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Msg ID: 2795680 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +6/-1     
10/6/2023 11:29:34 PM

Wow, I heard today that Air-Evac is going to absorb the Reach and MedTrans certificates.  

Goodbye Reach and goodbye, MedTrans.   Looks like they won't need a couple of DO's and chief pilots anymore.



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Msg ID: 2795681 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +2/-1     
10/6/2023 11:30:31 PM

Reply to: 2795680

They are all under GMR so it makes sense.  

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Msg ID: 2795684 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +0/-1     
10/7/2023 12:01:34 AM

Reply to: 2795680

Curious to know if AEL absorbes MTC and Reach that all training will relocate to O'fallon. If so, that's a lot of of wasted money on the new facility in Denton, TX. 

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Msg ID: 2795687 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +5/-1     
Author:Sure, sure, sure
10/7/2023 1:05:04 AM

Reply to: 2795680

If you can't post a credible source then you just look like an idiot.

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Msg ID: 2795688 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +1/-2     
Author:I’ve been a good boy
10/7/2023 1:08:40 AM

Reply to: 2795680

I heard Santa is bringing all the pilots at Air Methods a Lamborghini this year. 

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Msg ID: 2795689 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +0/-1     
10/7/2023 7:13:44 AM

Reply to: 2795680

I'm sure those guys will be sent back to fly the line and they will cut their pay in half.

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Msg ID: 2795690 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +7/-1     
10/7/2023 7:38:50 AM

Reply to: 2795689

Obviously havent heard any of that here but I'm sure the conversation of merging any combination of the 135 Certs that GMR owns has happened.  Most folks involved in the aviation side know that you never give up a clean 135 cert as getting them from the FAA especially now is a long drawn out process.  Plus if you have any enforcements that potentially climb to the point of surrendering a certificate then having your assets divided across a few certs keeps damage control to a minimum.  I'm sure the bean counters look at the various DO, CP and DOM salaries while its tempting to eliminate an extra 6 or 9 of those I dont think they would pull the trigger.  MTC has leadership directly with GMR so before they decided to break ground on a new simulator facility I'm sure someone got the info that they wouldnt just be pulling the plug and if it was going to go the other way they would absorb the others into the MTC cert not the AE.

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Msg ID: 2795692 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +4/-1     
10/7/2023 8:41:59 AM

Reply to: 2795690

I don't think any training facility or building would go away under the merger they would all just carry one name and the pilots would have to be trained and checked on the new certificate not a big deal. 

The only difference would be everybody would be wearing a Air-Evac Lifeteam flight suit.   

I heard the same thing about a month ago.   He said that's why some of the med trans instructors and check Airman are already working for checked out and giving check rides and training for air Evac cert.  

There is an incredible amount of man hours and time that goes into maintaining each certificate that could all be consolidated into one.   It's not just as simple as saying oh look we have a certificate and it takes care of itself.     

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Msg ID: 2795691 Economies of Scale has it's benefits! (NT) +0/-0     
10/7/2023 7:56:28 AM

Reply to: 2795680

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Msg ID: 2795695 Certificate merger +1/-1     
10/7/2023 8:58:12 AM

Reply to: 2795680

Just to add to your story,   about a month ago I was taking my 24 month check airman observation ride with the FAA and the Director of Operations from both Air Evec and MedTrans were there and I overheard conversation between the three of them that they are actively completing the consolidation of the Training Manuals and General Operations Manuals and have almost completed FAA approval.   The FAA POI  inspector for Air Evec also stated the draft copy is complete for the consolidated OpsSpecs.    So Yes it is going to happen.   And the three of them didnt act like it was and Top-Secrete info.  

Its all nothing to worry about.  Its a good smart decision.  Having three certs has NO advantage.  And it is expensive to maintain.   

Heck I remember when Air Evac had 15 aircraft.   Now they just opened base number 174.    Impressive.  


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Msg ID: 2795717 Certificate merger +0/-2     
Author:Hahaha. Exactly
10/7/2023 12:35:53 PM

Reply to: 2795712

Not even remotely true.  They are all part of GMR and operate and will separately.   I heard SANTA is bringing AMC and Poor PHI guys a 1% raise.  That's all they get 

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Msg ID: 2795718 FUNNY how someone throws a grenade in  +0/-1     
Author:The room and walks away
10/7/2023 12:38:27 PM

Reply to: 2795717

To see the rumors spread. Lol.  Wow. Talk about the clickbait you all fell for.   I heard PHI will be sold to. GMR like before in the offer they had  and guttted And chopped up.  

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Msg ID: 2795733 Certificate merger +1/-1     
10/7/2023 4:12:08 PM

Reply to: 2795695

I know for a fact MTC check airman/ instructors giving training and check rides to AEL pilots. 

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Msg ID: 2795732 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +0/-2     
10/7/2023 4:06:07 PM

Reply to: 2795680

They keep the certificates separate for liability reasons. 

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Msg ID: 2795743 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +0/-6     
Author:Your name here
10/7/2023 7:24:57 PM

Reply to: 2795732

Liability reasons? That doesn't even make sense. No companies going to act or operate. In such a way that they lose their certificate. It's never happened.

any, and all certificate could crash a few helicopters kill a few people and still keep on Truckin. 

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Msg ID: 2795745 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +1/-2     
10/7/2023 9:02:35 PM

Reply to: 2795743

Go back to practicing inserting a foley on your murse, bro. 

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Msg ID: 2795785 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +3/-2     
Author:Airevac OWNS everybody!
10/8/2023 5:18:57 PM

Reply to: 2795680

Who could have ever predicted that?

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Msg ID: 2795855 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +0/-5     
Author:Hey dummy
10/9/2023 10:08:47 PM

Reply to: 2795785

AEL is owned by GMR.  GMR owns 8 air ambulance companies

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Msg ID: 2795913 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +0/-1     
10/11/2023 8:48:01 AM

Reply to: 2795855

That's right and they are merging certificates to illuminate management personnel.

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Msg ID: 2795919 Med-Trans, Reach, AirEvac +0/-1     
Author:The fact that
10/11/2023 10:42:31 AM

Reply to: 2795913
you are privy to this information proves that it's total BS. Nuff said

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Msg ID: 2795996 Not privy was just told.  +1/-1     
10/13/2023 10:52:27 AM

Reply to: 2795919

Not privy to any info.     The Med-Trans D.O. told us when we were in Denton.  Said it wasnt a secrete but keep in low.     An official email will go out soon.    

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