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Msg ID: 2798289 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +9/-5     
Author:Birds for HAA fighting for scraps
11/9/2023 1:13:44 AM

Thrown in the garbage cans by your top heavy management.  Even the Tards flying medium helicopters for HAA getting paid turds.  Entertainment at it's best on here. 

Msg ID: 2798300 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +3/-1     
Author:Not to
11/9/2023 7:10:55 AM

Reply to: 2798289

mention the Union suck ups. Bunch of 🤡

Msg ID: 2798302 what's funnier +0/-4     
Author:is you dumb dorks
11/9/2023 7:34:11 AM

Reply to: 2798300

are so worked up about a job you can't get. emoji boy got canned years ago

Msg ID: 2798312 what's funnier (NT) +0/-0     
Author:not hard to get ems job
11/9/2023 9:00:28 AM

Reply to: 2798302

Msg ID: 2798314 what's funnier +0/-2     
11/9/2023 9:02:44 AM

Reply to: 2798312

that's what makes the dorks even more pitiful lol

Msg ID: 2798316 what's funnier +1/-0     
Author:Ive seen your posts
11/9/2023 9:11:25 AM

Reply to: 2798314

I want to congratulate you on your style of insulting others. Very mature. VERY witty. 

Msg ID: 2798309 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +1/-5     
Author:Ex orange
11/9/2023 8:34:54 AM

Reply to: 2798289

 Hmm... I flew big birds for a couple years. Went back to 500's for far more money. 

Msg ID: 2798313 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +2/-2     
Author:i went back to robbies
11/9/2023 9:02:25 AM

Reply to: 2798309

making millions

Msg ID: 2798321 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +0/-4     
Author:I’m sure you had too with
11/9/2023 9:36:54 AM

Reply to: 2798309

All the child support you have to pay from all your ex wives because nobody wants to really be with you

Msg ID: 2798324 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little (NT) +2/-1     
Author:Were you not hugged as a baby?
11/9/2023 10:18:13 AM

Reply to: 2798321

Msg ID: 2798334 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +1/-1     
11/9/2023 11:01:11 AM

Reply to: 2798324

What a Band of Brothers !!! And you wonder why the world considers you unprofessional.

Msg ID: 2798338 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +3/-2     
Author:chill old man
11/9/2023 12:13:10 PM

Reply to: 2798334

It was never a band of brothers outside your own unit. F the rest. Battle it out for your own but the further you get from your unit, the more it all disolves. Brotherhood and trust is small circle. 

Argue that one. 

Msg ID: 2798350 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +0/-2     
11/9/2023 1:50:04 PM

Reply to: 2798338

do battle on an anonymous internet forum lol

Msg ID: 2798649 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +0/-1     
Author:I tend to
11/12/2023 10:29:49 AM

Reply to: 2798338

somewhat agree.  Try this - go to a war zone, get assigned to a unit of those you never met, and have it happen two more times in one year.  Becomes an exercise in survival, not cohesive unit behavior.  Definitely not healthy in any respect.  

Msg ID: 2798349 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +1/-3     
Author:Utility guy
11/9/2023 1:49:38 PM

Reply to: 2798309

I know a dozen guys who went from the crane or 61 to the 500. most of them stayed with the 500, but a few went back. I think the money is comparable, a 500 is just a lot more fun, and you dont have to deal with usfs or international bs.

Msg ID: 2798380 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +1/-1     
11/9/2023 10:09:50 PM

Reply to: 2798309

Don't avoid looking at corporate aviation, at least those companies that hire direct.  Life quality and compensation can be far higher than you might suspect.

Msg ID: 2798804 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +0/-1     
11/13/2023 9:08:29 PM

Reply to: 2798289

The main reason helo pilots are paid significantly less than the 121 or higher end corporate pilots is due to the compensated seat-miles of paying passengers.  Helo, especially HAA, only transport one patient at a time [with a 43% reimbursment rate] compared to an A320 carrying 186 pre-paid passengers.  


Msg ID: 2798882 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +1/-1     
11/14/2023 7:16:27 PM

Reply to: 2798804

First in, first out.  Economy good, life good.  Economy bad, life bad.  

Believe it or not flying for a high end corporation usually weathers all the ups and downs.  

Msg ID: 2798884 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little  +0/-1     
Author:or you could just say
11/14/2023 7:19:16 PM

Reply to: 2798804

the airplanes carry more passengers. shut up about seat miles

Msg ID: 2798886 Pretty funny how all you Dweebs flying little (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Over Your Head???
11/14/2023 7:34:42 PM

Reply to: 2798884
