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Msg ID: 2798558 On this Day +4/-6     
Author:As a Veteran
11/11/2023 12:30:34 PM

I'd like to reflect with you all on whether we are a "free" people in a nation that is "of the people". I thought so for a long time. But the proliferation of information and misinformation on the internet has sown seeds of doubt with in me. Do we really do what we want or are the masses controled by social media and locked down in slavery by fiat interest rates? Do we have state run media?


Also the Astar is the best day vfr helicopter ever made. Unless you like a different one, then that is the best one. 

Msg ID: 2798573 On this Day +0/-2     
Author:Get pulled over
11/11/2023 2:56:26 PM

Reply to: 2798558

for speeding and you'll soon find there is no such thing as freedom.


Speed is relative.


Speeding is a lie.


We are all hurtling thru space on a giant ball of rock at a million miles an hour.  


Don't tell me I'm speeding.

Msg ID: 2798592 On this Day +6/-0     
11/11/2023 6:27:51 PM

Reply to: 2798573

A cop friend once told me how to get out of speeding tickets...







Dont drive over the limit  Laughing

Msg ID: 2798639 On this Day +4/-3     
Author:Yes, I
11/12/2023 9:53:50 AM

Reply to: 2798558

get it.  What we have now is government 'by a few, for the few' (the cabal), money talks, people walk, better said money flows via the rich entitie's paid lobbyists direction.  

We are becoming (read have been for decades) enslaved by big business.  

Defense, pharmaceutical, agriculture, subliminal advertising enticement, on and on - really boring, but, really expensive, our expense, the taxpayers.  We're now on to a debt that is @120%+ of GDP?  Government doubles in size every 15 years.  

We the people have lost control of our nation.

Msg ID: 2798696 On this Day +0/-2     
11/12/2023 5:51:33 PM

Reply to: 2798639

hurts, thus the negative responses.

Msg ID: 2798706 On this Day +2/-1     
11/12/2023 8:03:29 PM

Reply to: 2798696

You are free to leave anytime you want.


Msg ID: 2798734 On this Day +2/-1     
11/13/2023 8:17:43 AM

Reply to: 2798558

You forget a few minor details.  YOU are FREE to open your own social site or even media station.  YOU are not forced to use the banking system.  YOU can barter your work and are FREE to move as deemed necessary by YOU.  Sure there are a lot of misinformation locations saturating the internet including sites and posts such as this.  But YOU are FREE to confirm and verify and then voice YOUR opinion FREELY.  Too often people use the terms oppression, slavery, assault,... to over inflate their point of view.  THEY are FREE to do that as well.  It's about being intelligent enough to decipher between the BS and legit info.  Unfortunately, the FREEDOM to use common sense is not a law and too many choose not to.      

Msg ID: 2799178 On this Day +0/-1     
11/18/2023 6:51:16 PM

Reply to: 2798734

stuff, however the Federal government is far from its constitutional "limited government" mandate.  Time to downsize and allow the states to reclaim their character and individuality for strength and prosperity in diversification.  The Fed sucks!

Msg ID: 2799179 On this Day +0/-1     
11/18/2023 6:51:16 PM

Reply to: 2798734

stuff, however the Federal government is far from its constitutional "limited government" mandate.  Time to downsize and allow the states to reclaim their character and individuality for strength and prosperity in diversification.  The Fed sucks!
