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Msg ID: 2796081 FAA Action +0/-4     
Author:14 CFR 91.13A
10/14/2023 2:34:07 PM

Got accused of careless or reckless action by the Med Crew. It was reported to the FAA.

The FAA wrote...

It has been determined that this matter does not warrant legal enforcement action, the alleged violation(s) will be made a matter of record. Records concerning individuals will be expunged 2 years after the date of issuance. 

Can I expect the 'alleged violation(s)' to disappear from my record after 2 years?

If I change jobs in three years time will it show up on a background check and do I still need to declare it?

Will it always be secretly on my record, to be used against me if I was to have an incident in the future?

This has been a stressful event. Thanks for input in advance.

Msg ID: 2796082 How do you report careless or reckless actions by the medical crews? (NT) +0/-2     
Author:They win that one pound for pound
10/14/2023 2:39:29 PM

Reply to: 2796081

Msg ID: 2796085 How do you report careless or reckless actions by the medical crews? +2/-3     
10/14/2023 2:57:31 PM

Reply to: 2796082

What did your CP or DO say about the event?  That should tell you.

Msg ID: 2796095 They said the customer complained and want you removed from (NT) +0/-1     
Author:their program. You'd better kowtow buddy
10/14/2023 5:43:15 PM

Reply to: 2796085

Msg ID: 2796099 They said the customer complained and want you removed from +0/-1     
Author:yeah bro
10/14/2023 7:26:40 PM

Reply to: 2796095

I'm sure the pilot would want to stay

Msg ID: 2796607 How do you report careless or reckless actions by the medical crews? +0/-0     
10/21/2023 4:28:18 PM

Reply to: 2796082

not governed under Part 91 but report away to see what happens, seriously, have a go.

I had a medic tell me he was going to get on aviation vhf next time the pilot does not do what he chose and complain to the tower.  

Had a discussion about a mild form of hijacking fronts and he simmered down.   Complete tool.

Msg ID: 2796086 FAA Action +5/-2     
Author:In 2
10/14/2023 2:59:31 PM

Reply to: 2796081

years check on the record and deal A/R.  As to the rest of it ignore your concerns unless asked by an authority and then check whether you need to disclose.  Trying to ascertain all these answers in the present may not reflect applicability in the future environments.  Relax and have fun.  Yeah, it is all stressful, which you control.  Don' sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff.

Msg ID: 2796087 FAA Action +2/-6     
Author:yeah. the future enviroments
10/14/2023 3:15:32 PM

Reply to: 2796086

"Trying to ascertain all these answers in the present may not reflect applicability in the future environments."

say wut lol

Msg ID: 2796126 FAA Action +2/-1     
Author:New IP Guy
10/15/2023 6:38:46 AM

Reply to: 2796087

In response to your "say wut, lol" wut is you are a turd of a human being. That's wut. lol.

Msg ID: 2796141 FAA Action +1/-1     
10/15/2023 9:21:28 AM

Reply to: 2796087

Thinking, not reacting in legal matters, will always be your best choice.  Try it.

Msg ID: 2796096 FAA Action +3/-3     
Author:I had similar
10/14/2023 6:52:30 PM

Reply to: 2796081

I and 3 other pilots at my base had a letter put on file due to an over flown transponder inspection ( this was around 2007 . I spoke to FAA about it as I thought it was unfair because at the time we had a one sheet maintenance update, so we were unaware. The company got fined by the FAA. I think it was around 25,000 and they told us it was no big deal and we shouldn't worry about the letter being put on file for each of us. I called them on the anniversary two years later in Oklahoma, to confirm that it was taken off of our record which they confirmed it was. but even so when I interviewed with Air Methods in 2010 I still told them about it just in case and they thanked me for my honesty and agreed that it was not a big concern and that many people get such letters us put on file.

so I would say that yes, they do delete the file after two years, but to be on the safe side just explain your side of the story, and I would believe that most companies would understand that you did not need to tell them, especially if it's gone past the two-year mark and at the end of the day honesty is the best policy at least for me It has been and I have been flying HEMS for 20 years. 

i know it will hurt you personally but I  believe it will not hurt you professionally.

Msg ID: 2796097 FAA Action +0/-1     
Author:yeah but
10/14/2023 7:01:53 PM

Reply to: 2796096

unlike you, he did not get violated so he shouldn't have to tell anybody anything

Msg ID: 2796130 FAA Action +0/-1     
Author:Like me he got
10/15/2023 7:54:18 AM

Reply to: 2796097

Like me he got A letter of record .. it was my company that got fined . My letter had the same no action needed etc etc .  And the two year on file notice..

Msg ID: 2796131 FAA Action +0/-1     
Author:you flew an unairworthy aircraft
10/15/2023 8:11:26 AM

Reply to: 2796130

the other guy did nothing wrong

Msg ID: 2796133 FAA Action +0/-1     
Author:and no
10/15/2023 8:14:35 AM

Reply to: 2796131

 a lot of people do not get violation letters and yes, it can be a big deal

Msg ID: 2796134 FAA Action +0/-1     
Author:the difference is
10/15/2023 8:28:19 AM

Reply to: 2796133

you got a letter saying you violated a regulation, the other guy got a letter saying he didn't. get it? there is no "similarity" between the situations.

"and they thanked me for my honesty and agreed that it was not a big concern and that many people get such letters us put on file."

honesty? lol. you were *required* to report it on the application and if you didn't, bye bye job when they found out about it. I also like the way you attempt to duck responsibility with some bs about "one sheet mx update". what does that mean? was it on the sheet or wasn't it? your story doesn't make sense.

Msg ID: 2796139 FAA Action +1/-1     
Author:One last try lol
10/15/2023 9:19:16 AM

Reply to: 2796134

Back when this happened the one blue sheet is all we had for maint records for our progressive maint  program .. also log books were kept at Head Office Not on aircraft. The FAA said we had all flown unairworthy aircraft and  that maint item was missed .. also I called

Oklahoma before my interview with AMC and they told me letter was no longer on file and I was not required to report , but i did anyway as I had  to rely on maint report sheet and item was omitted  by maint dept.

same thing can happen on your iPad with Ramco lol..dates can be wrong hours input wrong etc etc .. even if it's not you , aircraft is still considered unairworthy and you will still get a letter to record  that it happened but it does not make you liable in every case. 

Just my 2 cents on what happened to me a long time ago. A lot has changed since but a lot is still the same 😊
I am not looking for a pat on the back or I am a great peelot. I am a Pion and it pays to be one , for me anyway 

Msg ID: 2796147 FAA Action +0/-1     
Author:if the company asks if you have had
10/15/2023 9:41:55 AM

Reply to: 2796139

any violations, you have to tell them. you did have a violation. the FAA would never tell you that you don't have to report a violation because what an employer may require for employment has NOTHING to do with them other than PRIA records.

in 2007, part 135 aircraft log books were REQUIRED to be on the aircraft, not at any "head office". now you're saying the transponder was "omitted". huh.

I would say you would be considered "liable" since the FAA violated you!

Msg ID: 2796148 FAA Action +3/-1     
Author:I give up
10/15/2023 10:09:33 AM

Reply to: 2796147

You are so smart I am dumb it  I imagined it all... It  happened like you said and i have a violation on my record .. lol and that's what the letter says not what I think and yes all company's kept on the log books ontheheli I just couldn't find it , and we had iPads back then too not a blue sheet with next due and we all wore helmets and had NVGS in early 2000.. you were there I was not ..I fly a Robby and get paid 3fiddy. 
I wish I was like you but unfortunately I am a looser and hope to be like you one day with lots of friends 😁


Msg ID: 2796150 FAA Action +0/-1     
Author:one question
10/15/2023 10:42:44 AM

Reply to: 2796148

did the FAA consider it a violation. 

Msg ID: 2796098 FAA Action +1/-1     
10/14/2023 7:08:34 PM

Reply to: 2796081

What did the self loaders say you did?

Msg ID: 2796227 When you complained to HR about hostile work environment +0/-1     
Author:what happened?
10/16/2023 12:35:50 PM

Reply to: 2796081

I bet nothing, I bet you didn't complain to HR about hostile work environment.  That's how the med crew win every time, because they're willing to complain to the bureaucracy.  Offense is the best defense.

Msg ID: 2796244 If Medcrew can’t control you they will  +0/-1     
Author:Destroy you anyway they can
10/16/2023 4:37:58 PM

Reply to: 2796081

Nothing but bullies allowed to operate untouched by management. 

Msg ID: 2796257 How about you tell everyone (NT) +0/-0     
Author:What you did?
10/16/2023 11:14:08 PM

Reply to: 2796081

Msg ID: 2796264 How about you tell everyone  +0/-1     
Author:you must be the dude
10/17/2023 6:23:54 AM

Reply to: 2796257

looking for bill bryson lol

Msg ID: 2797341 FAA Action I Call B.S.  +0/-0     
10/30/2023 9:10:46 AM

Reply to: 2796081

I call B.S. because "Carless and reckless is a secondary regulation". It is a supporting regulation.   

Msg ID: 2797410 FAA Action I Call B.S.  +0/-0     
Author:New IP Guy
10/30/2023 4:49:17 PM

Reply to: 2797341

The med crews wouldn't know that. They are the ones who complained. If you thought about that, the OP's claim would have every bit of credibility. Try thinking before you post.
