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Msg ID: 2791155 Diesel Brothers +1/-2     
8/19/2023 1:51:13 AM

why hasn't he gotten type in hawk yet? bought a Dauphin instead? Makes sense. What's next? chinook? YouTube must pay too much money.

Msg ID: 2791157 Diesel Brothers Reality +3/-2     
8/19/2023 6:33:55 AM

Reply to: 2791155

You've never seen any of these types of shows? Orang County Choppers?


Half the people on them end up going to prison for tax evasion. And get their yachts, mansions and Ferraris confiscated 

Msg ID: 2791159 Diesel Brothers Reality +2/-2     
8/19/2023 9:25:58 AM

Reply to: 2791157

name some

Msg ID: 2791221 Diesel Brothers Reality +1/-0     
8/20/2023 12:20:40 AM

Reply to: 2791159

Sons of Guns.  

Msg ID: 2791225 Diesel Brothers Reality +1/-0     
8/20/2023 7:50:23 AM

Reply to: 2791221

having a reality show turns you into a child molester that started 20 years before the show started ok

Msg ID: 2791226 Just guessing here... +5/-0     
Author:Diesel Dave Fan
8/20/2023 8:53:41 AM

Reply to: 2791155

Dave did one video where he (I think it was on the ferry flight from the completion center back to Utah) showed up at Whistling Diesel's (another YouTuber) compound for some hijinks in the Blackhawk. And I think that got him some scrutiny from the feds. In one of his subsequent videos, when it was obvious that he wasn't flying the Blackhawk anymore, Dave alluded to some issues he had with the FAA and the "paperwork"...after getting the thing home. Heh, "paperwork." It's fair to assume that what he thought he could do with that helicopter is at odds with what the FAA says you can do with an ex-military aircraft in the Experimental-Exhibition Category, as N801WT is. Putting it in that Category may have been a mistake. I bet he's looking for a buyer for it now. Because then he bought his two Standard Category Dauphins so he can fly around doing crazy Diesel Dave stuff. He's obviously a good, conscientious private pilot who makes entertaining, well-produced videos that generate a lot of money for him.  And he's obviously not afraid to spend money in aviation. What's not to like?

Msg ID: 2791227 Just guessing here... +5/-0     
Author:what not to like
8/20/2023 9:06:05 AM

Reply to: 2791226

his "rescue" videos are all staged. every single one. 

Msg ID: 2791234 Just guessing here... +5/-1     
Author:I wouldn’t
8/20/2023 11:27:40 AM

Reply to: 2791227

Call any of his helicopter Decision making good. everything Is staged, and it also gets all these other guys with zero experience into the "influencer" helicopter owner. Only a matter of time before one of these low experience folks does something stupid, and hopefully don't hurt anyone. 

Msg ID: 2791241 Yeah? So what? (NT) +1/-0     
Author:Not a diesel dave hater
8/20/2023 3:57:09 PM

Reply to: 2791227

Msg ID: 2791243 Yeah? So what? +3/-1     
Author:sounds like what
8/20/2023 4:54:43 PM

Reply to: 2791241

a sideways wearing baseball hat, slack jawed, dumbass diesel dave fan would say. guy makes millions off retards like you. I just wish I thought of it first.

Msg ID: 2791247 Me? Slackjawed? Gimme a sec to come up with a response +4/-1     
Author:Diesel Dave Fan
8/20/2023 9:43:08 PM

Reply to: 2791243

Wow, such hatred and vitriol! (You can look that last word up if you're stumped.) What a pleasant person you must be to have around. Sadly, you're just another angry, easily-triggered JH poster. I wouldn't necessarily say that you *are* a helicopter pilot, but you sure sound like one!  Sooooo, let's see if you've got my number!  I've definitely got yours ;-)  

You say that I am:

a sideways wearing baseball hat (wrong)

slack jawed, (wrong)

dumbass (wrong, although right, according to my ex-wife)

diesel dave fan (right!)

guy makes millions off retards like you (I don't know about millions, but he gets a "click" from me now and then)

I just wish I thought of it first.  (But you didn't. Because in all likelihood, the wellspring of "good ideas" in your ancestry ran dry a long time ago, leaving you to criticize people who have actual good ideas and the wherewithal to capitalize on them.)

"Diesel Dave" Sparks has probably done more for aviation, and certainly more for society in general than you EVER have or will. If he makes a few bucks off it, I'm not going to complain. But you go ahead, gramps!

Msg ID: 2791272 Me? Slackjawed? Gimme a sec to come up with a response +3/-1     
Author:so some
8/21/2023 4:34:08 PM

Reply to: 2791247

dumbass thinks diesel dave is good for society lol

Msg ID: 2791358 Me? Slackjawed? Gimme a sec to come up with a response +1/-0     
Author:I have come to realize
8/22/2023 8:53:56 PM

Reply to: 2791272

Scripted fake reality tv shows are just that. Only a fool believes what they see on TV.

Msg ID: 2791361 Or on the internet ;-) (NT) +1/-0     
Author:Fake Reality Show Watcher
8/22/2023 9:01:38 PM

Reply to: 2791358
