of the county....Seriously, living in a jail cell sleeping quarters.....

Msg ID: 2798666 Dare County Job +0/-1     
11/12/2023 1:15:32 PM

Reply to: 2798665
The school system in Columbia is no good. They need to up the pay so people can live in Dare county

Msg ID: 2798667 Dare County Job +0/-1     
Author:Housing does not look
11/12/2023 1:47:19 PM

Reply to: 2798666

that expensive to me

Msg ID: 2798669 Dare County Job +0/-5     
11/12/2023 2:09:18 PM

Reply to: 2798666

OP said nothing about school system, only complaint was pay vs housing costs. My dad lives near Columbia and only pays $350 a month rent for a 2BR 2 BA mobile home. Housing within an hour can be had very inexpensively. Quality of life however is a different story, especially if one has kids.

Msg ID: 2798680 Dare County Job +0/-1     
11/12/2023 2:56:34 PM

Reply to: 2798678
The house prices aren't crazy but the interest rates are what make things out of reach on a single income.

Msg ID: 2798698 Dare County Job +1/-2     
Author:I’m applying
11/12/2023 5:57:34 PM

Reply to: 2798680

I already live between Columbia and Plymouth. With my military retirement and the offered salary it's easy for me.  Maybe I'll see the OP there. Doubt it thoug.

Msg ID: 2798709 Dare County Job +2/-1     
Author:Vetern OG
11/12/2023 8:16:54 PM

Reply to: 2798698

You Sir, and I use that term loosely, are the problem with Helicopter Companies and pay.

Msg ID: 2798711 Dare County Job +0/-1     
Author:Did you try to spell
11/12/2023 8:25:48 PM

Reply to: 2798709


Msg ID: 2798712 Dare County Job +0/-1     
Author:it’s called capitalism
11/12/2023 8:28:52 PM

Reply to: 2798709

supply and demand. is this guy not supposed to work to drive the demand and wages up? 

Msg ID: 2798713 Dare County Job +1/-1     
Author:Veteran OG
11/12/2023 8:35:21 PM

Reply to: 2798712
You will also drive an ambulance when aircraft is down. You will struggle with limited school options, hurricanes? House Insurance?? Know before you go.

Msg ID: 2798715 Dare County Job +0/-2     
Author:Please explain
11/12/2023 8:51:04 PM

Reply to: 2798712

How do either capitalism or supply and demand have anything to do with this situation. What it's actually called is the military stooge not knowing his worth and screwing over the rest of us by taking peanut wages because his welfar- I mean pension for some reason means he's willing to work for said peanuts. Thankfully the airlines are sucking up most of the talentless morons to act as sandbags in the right seat with a real pilot.

Msg ID: 2798719 Dare County Job +1/-1     
Author:say wut
11/12/2023 9:26:08 PM

Reply to: 2798715

the reason why somebody takes a job (or supplies the demand) doesn't matter. what matters is that the supply is met at an agreed upon price. you are probably confusing this with ethics as you seem like an idiot.

Msg ID: 2798925 Dare County Job +1/-1     
11/15/2023 12:07:27 PM

Reply to: 2798655

There is a reason there always seems to be an opening there.

Msg ID: 2799061 Dare County Job +1/-1     
11/17/2023 6:45:31 AM

Reply to: 2798925

THIS ^^^^^

Always get the skinny on the peeps in charge.

Msg ID: 2798926 Dare County Job +1/-1     
11/15/2023 12:10:02 PM

Reply to: 2798655

There is a reason there always seems to be an opening there.
