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Msg ID: 2790693 AirShow Crash. Again.  +2/-1     
8/13/2023 7:35:45 PM


Msg ID: 2790697 AirShow Crash. Again.  +3/-9     
8/13/2023 9:01:49 PM

Reply to: 2790693

The U.S. Media are claiming a kill for the Ukranian Air Force.

Msg ID: 2790699 AirShow Crash. Again.  +8/-3     
Author:if you're against ukraine
8/13/2023 9:43:27 PM

Reply to: 2790697

you're for putin. it's that simple.

Msg ID: 2790720 AirShow Crash. Again.  +11/-4     
Author:USA First
8/14/2023 8:38:25 AM

Reply to: 2790699

I’m against Ukraine and I'm against Putin. I'm also against the Big Guy and his whole grifter family. 

Msg ID: 2790721 AirShow Crash. Again.  +1/-5     
Author:sorry not how it works
8/14/2023 8:46:49 AM

Reply to: 2790720

anti ukraine is always pro putin and pro russia. I don't make the rules

Msg ID: 2790739 AirShow Crash. Again.  +3/-3     
Author:USA First Revised
8/14/2023 11:33:18 AM

Reply to: 2790720

I’m against Ukraine and I'm against Putin. I'm also against the Big Guy and his whole grifter family who are responsible for this war.

Msg ID: 2790698 AirShow Crash. Again.  +10/-4     
Author:weather channel
8/13/2023 9:03:37 PM

Reply to: 2790693

Climate change caused this.  If only we were socialist.

Msg ID: 2790701 Helicopter Crash. Again.  +4/-1     
Author:Gomer From Homer
8/13/2023 9:57:01 PM

Reply to: 2790693

Flying is a risky business! Especially flying Russian JUNK!

Msg ID: 2790706 AirShow Crash. Again.  +3/-1     
8/13/2023 11:28:47 PM

Reply to: 2790693

The fact that the ejection seats worked is a miracle in itself. 

Msg ID: 2790708 AirShow Crash. Again.  +3/-1     
8/13/2023 11:55:42 PM

Reply to: 2790693

How they have these jets still legal to fly at events like this. Let's eject, and send a massive chunk of metal filled with fuel off into god knows where, hopefully it doesn't hit anything....

could easily crash Into a apartment complex killing loads of people. 


Msg ID: 2790710 AirShow Crash. Again.  +0/-1     
Author:naw man
8/14/2023 2:35:25 AM

Reply to: 2790708

Russians installed a crash vector victor that controls the jet to a proper crash site once the pilots bailout.

Msg ID: 2790764 AirShow Crash. Again. (NT) +0/-0     
Author:Totally agree with you on this
8/14/2023 4:02:07 PM

Reply to: 2790708
