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Msg ID: 2790826 Don’t know why people hate on HAA +6/-12     
Author:Retired mil
8/15/2023 12:03:05 PM

I make out like a banshee between my 0-4 retirement and HAA base pay plus overtime. It's not my fault you turds didn't join the military and take advantage of your options like I did. I'm tired of apologizing for squaring my life away. Hoooah 

Msg ID: 2790838 Because... +7/-12     
Author:over it a long time ago
8/15/2023 1:59:49 PM

Reply to: 2790826

It is a perspective issue.  I knew a long time ago when I started flight school (after graduating college) that I potentially made a career mistake.  Given the level of "turds" immediately exposed to in the industry.  HAA, being the worst of the worst was a major turning point, especially at a hospital-based program where the turnover was astronomically high.  One of the major reasons positions are available is because pilots are either quitting or being fired for standing up for themselves in a tyrannical and toxic environment.  Ironically the program operated like a well-oiled machine when the so called "managers" were on vacation.  When they came back anarchy and chaos ensued.  That level of malevolence and ignorance is unsustainable in any environment, more so in a "professional" safety sensitive career.  

Luckily for myself I formulated a plan, willingly burned that bridge down to the ground and welded the doors shut.  I now own several rental houses (paid in full) and NEVER again will I have to work weekends, nights, OT, put up with Kool aid drinking, back stabbing, ignorant morons again!

Don't get me wrong, community-based programs were fun in the beginning.  Still had their share of problems but rare and manageable.  I knew with 100% certainty the day of the interview with the hospital that it was going to be the end of my patience with helicopter HAA BS!

So, having said that, If you are one of those people who still enjoy flying despite the constant sacrifices, you don’t mind working nights, weekends, holidays, out in the heat/cold, dealing with immature nonsense blah blah then by all means...   Knock yourself out.  


Msg ID: 2790843 Because... +1/-9     
Author:"graduating college" say wut
8/15/2023 2:25:26 PM

Reply to: 2790838

you sure don't sound like somebody that "graduated college". you do sound like a drama queen nobody likes and blames everybody and everything else for your problems. I mean, you welded the doors shut on the bridge you burned down? lol, that's funny what a moron

Msg ID: 2790846 Because... +7/-2     
8/15/2023 2:47:06 PM

Reply to: 2790843

If that's all you have then there is a very good reason you can't do anything else besides fly helicopters.  Have fun with that...  The message was not a threat nor meant for any particular person.  The intention was that if someone feels like they deserve better then they should find a path and go for it.  There is a better life out there and life is short.  But here we are once again with someone who stubbornly refuses to exercise understanding and pragmatism by completely acting like a man child.  And THAT is exactly the point of the reply.   Loudest voices have the smallest minds...   Sounds like you should probably stay right where you are!

Msg ID: 2790851 Because... +1/-2     
Author:basic english
8/15/2023 4:00:52 PM

Reply to: 2790843

You also conviently left out the word "after" in your poor attempt to point out a gramattical error.  Adding an "ed" behind graduate as a verb means the act of receiving a diploma, something you apparently never experienced.  So that would be a past participle for that specific event. Going to flight school " after graduating" means that flight school happened after college.  I was wondering why you looked up all of a sudden then I saw it fly over your head.  

Msg ID: 2790852 Because... +1/-1     
Author:I wonder
8/15/2023 4:03:49 PM

Reply to: 2790843

If capt. tough guy will catch the 2nd error.  Lets wait and find out.....

Msg ID: 2790845 Because... +1/-2     
Author:the managers
8/15/2023 2:30:57 PM

Reply to: 2790838

all went on vacation at the same time lol

Msg ID: 2790847 Because... +0/-2     
Author:it’s a perspective issue
8/15/2023 3:27:44 PM

Reply to: 2790845

lol yeah that's wut it is

Msg ID: 2790854 Because... +1/-2     
Author:Heli pilot
8/15/2023 4:36:04 PM

Reply to: 2790847

Seen it over my career also.    Your right, the manager's leave & everything ( mostly) goes like clockwork. Even the troublemakers took a break!

Msg ID: 2790859 Because... +0/-1     
8/15/2023 4:48:47 PM

Reply to: 2790854

Bingo!   A very clear indicator of where the source of the trouble lies!

Msg ID: 2790861 Because... +0/-1     
8/15/2023 4:52:49 PM

Reply to: 2790854

Because...   the sycophants power teet is temporarily absent So there is no one around to show boat for. 

Msg ID: 2791143 Because... +1/-0     
8/18/2023 8:34:14 PM

Reply to: 2790838

on both sides of the equation cater to 'medicine', the industry that may do how much harm to our population per year, not to mention big pharma?  If we focused on ethics, character, and all the other noble traits before wealth building there might be improvement in some ways, but not before.

Msg ID: 2790870 Don’t know why people hate on HAA +0/-2     
Author:I’m a COLONEL
8/15/2023 5:54:07 PM

Reply to: 2790826

Ease off me, dog. 

Msg ID: 2790909 Don’t know why people hate on HAA +1/-1     
Author:Weekends are for me
8/16/2023 12:07:45 AM

Reply to: 2790870
I love working weekends. I get days off in the middle of the week and don't have to deal with crowds when I want to go do something.

Msg ID: 2791151 Don’t know why people hate on HAA +0/-0     
8/18/2023 11:29:39 PM

Reply to: 2790870

don't believe it, or you.
