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Msg ID: 2791007 AMC partners with Skyryse +1/-2     
Author:confirmed in Town Hall meeting today
8/17/2023 12:41:31 AM


Msg ID: 2791010 AMC partners with Skyryse +3/-3     
8/17/2023 1:35:42 AM

Reply to: 2791007

This is the mother of all bad ideas. I have never used any automated system on anything that didn't have glitches at some time and some point. And you're going to train pilots to be button pushers if anything ever goes wrong, Oh well. Thank God I am getting close to the end of my career. I think the NTSB in the FAA are going to need more accident investigators. At some point in the future, we may reach the point where this is real but we are there yet. Again, this is the mother of all bad ideas.

Msg ID: 2791012 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-3     
Author:did the glitches
8/17/2023 5:31:46 AM

Reply to: 2791010
make you crash every time

Msg ID: 2791018 AMC partners with Skyryse +3/-3     
Author:seems a little early to
8/17/2023 7:01:43 AM

Reply to: 2791010

cry about the sky falling. you probably said the same thing when gps came around.

Msg ID: 2791024 AMC partners with Skyryse +4/-0     
8/17/2023 8:39:08 AM

Reply to: 2791018

for a company that is supposedly broke, they sure are investing a lot of money in the company.

Msg ID: 2791025 Wasteful +10/-0     
Author:AMC Guy
8/17/2023 8:58:17 AM

Reply to: 2791024
If you think that was wasteful, you should see the amount they spent on the drone medicine delivery company, the customer enhanced interactive experience display at their HQ, etc. But spend money on things that improve efficiency or safety? Minimal at best. And AMC has WAY too many middle managers. Wasteful spending.

Msg ID: 2791060 Unions are (very) wasteful too! With a handfull (NT) +0/-7     
Author:of privies feeding in the teet
8/17/2023 3:38:11 PM

Reply to: 2791025

Msg ID: 2791070 Unions are (very) wasteful too! With a handfull +0/-8     
Author:Remind me
8/17/2023 4:23:57 PM

Reply to: 2791060

Of the benifits of having a union when your currently the lowest paid 

Msg ID: 2791052 AMC partners with Skyryse +15/-0     
Author:Whiskey Tango Fox
8/17/2023 2:40:17 PM

Reply to: 2791010
The ultimate example of arrogant executives making huge business decisions, while being completely ignorant of how the business actually works. So many red flags... The primary argument for fly-by-wire is increased reliability through simplicity; replacing mechanical linkages with electronics. This system is the worst of both; the same mechanical parts being controlled by additional electronic equipment. Resulting in an even higher probability of failure. Reducing pilot workload to focus on other tasks... seriously? Does AMC really believe their pilots are too incompetent to handle the cyclic, collective and anti torque pedals (not rudder, you clowns) while talking on the radio and and making decisions? You want to increase safety? Focus on what is actually killing your pilots... IIMC. Which leads to the next layer of idiocracy. They claim that this system will allow flight into low visibility. AMC thinks a stablized helicopter can't hit wires or terrain? What a great message you're sending showing an R44 scud running and one of your pilots talking about how they hate declining flights. For the sake of argument, let's assume this dumpster fire of an idea gets certified and equipped. Your pilots might not go into an unusual attitude and lose control due to being disoriented... but being stablized without following IFR procedures will still get you killed. And adding this system will not get your 407's or AS350's certified for IFR. Nor will it magically increase the short supply of pilots with the appropriate experience and knowledge to fly SPIFR. Also, Skyryse is a huge red flag in itself. Not only is the entire business strategy half-baked, they have dumped a ton of money into superficial optics... like a 27k sqft HQ in CA. How do you possibly justify an expense like that before even having product on market? I'd wager AMC's hidden agenda is that they believe this system can be used to radically lower pilot experience requirements and slash pilot salaries. While promoting it under the blatant lie of 'safety'. What a joke.

Msg ID: 2791053 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-0     
Author:Well said
8/17/2023 2:51:45 PM

Reply to: 2791052

And yes to your question about incompetence handling controls. 

Msg ID: 2791054 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-3     
Author:when was
8/17/2023 2:57:10 PM

Reply to: 2791052

the last time an AMC crashed because of IIMC

Msg ID: 2791055 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-1     
Author:Last April
8/17/2023 3:02:16 PM

Reply to: 2791054


Msg ID: 2791058 AMC partners with Skyryse +1/-2     
Author:that's weird
8/17/2023 3:31:18 PM

Reply to: 2791055

because the preliminary says few at 5000 with ten miles during the day. so again, when was the last time for an IIMC accident since that's what is "killing all the pilots"

Msg ID: 2791068 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-0     
8/17/2023 4:22:22 PM

Reply to: 2791058


Msg ID: 2791076 AMC partners with Skyryse +1/-1     
Author:been at AMC for two Junes now
8/17/2023 6:02:07 PM

Reply to: 2791068

no IIMC accidents bro

Msg ID: 2791086 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-0     
8/17/2023 8:41:43 PM

Reply to: 2791076


Msg ID: 2791081 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-0     
Author:whiskey tf indeed
8/17/2023 7:28:49 PM

Reply to: 2791052

it's almost like you have no aviation training at all. autopilot. how do it work?

Msg ID: 2791167 AMC partners with Skyryse (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Your last paragraph said it all!!
8/19/2023 11:20:59 AM

Reply to: 2791052

Msg ID: 2791031 Have been for 2 years.$5mill this year. Failed phase 1 by FAA. 10 years (NT) +0/-0     
Author:For any approvals
8/17/2023 9:33:33 AM

Reply to: 2791007

Msg ID: 2791084 AMC partners with Skyryse +5/-0     
Author:the guys who can't get your printer
8/17/2023 7:54:05 PM

Reply to: 2791007

to work will now fly your helicopter. No thank you.

Msg ID: 2791091 AMC partners with Skyryse +3/-0     
8/17/2023 9:46:39 PM

Reply to: 2791007

They are acting like this will magically turn a VFR helicopter into an IFR one. Are they that stupid? 

Msg ID: 2791093 AMC partners with Skyryse +2/-0     
8/17/2023 10:08:38 PM

Reply to: 2791091
Can't be any worse than the autopilot in the 145e

Msg ID: 2791101 We have plenty of auto pilots already  +1/-0     
8/18/2023 7:51:14 AM

Reply to: 2791093
A good majority of AMC's helicopters have HeliSAS or other autopilot/FMS that coupled with the GPS so what's the point of this again? Yeah, I heard that 145e system was ridiculous (something like 3 avionics systems trying to work together that won't). I forget but a pilot I knew in a region that had 3 of them refused to take them IFR.

Msg ID: 2791150 We have plenty of auto pilots already  +0/-0     
8/18/2023 11:26:43 PM

Reply to: 2791101

like a sane pilot.

Msg ID: 2791100 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-0     
8/18/2023 6:33:42 AM

Reply to: 2791091


Msg ID: 2791169 AMC partners with Skyryse +0/-1     
8/19/2023 11:55:53 AM

Reply to: 2791007

I have always said that Air Methods wants to be safe until they don't want to be safe.  Huge waste of money.  And the pilot who says that he hates to turn down flights, he better when the weather is iffy.... if not I wouldn't want a guy like that at my base
