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Msg ID: 2798510 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +4/-24     
Author:Blank Man
11/11/2023 8:03:33 AM

Veterans Day is not good for veterans it shows that they really truly have a sense of entitlement they think everybody owes them something when in fact all they did was a job that they volunteered to do.  There should be no special favors. Thousands and thousands of other people get up and go to work every day and don't ask for people to kiss their arss like most veterans do.  It's a job like any other job in this country nothing more nothing less.    Now if they were drafted and forced to do something then I would understand the entitlement but they volunteered to do this job they applied for it just like the janitor just like the helicopter pilots just like the store clerks just like people at work for any business it was a choice so stop asking us all to kiss your arss.   

Msg ID: 2798513 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +4/-2     
Author:worst post ever
11/11/2023 8:10:34 AM

Reply to: 2798510

but anything for attention

Msg ID: 2798515 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +2/-5     
11/11/2023 8:14:44 AM

Reply to: 2798510

Myself as a veteran I'm almost embarrassed sometimes because of the way the majority of veterans act.  

Msg ID: 2798516 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +3/-0     
Author:speaking of cringe behavior
11/11/2023 8:15:47 AM

Reply to: 2798515

you're the cringiest

Msg ID: 2798523 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +0/-3     
11/11/2023 8:40:41 AM

Reply to: 2798516

Comment is exactly what I was talking about with a sense of entitlement

Msg ID: 2798535 Veteran is "entitled" because he works on Veteran's Day when (NT) +4/-2     
Author:most non-veterans get it off w/pay?
11/11/2023 9:33:54 AM

Reply to: 2798523

Msg ID: 2798521 More non-Veterans get the day off than Veterans! (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Veterans has a sense of duty!
11/11/2023 8:33:14 AM

Reply to: 2798510

Msg ID: 2798522 More non-Veterans get the day off than Veterans! +0/-3     
11/11/2023 8:40:21 AM

Reply to: 2798521

Comment is exactly what I was talking about with a sense of entitlement

Msg ID: 2798536 Veteran is "entitled" because he works on Veteran's Day when (NT) +0/-2     
Author:most non-veterans get it off w/pay?
11/11/2023 9:34:59 AM

Reply to: 2798522

Msg ID: 2798524 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +5/-2     
Author:Another Vet
11/11/2023 8:42:12 AM

Reply to: 2798510

Vietnam vets are the largest population of vets living today, and a lot of them were drafted.

I actually do get where you're coming from with regard to those who define themselves by their military service from long ago.  I never did understand that.  You see it with the vanity plates and the bumper stickers all over their cars.

When I retired I was done with it.  I'll admit though, I'm not complaining about the 10% discount that I get at Home Depot.  It has saved me a lot of money over the years.

Msg ID: 2798534 And 20% off for vets at the local Dispensory +0/-1     
Author:Zig-zag Man
11/11/2023 9:24:22 AM

Reply to: 2798524


Msg ID: 2798540 Awwww. OP is crying because he lacks  +3/-0     
Author:Attention he isn’t getting
11/11/2023 10:21:28 AM

Reply to: 2798534

Today.  His Tik Toc or whatever posts are being underrated by Vet posts.  I love it.  And yeah it was more than a job millennial.  If you served you'd lnow.  Read your history. If we didn't go to Japan or Europe to fight you'd be living under a different culture FACT and occupation 

Msg ID: 2798541 Awwww. OP is crying because he lacks  +1/-2     
Author:Pull your pants down OP
11/11/2023 10:23:47 AM

Reply to: 2798540

Pull your tampon out and reinsert a new one.  Seems like you need to change it. Btw glad I am a vet. It paid for all my flight training with the GI Bill. You probably can't say the same thing 😂 

Msg ID: 2798542 Awwww. OP is crying because he lacks  +0/-4     
11/11/2023 10:25:02 AM

Reply to: 2798540

OK the veterans did a good job they protected this country they got paid for it and they moved on no further contract required. we don't have to kiss your butt for the rest of your life we owe you nothing.  You signed a contract you did your job you got paid for it contract over.  

Msg ID: 2798546 congrats....dumbest post of week (NT) +2/-0     
Author:soooooo simpleton
11/11/2023 10:54:08 AM

Reply to: 2798510

Msg ID: 2798548 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +8/-2     
Author:As a veteran
11/11/2023 11:30:31 AM

Reply to: 2798510

I always believed no one should be allowed to reproduce until having served time.



Think about it.  It'll be just like starship troopers in 1997, get your citizenship....serve.


But instead, you are chemically castrated and not allowed to seed offspring until you prove your worth.  By SERVING.


It would sure cut down on the PUZZY aZZ posts like this because this degenerate would have never been born. 


Just another jealous civilian moaning about something he knows nothing about.  GO suck on a shot gun bro.

Msg ID: 2798564 I'm conflicted as to compulsive military service... +1/-1     
11/11/2023 1:21:10 PM

Reply to: 2798548

I remember my BCT drill sergeant telling me he had a hard time with voluntary enlistees. They acted as though they were entitled, more patriotic than draftees. His perception of draftees were that they were just going to serve their obligation with minimal fuss and get back to real life...

Msg ID: 2798574 I'm conflicted as to compulsive military service... +8/-2     
Author:Another Vet
11/11/2023 3:12:18 PM

Reply to: 2798564

I actually think that the draft could benefit our youth today, but for a completely different reason than most people would think.

In Basic Training, they'd have to learn to deal with other people face-to-face, with immediate consequences resulting from their choices and behavior.  None of this anonymous, social media trolling.  Real, interpersonal interaction with live people is a skill that they don't have, but desperately need.

Msg ID: 2798551 Because they were willing to die for everyone's freedom +2/-2     
Author:An Army Guy
11/11/2023 11:54:23 AM

Reply to: 2798510

Not a fan of French guys, but...

Msg ID: 2798594 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +0/-1     
11/11/2023 6:30:35 PM

Reply to: 2798510

Not all singed up freely, some were drafted.

However, I agree that all this Hero crap is over the top. My post office has a sign up the Hero's work here, I don't get it. Somebody always need to be made feel good.

Msg ID: 2798607 Most entitled people out there are the air methods pilots (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Whining about their contract
11/11/2023 8:46:18 PM

Reply to: 2798510

Msg ID: 2798612 Most entitled people out there are the air methods pilots  +7/-0     
11/11/2023 11:35:36 PM

Reply to: 2798607

I served and did what I was asked to do. I was fortunate.  Some weren't.  When we signed up there were promises made but not keep. Some needed help that didn't get it.  I don't think most vets my age (old) really give a rip about the hero worship, but it is rankling to see all the bennies the public is giving first responders and newer generation vets.  When we came home we were told to change into our civvies so we didn't get spat on in the airport and the only way to get Agent Orange benefits was to die.  It was worse for the Korean war Vets.

The good that is coming out of today's public support is positive in the sense that the public is finally appreciating what the vets have done for this country.  Some paid a very high price and some the ultimate price.  A Simple "Thank You" does not cost anything .     

Msg ID: 2798630 Most entitled people out there are the air methods pilots  +2/-0     
Author:More tired
11/12/2023 8:57:41 AM

Reply to: 2798612

I agree 100% with what OldnTired wrote. The history of how US Veterans have been treated (especially since WWI) and how many times the government failed to keep the promises is akin to how slaves were treated. Used and then discarded. The reparations being made now for veterans (especially WWII, Korea & VietNam) is too little too late for some. Whether you were drafted or volunteered, every veteran deserves and appreciates a kind "Thank You"......

Msg ID: 2798645 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +2/-1     
Author:I get the
11/12/2023 10:17:31 AM

Reply to: 2798510

sentiment especially considering we have what is considered a volunteer armed forces.  But, that said, it is more a force paid handsomely to protect those without the nuts to stand up for themselves.  It will eventually come to the point where our age of fluffernutters of participation trophies will dwindle the volunteer force to one that needs to be drafted (like I was in 1969) so 'we the people' can once again truly be one facing realities together rather than our current fate of entitled bickering on many fronts while the volunteers get their arse handed to them.  Not a direct linkage?  Think about it.

As to vets volunteering then requiring lifetime care by the likes of you due to wounds incurred on our behalf, thinking is required there too.  Kissing their arse?  If you can't ignore things you don't understand then figure it out rather than casting chrapppp on those doing a job you choose not to do.

Some things are so simple they defy explanation - excepting to the selfish.  

Msg ID: 2798879 Veterans Day not good for veterans. (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Good post.
11/14/2023 7:07:46 PM

Reply to: 2798645

Msg ID: 2798815 Veterans Day not good for veterans.  +0/-3     
Author:You're an idiot
11/13/2023 11:54:57 PM

Reply to: 2798510

Get a life loser.
