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Msg ID: 2791250 I fly rich men north of Richmond!!! (NT) +3/-2     
Author:Scud Runner
8/21/2023 8:03:43 AM

Msg ID: 2791252 I fly rich men north of Richmond!!! (NT) +2/-1     
Author:It’s a damn shame!
8/21/2023 9:07:11 AM

Reply to: 2791250

Msg ID: 2791311 I fly rich men north of Richmond!!! +1/-0     
Author:so go fly rich men
8/22/2023 9:48:47 AM

Reply to: 2791252

south of richmond and quit crying about it 

Msg ID: 2791314 I fly rich men north of Richmond!!! +1/-0     
8/22/2023 10:01:24 AM

Reply to: 2791250
Pay and bennies? Inquiring minds want to know

Msg ID: 2791341 I’m not crying. I’m bragging! I make north of $200K. +2/-0     
Author:Scud Runner
8/22/2023 1:43:17 PM

Reply to: 2791314

More than enough to live a solid middle class life.
