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Msg ID: 2793167 PHI going public +0/-0     
Author:Stock Ticker
9/11/2023 5:43:57 PM

And here we go,,,,

Msg ID: 2793170 PHI going public +4/-1     
9/11/2023 5:53:15 PM

Reply to: 2793167

Once upon a time, a coworker asked my advice on PHI stock.


I told them in all the Billions upon Billions of better stocks out there...why on earth would they consider PHI?


Well, they didn't heed what I had to say, dumped a bunch of money, and about a year later the co. filed Bankruptcy.


Poor fella learned a hard lesson.  If you don't know squat about investing, it's best to start small with blue chips....not go hail mary on a very very long shot....just because you are a part of it.  Never fall in love with a company, and never


Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner” Robert De Niro

Msg ID: 2793175 PHI going public +0/-0     
Author:Buy high / sell low :-/
9/11/2023 6:09:33 PM

Reply to: 2793170

Good summary above. I wouldn't buy PHI stock with somebody else's money. 

Msg ID: 2793177 PHI going public (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Only if it’s Penney stock
9/11/2023 6:33:56 PM

Reply to: 2793170

Msg ID: 2793185 PHI going public (NT) +0/-0     
9/11/2023 7:31:34 PM

Reply to: 2793177

Msg ID: 2793186 PHI going public +2/-1     
Author:They didn’t learn their
9/11/2023 7:34:38 PM

Reply to: 2793177

The last time. Like the above poster said I wouldn't  invest in the company especially since their primary work is in oil and gas sector which is pretty much what they're invested in and how volatile that is. The air medical side is a dumpster fire and will probably be sold off because of the new government regulations on the air medical industry.  A lot of these big helicopter companies that are open to stock trading never really do good. 

Msg ID: 2793187 Good to know +0/-0     
9/11/2023 7:54:24 PM

Reply to: 2793167
They solicited offers a year or two ago, good to know they're still looking to offload us. As with all things, this could be good or bad. Hard to imagine things could be worse, and an influx or capital means maybe, just maybe, they could address some of the lingering issues. At this point something is better than nothing.

Msg ID: 2793189 Good to know +2/-0     
Author:Only a fool
9/11/2023 8:39:30 PM

Reply to: 2793187
would invest in the helicopter industry!

Msg ID: 2793191 Good to know +1/-1     
Author:well they could OFF Load
9/11/2023 8:46:01 PM

Reply to: 2793189

the Air Med side and take that extra cash if they go public...On the downside, whoever buys the Air Med side will probably be already another Big Operator in that industry....Be ready for Base closures especially PHI aircraft are operated close to ones already owned by that company....Look at Reach when they were bought and also Tri-State Careflight when there were bought...everyone was happy until they closed bases closed to ones already established by that company....Honestly, they would just want your Big Contract Programs you have, which PHI really doesn't have much in that...East Texas, Missouri (which they might be loosing), and a couple of small one aircraft hospital programs....

Msg ID: 2793193 Good to know +0/-0     
Author:LFE program of MO cannot hire pilots
9/11/2023 9:33:33 PM

Reply to: 2793191

Dont really know whats happening there

Msg ID: 2793198 Good to know +1/-1     
9/11/2023 10:11:50 PM

Reply to: 2793191

We're raising funds to aquire another company. That's why it's going public.



Msg ID: 2793203 Good to know (NT) +1/-0     
Author:Can't staff and handle what you have!
9/11/2023 11:35:53 PM

Reply to: 2793198

Msg ID: 2793242 Good to know +0/-0     
9/12/2023 1:19:13 PM

Reply to: 2793198

australian company you bought YEARS ago do?   Not making much money....Buy another company...your barely free from the BK trouble....

Msg ID: 2793195 Again??? (NT) +0/-0     
9/11/2023 9:49:28 PM

Reply to: 2793167

Msg ID: 2793215 Why would anybody buy stock in any helicopter company? +1/-0     
Author:Your Banker
9/12/2023 8:58:16 AM

Reply to: 2793167

Foolish money gets foolish rewards

Msg ID: 2793231 PHI going public +0/-0     
9/12/2023 11:23:39 AM

Reply to: 2793167

Companies go public to raise money. However in this case the reason may only be to squeeze out what moneys are left in the Air Medical side with the intent to sell. Things look better on the surface if they are traded publiclly. And if they do sell, it will be purchased by another Air Med program. Nobody but nobody would look at this purchase as a good deal. Its only worth money to those already in the industry for the contracts and equipment. It won't necessarily be good for the PHI Air Medical employees. I see many inflated and starving bases closed along with a total restructure of the company organization chart should this take place.

Msg ID: 2793232 PHI going public +0/-0     
Author:whats an
9/12/2023 11:33:33 AM

Reply to: 2793231

inflated base

Msg ID: 2793235 PHI going public +2/-0     
9/12/2023 12:23:08 PM

Reply to: 2793232

I am amazed on a daily basis how smart and well rounded you alll are. I mean you all know all there is to flying helicopters plus your all financial wizards. It's truly remarkable how the folks on this forum have the answers for everything. I should have been coming here for advice years ago. 

Msg ID: 2793238 PHI going public +0/-0     
Author:In other PHI news....
9/12/2023 12:41:56 PM

Reply to: 2793235


Msg ID: 2793243 PHI going public +0/-0     
9/12/2023 1:22:51 PM

Reply to: 2793238

Thats the OG side...Not the Air Med. side...the OG side is dumping alot of their AW139 and older S76....we will see when that happens...they also had a contract before the BK to get some Bell 525 that they displayed in PHI colors as HAI....yeah. that fell apart quickly.....

Msg ID: 2793244 PHI going public +0/-0     
Author:say wut
9/12/2023 1:29:36 PM

Reply to: 2793243

it's PHI's fault the 525 isn't certified lol

Msg ID: 2793247 PHI going public +0/-0     
Author:certified or not
9/12/2023 1:55:31 PM

Reply to: 2793244

they had pre-orders even before certification and now cancelled them....MEH...the OG side needs those aircraft more...and is making the MONEY now in the company....for now...Air Med will get their used HIGH time aircraft...all of the aircraft on the Air Med side are Older OG birds converted to EMS....they haven't seen a new aircraft in probably 12yrs...

Msg ID: 2793251 PHI going public +2/-0     
Author:Not All Are Old Oil and Gas
9/12/2023 2:27:15 PM

Reply to: 2793247
None of the AS350s, BKs or 407GX were in oil and gas. Most of the EC135s were never in there either.

Msg ID: 2793277 Yeah! +0/-0     
Author:Legacy Guy
9/12/2023 7:00:26 PM

Reply to: 2793251
Yeah our AS350's never saw the gulf! We bought them brand new (20+ years ago) and converted some of them from b2's to b3's, no not the ones with 2b1 engines, the older 2b ones. And then we rolled one over, had a bird punch a hole through the nose, etc and repaired them. Lots of metal work, lots of layers of paint, new tanks, now they're all heavy as hell, half of them have CG problems, and we're running short of mechanics to keep them running! But yeah, never in the gulf!

Msg ID: 2793252 PHI going public +1/-0     
9/12/2023 2:29:45 PM

Reply to: 2793247

That last statement is completely false.


All EMS acft did not get time put on them flying around the gulf hauling rig apes.  I'd say maybe a 407 or one Ec135 might have been converted to EMS.


To say all is a complete fabrication.


Most EMS birds started out brand spanking new with 0 hours on them fitted with EMS crap from either METRO or by the MAIN hangar. 

You sir have no clue what you are talking about. 

I converted one, only one A-star to EMS from O and G when I worked in the Hangar....and that was circa 2002.  Everything after that was a dedicated EMS bird from get go....pretty much.

Msg ID: 2793256 PHI going public +1/-0     
9/12/2023 2:47:30 PM

Reply to: 2793247

139 or 92 coming to an ems base near you. you must be the same guy that says all the 135's came from the gulf lol

Msg ID: 2793253 And a wonder why... +0/-0     
9/12/2023 2:31:47 PM

Reply to: 2793167

Some people just don't get it...

Airbus Press Release


Msg ID: 2793254 And a wonder why... +0/-0     
9/12/2023 2:41:32 PM

Reply to: 2793253

but not sure why the need to have hot exhaust blowing on tailboom constantly....?


This is inherent flaw in my opinion.  Poor design.  Many other ways to configure exhaust stack to where it does not try to melt a critical part of the airframe off everytime you hit the start switch.


Just bad engineering.


Blow that $#!t off to the side far away from my tboom please, thank you.


Worse than the Dictator with his incessant need to have a "pointy" rocket.

Try again Nadal!

Msg ID: 2793286 And a wonder why... +0/-0     
Author:Yeah they did OG
9/12/2023 7:53:44 PM

Reply to: 2793254

Been with the Aor Med side 20yrs.  Yes most of the 407 and EC came front the gulf youngsters.  They converted them over   I can give you a couple in Texas and some spares that are HIGH time came from the gulf  The BK tried a life in the GOM and didn't survive OR they were bought used and still crapppy.   they used to operate some Astare in the GOM years ago but got ride of them. Yeah he is right on most of the Air Med side Aircraft are former OG birds. 

Msg ID: 2793287 And a wonder why... +1/-0     
Author:some not most
9/12/2023 8:03:25 PM

Reply to: 2793286

Disregard the rantings of the illiterate moron post above.


Gordo has more drinking to do...
