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Msg ID: 2790718 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +1/-1     
8/14/2023 7:42:37 AM

I've never been to Hawaii but I'm sure that there has to be a couple of Guard and Big Army copters in Hawaii that can drop water but the public has not heard a single word about any active aerial firefighting during the recent fires.  

I did some digging and found one small article that said there were two 60's and one 47 dropping water but I can't help but wonder if there were other air assets that simply were not used?

Anybody familiar with that landscape?

Msg ID: 2790730 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +6/-2     
8/14/2023 10:23:52 AM

Reply to: 2790718

There are but the reason they didn't fly this fire was the 60-70mph winds at the time.

Msg ID: 2790732 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +1/-1     
Author:An Army Guy
8/14/2023 10:25:47 AM

Reply to: 2790718
The Guard could be deployed to a foreign land or deployed to a national training center in the US. Big Army units don't all have Bambi buckets and may also be deployed as well.

Msg ID: 2790736 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +13/-4     
Author:Let’s face it
8/14/2023 11:03:38 AM

Reply to: 2790732

When the guard or army gets involved on a fire, all they do is make it worse and hold up everyone else trying to do their job.

Msg ID: 2790743 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +6/-3     
8/14/2023 11:56:49 AM

Reply to: 2790736

70 mph winds, night, minimally trained crews! Yeah what could go wrong?

Msg ID: 2790747 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +2/-3     
8/14/2023 1:22:23 PM

Reply to: 2790743

What could go wrong ?  Over Water at Night, Task Limited Fire fighting experience,  Smoke, exceded Airframe starting limits ? 

Msg ID: 2790925 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +0/-0     
Author:Lil Timmy needs social skills
8/16/2023 10:47:15 AM

Reply to: 2790747

Jesus....  if you couldn't read the sarcasm of that message, you may as well go clean crappers (the S word was not allowed here i guess) for the rest of your life.....

Msg ID: 2790789 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +1/-7     
8/14/2023 8:11:47 PM

Reply to: 2790743

Give me a ratted out 500 with a Bambi bucket and I would've had that thing out 2 mins after it started. Doesn't matter if its blowing 70. Childs play.

Msg ID: 2790800 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +2/-1     
Author:Oh really
8/15/2023 12:17:56 AM

Reply to: 2790789

With all your 100 gallons of water big guy?

Msg ID: 2790926 No firefighting helicopters in Hawaii? +0/-0     
Author:I need a hero!
8/16/2023 10:50:56 AM

Reply to: 2790789

considering the winds at the time-A-your drops would be worthless....  B-You would be lawndarted into the ground and then be upset because no one came to help....

Msg ID: 2790863 High winds an act of God. Hawaiians on welfare  +0/-0     
Author:some dude in maui
8/15/2023 5:03:29 PM

Reply to: 2790802

Windward Aviation in Maui worked all 3 fires inlcuding Lahaina fire with 3 MD 500's & a BK 117 as soon as the 80 mph winds slowed down a bit.  Hawaii NG also had 2 CH-47's.

The fellow who thought he could have it out in a few minutes with a 100 gal Bambi bucket was mistaken.

Msg ID: 2790866 High winds an act of God. Hawaiians on welfare  +0/-0     
8/15/2023 5:27:54 PM

Reply to: 2790863

Thank you.


These are the things that nobody bothers to report on.

Msg ID: 2790873 High winds an act of God. Hawaiians on welfare  +0/-0     
8/15/2023 6:38:48 PM

Reply to: 2790866

Get some bigger aircraft flown by real fire pilots and it would have made a difference.

Msg ID: 2791346 High winds an act of God. Hawaiians on welfare  +0/-0     
8/22/2023 3:16:08 PM

Reply to: 2790873

What are the wind limits for effective water drop operations on state fire Mob's?
