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Msg ID: 2791165 Air Log / bristow / Era  +2/-3     
8/19/2023 10:33:15 AM
What has become of these companies?⁶ How many have been laid off? Any chance of things getting better?7 Is it a sin to ask?

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Msg ID: 2791168 Air Log / bristow / Era  +1/-13     
8/19/2023 11:26:01 AM

Reply to: 2791165

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Msg ID: 2791180 Air Log / bristow / Era  +16/-2     
Author:more truthier
8/19/2023 3:00:48 PM

Reply to: 2791168

what he really drives lol

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Msg ID: 2791183 Air Log / bristow / Era  +1/-0     
8/19/2023 3:43:04 PM

Reply to: 2791180

that is a sad sad van


I would crush that before being seen in it

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Msg ID: 2791184 Air Log / bristow / Era  +2/-0     
8/19/2023 4:02:08 PM

Reply to: 2791183

you are a pretty sad guy that's why it's so you

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Msg ID: 2791186 Air Log / bristow / Era  +2/-0     
Author:Ben there
8/19/2023 4:07:47 PM

Reply to: 2791183
Crew quarters

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Msg ID: 2791189 Air Log / bristow / Era  +5/-0     
8/19/2023 4:34:43 PM

Reply to: 2791180

In Louisiana that is considered a mobile home.

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Msg ID: 2791187 Air Log / bristow / Era  +1/-0     
8/19/2023 4:09:20 PM

Reply to: 2791168

No mud on it....definitely a gitls truck. 

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Msg ID: 2791262 Air Log / bristow / Era  +2/-0     
8/21/2023 12:58:13 PM

Reply to: 2791165
We can't let Houston find out about this.

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Msg ID: 2791479 Weak Conversation Starter +1/-0     
Author:ERA/Bristow Pilot
8/24/2023 2:47:23 PM

Reply to: 2791165

2/3 of those no longer exist. You live under a rock?

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Msg ID: 2791484 Weak Conversation Starter +1/-0     
8/24/2023 3:33:59 PM

Reply to: 2791479

Yep.  that's why I asked for divine enlightenmint.  

Theres one for the smelling police also.

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Msg ID: 2791516 Weak Conversation Starter +1/-0     
8/24/2023 7:59:34 PM

Reply to: 2791479

yet you work for 2/3's of them....

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Msg ID: 2791536 Weak Conversation Starter +2/-0     
Author:Bye den
8/24/2023 11:33:28 PM

Reply to: 2791516
Airlog was once a great company until Bristow took over and then ERA. Bot hostile takeovers. Even after laying off half of the employees they continue to post quarterly losses. Losers. Corporate greed. Can't wait to see this company burn and liquidate all assets to the lowest bidder.

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Msg ID: 2791659 Weak Conversation Starter +0/-0     
8/25/2023 8:45:12 PM

Reply to: 2791536
I don't want to see this. It looks like it's gonna happen anyway. What is the plan B?

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