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Msg ID: 2795696 Vuichard method  +10/-2     
Author:I do not practice it
10/7/2023 9:00:27 AM

If I had a simulator I absolutely would. It's the lesser evil in swp close to the ground. Practicing the Vuichard At 2-3k feet puts the whole flight at risk for chopping the tail boom off. There have been accidents to show. 

losing the T/R at below ETL from that height is straight up a nightmare. Innovating flight techniques is something I really enjoy, but it's time to restrict that particular one to sims. I WOULD NOT let anyone talk me into doing it in flight. 

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Msg ID: 2795697 Vuichard method  +1/-4     
Author:Steve Steve
10/7/2023 9:12:58 AM

Reply to: 2795696

Thats the method that chopped the tail boom off the B429 in Ohio with a Bell factory instructor on board.    Bell says the flight manual now states in is not an authorized manuver in any Bell helicopter.   Tail booms are not stressed for the manuver.   

In fact the only helicopter that the flight manual authorizes the manuver is the Robinson and Chinook.    

That manuver was carried over from that 1st class ARMY training and it is NOT a valid manuver.  

W4 know it all's.    

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Msg ID: 2795702 What is your official source for that? +3/-2     
10/7/2023 9:50:45 AM

Reply to: 2795697

Thats the method that chopped the tail boom off the B429 in Ohio with a Bell factory instructor on board.


I realize you are speculating here, unless you can cite an offical source.   Not saying you are incorrect, but I'm not accepting you being correct either!   IOW's, prove what you are saying beyond just saying it!

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Msg ID: 2795704 What is your official source for that? +1/-1     
10/7/2023 10:04:02 AM

Reply to: 2795702

You say you realize he is speculating then ask him for an official source LOL. Vuichard is dangerous bro 

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Msg ID: 2795706 If he [you] can't provide an official source, then he's speculating! +2/-2     
Author:Pretty simple concept!
10/7/2023 10:27:53 AM

Reply to: 2795704

He [you] have your chance to prove it!  Otherwise, you are [he is]  speculating [guessing without proof]

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Msg ID: 2795710 Where is your official accident report for that?? +1/-1     
Author:What qualifies your statement here?
10/7/2023 10:59:53 AM

Reply to: 2795697

You got any citations to official accident reports?  Or are you just speculating??

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Msg ID: 2795698 Vuichard method We are teaching POORLY +3/-5     
10/7/2023 9:16:34 AM

Reply to: 2795696

Instead of teaching the Vuichard maneuver we need to teach identification and great avoidance of vortex ring state. Another ARMY fail.   

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Msg ID: 2795708 Vuichard method We are teaching POORLY +1/-1     
Author:we already teach
10/7/2023 10:29:53 AM

Reply to: 2795698

identification and avoidance. maybe not "great" avoidance whatever the hell that means

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Msg ID: 2795729 Vuichard method We are teaching POORLY +0/-1     
Author:just needs to be reposted
10/7/2023 3:30:16 PM

Reply to: 2795708



Let's suppose you are considering transitioning and are looking for encouragement and positive reinforcement from your co-pilot. This would be a very personal and private conversation. Management doesn't need to know this until you are ready to tell them.

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Msg ID: 2796058 Vuichard method We are teaching POORLY +0/-1     
10/14/2023 10:38:35 AM

Reply to: 2795698

definitely the big deal.  I taught early recognition and response of slightly decreasing collective and slight forward cyclic on initial detection.  Students later in career said it worked well.  

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Msg ID: 2795714 MD +2/-1     
Author:Bell Fanboy
10/7/2023 11:24:38 AM

Reply to: 2795696
Practiced it lots in a 500 at 1000ft AGL. No issues.

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Msg ID: 2795735 MD +0/-2     
Author:Narrow minded
10/7/2023 4:54:03 PM

Reply to: 2795714

There's more than just MD 500 in the industry 

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Msg ID: 2795737 Vuichard method  +4/-4     
Author:VRS is the same as
10/7/2023 6:20:31 PM

Reply to: 2795696

self-inflicted gunshot wounds....the simple solution is to not shoot yourself. 

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Msg ID: 2795761 Vuichard method  +2/-1     
Author:only one problem
10/8/2023 9:10:27 AM

Reply to: 2795737

until people no longer shoot themselves, that will be a stupid thing to say 

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Msg ID: 2795764 Play stupid games, win stupid prizes... (NT) +1/-2     
Author:Just that simple.
10/8/2023 11:08:27 AM

Reply to: 2795761

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Msg ID: 2795771 Play stupid games, win stupid prizes... +0/-1     
Author:until it's a perfect world
10/8/2023 1:49:31 PM

Reply to: 2795764

that's meaningless

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Msg ID: 2795773 It's not meaningless, it's chlorine (NT) +0/-1     
Author:for the gene pool.
10/8/2023 2:47:14 PM

Reply to: 2795771

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Msg ID: 2795820 Vuichard method  +0/-3     
Author:One maneuver wonder.....yawn
10/9/2023 9:41:39 AM

Reply to: 2795696

Kind of like Fred North. One event from being irrelevant.

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Msg ID: 2795839 Vuichard method  +0/-1     
Author:how many maneuvers you
10/9/2023 4:31:10 PM

Reply to: 2795820

got bro lol

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Msg ID: 2795842 Bro (NT) +0/-1     
Author:What are you, 13?
10/9/2023 6:42:21 PM

Reply to: 2795839

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Msg ID: 2795863 Bro +1/-1     
Author:you don’t have
10/10/2023 3:53:48 AM

Reply to: 2795842

a maneuver so you are irrelevant bro. yawn

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