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Msg ID: 2798344 Life in the gulf +1/-1     
11/9/2023 1:00:47 PM

What's the pay like there? There's a recent ad for RLC saying you can make about $100,000 starting out. I know a lot of the helicopter industry has had some pretty major pay bumps in the last couple years. Did that happen in the gulf also?  I always remembered RLC, being the place where you got paid the least. Did that change?

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Msg ID: 2798353 Life in the gulf +3/-1     
Author:That's where
11/9/2023 2:01:14 PM

Reply to: 2798344

they will start you out if you come to them from PHI with 20 years of Heavy experience.

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Msg ID: 2798354 Life in the gulf +0/-2     
Author:say wut
11/9/2023 2:06:59 PM

Reply to: 2798353

lots of 92 captains from PHI trying to get on at RLC

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Msg ID: 2798602 Life in the gulf +2/-1     
11/11/2023 8:16:59 PM

Reply to: 2798344

They are paying a daily bonus right now so with per diem it will be $100k

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Msg ID: 2798773 Life in the gulf +1/-1     
Author:Big Tex
11/13/2023 1:52:20 PM

Reply to: 2798602

RLC pays travel, $100/day bonus plus per-diem. You'll start off around $70-80k plus your bonuses so yes, $100k is realistic.

Meanwhile PHI is still only paying 3% 401k and some people are really excited about the new pay scale 😂 fools

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