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Msg ID: 2793673 Difference between forward momentum +0/-0     
Author:And translational lift?
9/15/2023 8:13:35 PM

when I creep forward on takeoff I feel like I achieve more momentum than any kind of aerodynamic lift. How do I explain this? 

Msg ID: 2793676 Difference between forward momentum +2/-0     
9/15/2023 8:25:58 PM

Reply to: 2793673

It's all smoke and mirrors 

Msg ID: 2793677 Difference between forward momentum +0/-0     
Author:you have momentum
9/15/2023 8:26:22 PM

Reply to: 2793673

but that's not what keeps you flying so who cares

Msg ID: 2793678 Difference between forward momentum +3/-0     
Author:You got this
9/15/2023 8:35:38 PM

Reply to: 2793673

The forward movement is cleaning the disc of turbulent air which will create lift if you don't continue to push forward.

Msg ID: 2794704 Difference between forward momentum +0/-0     
Author:New IP Guy
9/25/2023 7:48:52 AM

Reply to: 2793678

In still air.

Msg ID: 2793681 Northern hemisphere, or southern? (NT) +2/-0     
9/15/2023 10:11:16 PM

Reply to: 2793673

Msg ID: 2793688 Difference between forward momentum +0/-0     
9/15/2023 10:52:26 PM

Reply to: 2793673

Clean air over the disc? What kind of hoopty explanation is that? Clearly it's momentum at work 

Msg ID: 2793695 Difference between forward momentum +0/-0     
Author:if it was clear
9/16/2023 6:57:03 AM

Reply to: 2793688

you could explain it 

Msg ID: 2793721 Difference between forward momentum +4/-1     
9/16/2023 8:04:47 AM

Reply to: 2793720

There's actually a takeoff technique called the 'cushion creep' It sounds like what you're explaining is something like this technique. Not that any of the JH faithful would know of it or how to use it though (Including me!) It actually involves finesse and skill; not union, not HAA, armchair piloting, poor spelling, poor grammar, or any of the other usual banter found here. 


Msg ID: 2793723 Difference between forward momentum +0/-1     
Author:it also has nothing to do
9/16/2023 8:08:54 AM

Reply to: 2793721

with momentum and has nothing to do with what the  op is talking about

Msg ID: 2793725 Difference between forward momentum +1/-0     
Author:forward movement or momentum
9/16/2023 8:42:07 AM

Reply to: 2793723

does not generate lift. airspeed does. that's why an airplane can be flying with zero groundspeed or zero momentum. a stationary object has no momentum but it can fly. interesting a pilot would not understand the most basic and fundamental principles of aviation but then again look where we are.

Msg ID: 2793726 Difference between forward momentum +0/-0     
Author:simply stated, the difference
9/16/2023 8:43:13 AM

Reply to: 2793725

is airspeed

Msg ID: 2793730 Difference between forward momentum +1/-1     
Author:a freight train
9/16/2023 9:17:22 AM

Reply to: 2793726

moving a 70 MPH has a lot of momentum. why can't it fly?

Msg ID: 2793741 Difference between forward momentum +0/-0     
9/16/2023 9:43:22 AM

Reply to: 2793725
"zero groundspeed equals zero momentum". Really? You have no understanding of basic physics, let alone aviation. You should feel right at home here.

Msg ID: 2793768 Difference between forward momentum +0/-1     
Author:ok bro
9/16/2023 10:37:43 AM

Reply to: 2793741

enlighten me

Msg ID: 2793769 Difference between forward momentum +1/-0     
Author:hey now
9/16/2023 10:41:25 AM

Reply to: 2793768

An object at rest has a momentum of 0. This helps distinguish momentum from inertia. An object must be in MOTION to have momentum. 

Msg ID: 2793770 I'll drink to that! (NT) +2/-0     
9/16/2023 11:02:19 AM

Reply to: 2793721

Msg ID: 2793779 Difference between forward momentum +1/-3     
9/16/2023 3:49:00 PM

Reply to: 2793673

I can hover in any direction all day long and never take off if I don't reach ETL.  As long as I keep moving, I have "momentum" in every direction but no lift, so what's the point of "momentum?"  In order to take off I need to keep increasing that "momentum" until I reach and exceed ETL, or I'm never going to fly, but only hover.

OP, is this a serious question?  If it is, you really need to go back to where you got your training and ask for a refund!

Msg ID: 2793796 Difference between forward momentum +4/-1     
Author:Im actually a professional pilot
9/16/2023 7:14:01 PM

Reply to: 2793779

I have been flying fires for 5 years. It's a serious question

Msg ID: 2793820 Difference between forward momentum +0/-3     
9/16/2023 10:36:15 PM

Reply to: 2793796

5 years!  Wow, I'm such a putz.  Please forgive me your highness!

On second thought, I started flying professionally in 1980, have been shot at on three different continents, have over 11,000 hrs TT, more than 2000 hrs of NVG time and over 1200 of night unaided time.  I've flown HAA and fires since leaving the military and made enough $$ with my ATPH flying the last 8 years of my career to recently retire with my 25 years younger than me wife.  Oh, and you're the putz because, Jr, even though it is a "serious" question, it's a STUPID question!

Rant over.  

Msg ID: 2793829 Difference between forward momentum +3/-1     
9/17/2023 12:43:38 AM

Reply to: 2793820

How great of you to share your resume. Let's get you back on topic, Francis. Momentum > Etl 

Msg ID: 2793830 Difference between forward momentum +1/-1     
Author:Plunger please
9/17/2023 12:56:16 AM

Reply to: 2793829

 I find that gas station breakfast burritos really do provide too much afternoon momentum.  Maybe it's the coffee but anyway... same-same when talking helicopter momentum.

Msg ID: 2793859 Difference between forward momentum +0/-2     
9/17/2023 12:30:11 PM

Reply to: 2793829

"Momentum" is simply movement (thrust) in a direction.  ETL is an aerodynamic principle related to helicopter flight that explains how a rotor disc becomes more effcient and, thus, provides greater lift and thrust at a given power setting.  I.E., at, and after, ETL you need less power because the rotor disc is much more efficent as it stops recirculating air and leaves those vorticies behind the disc.  "On topic" enough for you? 

BTW, it's still a stupid question and the fact that you can't seem to grasp the really basic and simple answer really bears witness to the actual issue; and it isn't "momentum vs ETL." 

A product of the more recent public education system?  Little Johnny, does is 2 + 2 equal?  6!  How, so close!  Don't you feel good about yourself? 

Msg ID: 2793937 Difference between forward momentum +1/-1     
9/17/2023 10:12:11 PM

Reply to: 2793673

