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Msg ID: 2793221 HAA is dying a slow death +13/-3     
Author:So glad I'm almost done
9/12/2023 10:09:49 AM

The market adjustment is here. Between the loss of manpower and the lack of reimbursement, bases will be dropping like flies over the next 12-18 months.

Sure, let's lower the standards to fill seats. That'll fix things.

My organization is down 25 percent, with probably another handful of pilots leaving in 2023. Med crews are job shopping to avoid getting tossed all around and taking what little vacation they have. The pompano crash has put the fear of God in many of them.

Pay continues to stagnate because there isn't any more money left. Every input in the cost of operating has risen.

It was a good run while it lasted.


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Msg ID: 2793222 HAA is dying a slow death +1/-2     
9/12/2023 10:16:39 AM

Reply to: 2793221

I thought you said things were going pretty good at taco bell #4367

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Msg ID: 2793225 Perspective +11/-0     
Author:AMC Guy
9/12/2023 10:27:02 AM

Reply to: 2793221
Just think about how much of the country doesn't have HAA coverage (or enough per capita) and the world gets along just fine. HAA is a nice to have, not a need to have. It's typically unfair to society in how it's currently managed in the US. My experience was that 10-15% of flights were needed scene calls and 20-30% were necessary hospital transfers. For the rest, an ambulance would have been just fine for the patient; no need for highly trained med personnel and no critical need for speed. Just saddling people up with huge and unnecessary medical bills. Granted, my experience was at a community base around class B and class C airspace (for city size comparison). Typically 20 min to scene, 20 min to hospital, 20 min home. I would imagine the percentage would be slightly better for more rural bases.

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Msg ID: 2793226 Perspective +0/-3     
Author:say wut
9/12/2023 10:36:35 AM

Reply to: 2793225

outside of alaska, there really isn't any part of the US that doesn't have a helicopter within 20 minutes.

per capita? so places without enough helicopters, too. 


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Msg ID: 2793234 Perspective +1/-0     
Author:Giant scam
9/12/2023 11:53:12 AM

Reply to: 2793226

Needs a death blow. 

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Msg ID: 2793240 Perspective +2/-1     
Author:you think anything inow this
9/12/2023 1:17:47 PM

Reply to: 2793234

INDUSTRY is????? How about the HOURLY rate on all those CH47 and tankers flying around and the CWN helicopters on fires?   OH thats different isn't it......yeah years ago they didn't have them to put our fires on YEARLY contracts, they just let it burn....Utility market is a bigger scam....Stringing Powerlines???? HAHAHAH>...yeah ok.....look at the daily rates on some of those Heavies on Fires... Tell me HAA is a scam, when you ball up one of those on a Utility job and one lands to take your azzzzz to the hospital....and don't preach that you wouldn't take it, crying from broken legs and ruputred internal organs...STFU

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Msg ID: 2793245 that mangina appears to be (NT) +1/-1     
Author:a little sore, lol
9/12/2023 1:44:41 PM

Reply to: 2793240

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Msg ID: 2793246 that mangina appears to be +0/-0     
Author:Well BRO...everyone
9/12/2023 1:52:55 PM

Reply to: 2793245

seems to think HAA is a scam.....just saying..Fireflighting and Utility is a bigger cost....Bro

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Msg ID: 2793261 Perspective +4/-0     
Author:Wut said
9/12/2023 4:06:21 PM

Reply to: 2793226

 Come on out west. There are loads of towns that don't have a medical helicopter within 2 fuel stops.

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Msg ID: 2793248 HAA is dying a slow death +2/-1     
Author:New IP Guy
9/12/2023 1:57:14 PM

Reply to: 2793221

I love it when certain people pipe up to say how HAA/HEMS is so great because you get to be home every night.

That works great until your base closes. I suspect a lot of them are management.

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Msg ID: 2793255 HAA is dying a slow death +0/-0     
Author:well lots of people
9/12/2023 2:45:29 PM

Reply to: 2793248

have been at the same base for 5, 10 even 20 years. even if your base closes, there is usually another one nearby

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Msg ID: 2793257 HAA is dying a slow death +0/-0     
Author:Whole long term
9/12/2023 3:15:02 PM

Reply to: 2793248

Idea is a fools errand 

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Msg ID: 2793258 HAA is dying a slow death +1/-3     
Author:you sure like to say
9/12/2023 3:16:51 PM

Reply to: 2793257

fools errand a lot

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Msg ID: 2793259 HAA is dying a slow death (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Got your
9/12/2023 3:19:26 PM

Reply to: 2793258

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Msg ID: 2793420 HAA is dying a slow death +0/-0     
Author:A most
9/14/2023 10:57:53 AM

Reply to: 2793248

astute observation, or is it?

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Msg ID: 2793264 LOL EMS was never a “good run” +4/-0     
Author:Always been shady
9/12/2023 5:30:23 PM

Reply to: 2793221

The helicopter industry as well as the EMS has always been pathetic. Airline captains are making 500k a year and the helo industry wonders why they can't keep anyone. 

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Msg ID: 2793265 LOL EMS was never a “good run” +1/-1     
9/12/2023 5:36:09 PM

Reply to: 2793264
Yup, I steer every young person towards fixed wing now.

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Msg ID: 2794576 LOL EMS was never a “good run” +0/-0     
Author:And everyone
9/23/2023 4:21:31 PM

Reply to: 2793264

keeps moaning about unions.  Well, the airlines are unionized, for a loooooooooooooong time.  

What's the beef?  Easy.  Solidarity.  Can't solidify the behavior of 300 bases in an HAA company.  Sure can do it in an airline with six or so.  Real picket lines.  Want success?  Sort out the picket lines to be respected, virtual or otherwise.

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Msg ID: 2793278 HAA is dying a slow death +1/-0     
9/12/2023 7:01:18 PM

Reply to: 2793221
We've been hearing this same crap for 15yrs now.

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Msg ID: 2793292 HAA is dying a slow death +2/-1     
Author:yeah, really slow. so slow that
9/12/2023 8:53:28 PM

Reply to: 2793221

 it keeps getting bigger every year lol

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Msg ID: 2793295 HAA is dying a slow death +0/-0     
Author:Im Glad as well
9/12/2023 9:29:51 PM

Reply to: 2793221

Im glad as well... then we wont have to listen to your daily crying.  

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