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Msg ID: 2793832 Classic Air Medical  +20/-1     
Author:Ft Mohave, AZ pilots
9/17/2023 4:11:38 AM

Who in their Rabbit Azz mind would be willing to relocate to that hell hole for the money they are paying?  What a bunch of buffoons in management.  Hey management, you better provide an outstanding place to live there (if that's even possible) and increased the pay by at least 100%.  Geeze 

Msg ID: 2793833 These HAA companies still don’t realize  +5/-1     
9/17/2023 5:10:33 AM

Reply to: 2793832


Msg ID: 2793835 These HAA companies still don’t realize  +0/-2     
9/17/2023 7:06:27 AM

Reply to: 2793833

they don't realize that at all and boy are they going to be shocked because they don't realize that

Msg ID: 2793837 These HAA companies still don’t realize  +0/-1     
9/17/2023 7:36:57 AM

Reply to: 2793835


Msg ID: 2793973 There will always be a starving pilot +1/-0     
Author:that will take the most miserable job
9/18/2023 10:07:28 AM

Reply to: 2793833

because he needs the flight time or he has no other place to go. 

Msg ID: 2793977 There will always be a starving pilot +0/-0     
Author:say wut
9/18/2023 10:45:46 AM

Reply to: 2793973

if you qualify for the job, you don't need flight time. I also have to tell you that you can't just walk in and start working. you have to do something called "getting hired".

Msg ID: 2793978 There will always be a starving pilot +0/-0     
9/18/2023 10:48:56 AM

Reply to: 2793977

if you need flight time, EMS is where you go. in five years you might get a thousand hours. all kinds of doors open up then lol

Msg ID: 2793986 These HAA companies still don’t realize  +0/-0     
9/18/2023 3:22:25 PM

Reply to: 2793833

and Idaho.  Bunch of redneck white supremenists 

Msg ID: 2793839 Classic Air Medical  +7/-2     
9/17/2023 8:48:48 AM

Reply to: 2793832

I will tell you who will take those jobs. It will be the R22 and R44 instructors who have been sitting in the left seat doing little flying and making endless trips around the traffic pattern. 

Msg ID: 2793840 Classic Air Medical  +8/-1     
9/17/2023 9:07:23 AM

Reply to: 2793839

all the ems companies hire 1000 hour robbie pilots. good post bro

Msg ID: 2793841 Classic Air Medical  +1/-2     
Author:And I will tell you who won't be
9/17/2023 9:29:53 AM

Reply to: 2793839

offering robbie instructors those jobs: ems companies but good point bro. any other words of wisdom you like to pass on 

Msg ID: 2793843 Classic Air Medical  +9/-1     
Author:this is a really
9/17/2023 9:37:20 AM

Reply to: 2793841

great thread full of interesting information from industry insiders that you just can't get anywhere else.

Msg ID: 2793844 Classic Air Medical  +1/-2     
Author:ft mohave
9/17/2023 9:49:29 AM

Reply to: 2793832

it actually looks like a pretty decent place to live. they have lots of homes for sale with giant attached garages so you have a place to keep your abrams tank when you're not using it.

Msg ID: 2793845 Classic Air Medical  +1/-3     
9/17/2023 9:57:06 AM

Reply to: 2793832

Aside from being hot as ballz in the summer, that area actually has quite a bit to offer. Nice homes in the Laughlin/Bullhead City area, boating on the Colorado river is awesome, and there is tons of offroading in that area. I dont live there but we make multiple trips out there every year.

Msg ID: 2793846 Classic Air Medical  +1/-2     
9/17/2023 10:55:05 AM

Reply to: 2793845

''$81,785.60 to $116,896 based on previous experience and willingness to relocate within 30 minutes of the assigned base (with up to $30,000 in sign on bonus and location stipend).''

seems they know it's hard to fill based on the range and options. If you have no experience and want to commute you can make air methods money. If you happen to want to live there and have some experience it seems you could make some good money for EMS. If you know how to negotiate you could probably make money and commute from South Vegas area or bullhead. 

Msg ID: 2793864 That's stand AMC pay man +0/-0     
Author:AMC Guy
9/17/2023 1:07:11 PM

Reply to: 2793846
Standard entry ay at for AMC. They'll pay around $3K toward a move after you've been there 6 months if I remember right. If you negotiate you can probably pull off mid to higher end of that scale. Not sure of cost of living for that area to know if worth it or how near sister bases are to help get OT. And AMC does hire lots of robbie rangers. Worked at AMC twice and both indocs half the classes were them and half were really experienced guys from all career backgrounds. The robbie rangers had all just done their minimum 1 yr of tours in the canyon or gulf flying to land an EMS job (not that that was a requirement but it seemed like AMC wanted 1 yr min experience after all the robbie time/experience). That was before the big pilot shortage so no telling what it's like now.

Msg ID: 2793873 That's stand AMC pay man +1/-1     
Author:AMC hires zero robbie pilots
9/17/2023 1:35:07 PM

Reply to: 2793864

they hire civilian pilots that trained and instructed in pistons, moved into turbines in the GOM or tours and got their 2,000 hours, 500 in turbines. 

Msg ID: 2793890 Right... +1/-1     
Author:Airplane Andrew
9/17/2023 3:41:35 PM

Reply to: 2793873
That's why they're called "Robbie Rangers"; spent majority of their time in Robinsons. Bare mins to get their turbine time. Yes, there are other pistons out there or other bare bones cockpit helicopters. And yes, we know that robbies have turbines in them now. Just an aircraft with a very minimal RFM, typically pay lowest because the missions for them are pretty mundane (mostly), and it's the only helicopter that has a safety related FAR that requires a safety course and certain amount of time to be signed off. It's "special". Granted, it's the 2nd most widely produced helicopter in the world after the UH-1 Huey I believe (pretty sure it beat out the 206/407 series and Mi-8/Mi-17 series this past decade). So of course there's a lot of them out there. Don't be so offended... you're just popular😊

Msg ID: 2793899 Right... +0/-2     
Author:civilian guy
9/17/2023 6:02:03 PM

Reply to: 2793890

I have never flown a robinson but I have never heard a pilot called a robbie ranger unless they flew a robinson. By the time they get to AMC, most pilots have not spent most of their time in a robinson but if you want to call them robbie rangers, have a ball.

Msg ID: 2793900 Right... +0/-1     
Author: that's funny
9/17/2023 6:14:41 PM

Reply to: 2793899

airplane andrew explains robinsons lol

Msg ID: 2793908 Right... +0/-1     
Author:the robinson
9/17/2023 7:35:21 PM

Reply to: 2793900

the aircraft with a very minimal rfm with mundane missions lol

Msg ID: 2793851 Classic Air Medical  +1/-3     
Author:the money they are paying
9/17/2023 11:20:58 AM

Reply to: 2793832

home slice op thinks they should be paying $162 to 232k plus housing for this job lol


"$81,785.60 to $116,896 based on previous experience and willingness to relocate within 30 minutes of the assigned base (with up to $30,000 in sign on bonus and location stipend)."



Msg ID: 2793934 Yes Pedro, I’m texting in English or American  +0/-2     
9/17/2023 10:08:24 PM

Reply to: 2793920

how much money would make it a worthwhile job 

Msg ID: 2793951 Yes Pedro, I’m texting in English or American (NT) +1/-0     
9/17/2023 10:54:58 PM

Reply to: 2793934

Msg ID: 2794003 High Desert Biker Meth Lab Trailer Parks  +0/-0     
Author:Your 1971 single wide trailer
9/18/2023 7:12:54 PM

Reply to: 2793832

You'll be renting will get broken into every month. 

Msg ID: 2794005 Classic Air Medical  +0/-0     
9/18/2023 8:02:01 PM

Reply to: 2793832

Then dont apply for the job if you dont like what theyre offering you f'ing clown. Ya probably mad because Classic never returned your email

Msg ID: 2794011 Hire an illegal alien mexican invader scümbag (NT) +0/-1     
Author:Pay em with rice n’ beans
9/18/2023 9:34:46 PM

Reply to: 2794005

Msg ID: 2794024 Hire an illegal alien mexican invader scümbag  +1/-0     
Author:first you are afraid
9/19/2023 12:31:32 AM

Reply to: 2794011

they're going to take your job and at the same time you want to give it to them

Msg ID: 2794032 they have such a good work ethic, the best (NT) +0/-1     
9/19/2023 9:18:46 AM

Reply to: 2794011

Msg ID: 2794169 Classic Air Medical  +0/-0     
Author:If the need
9/19/2023 7:24:37 PM

Reply to: 2793832

for a helicopter exists u can bet it's not in a vacation spot.
