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Msg ID: 2790394 UPS drivers truly make more +2/-3     
8/10/2023 1:21:33 PM

Msg ID: 2790404 they should! they work harder! (NT) +6/-1     
8/10/2023 2:39:21 PM

Reply to: 2790394

Msg ID: 2790414 they should! they work harder! +9/-5     
Author:Ya EMS
8/10/2023 4:36:44 PM

Reply to: 2790404

Pilots really should get paid less cuz they don't work hard at all.

Msg ID: 2790405 UPS drivers truly make more +2/-2     
8/10/2023 2:41:52 PM

Reply to: 2790394

They because they have a union and the helicopter pilots have________________.

Msg ID: 2790418 UPS drivers truly make more +4/-2     
Author:Talking about HAA
8/10/2023 5:10:14 PM

Reply to: 2790405

No it's because pilots have a TV and a bed and they use them all day. UPS has neither and work their entire shift. 

Msg ID: 2790419 UPS drivers truly make more +3/-1     
Author:Hit the road Jack
8/10/2023 5:45:12 PM

Reply to: 2790394

A new hire class starts every 2 weeks!

Msg ID: 2790426 UPS drivers truly make more +1/-3     
Author:Then go!
8/10/2023 6:22:53 PM

Reply to: 2790394

Go become a delivery driver and quit b*thing! I make $160k a year to sit on my azz all day and MAYBE do 2 hours worth of work.

Msg ID: 2790455 UPS drivers truly make more +3/-1     
8/11/2023 7:02:44 AM

Reply to: 2790426

💩 you make $160k in HAA unless you work one h3lluva lot of work overs! Nice try Guido!!

"Go become a delivery driver and quit b*thing! I make $160k a year to sit on my azz all day and MAYBE do 2 hours worth of work."

Msg ID: 2790524 UPS drivers truly make more +2/-0     
Author:Jealous much?
8/11/2023 11:52:01 PM

Reply to: 2790455

Too bad it's true! Ultility fool! I get a 40% Accra dummy. Can you do math? I know it's hard for you guys 🤣

Msg ID: 2790475 UPS drivers truly make more +0/-1     
Author:BS Meter Maxed
8/11/2023 11:14:04 AM

Reply to: 2790426

You are FOS!

Msg ID: 2790525 UPS drivers truly make more +1/-0     
Author:Don’t be jealous chump!
8/11/2023 11:52:49 PM

Reply to: 2790475

Not my fault you wanna spend 8 hours a day in the seat Like a dumbazz 

Msg ID: 2790523 UPS drivers truly make more +1/-0     
Author:Hahahaha you little
8/11/2023 11:50:34 PM

Reply to: 2790426

Crybabies jealous. I got a 40% Accra dummies. Can you do math? That's with maybe 1 workover shift every other month. But please tell me how much you suck..?🤣

Msg ID: 2790432 UPS drivers truly make more +1/-0     
Author:only alot of reading if you do it
8/10/2023 7:13:41 PM

Reply to: 2790394

That includes "benefits" (fully paid medical) their pay is about 100k.  Still not too bad, but they bust their behinds and earn it.

Just like the "$50,000 sign on bonus".  Which is actually about 17k/yr over 3 years with encyclopedia thick book of clauses on how they won't pay it.

Just say "100k with full medical".  Still pretty good, without the click bait of 170K.

Msg ID: 2790442 UPS drivers truly make more +0/-0     
Author:Average is $49/hr
8/10/2023 10:06:43 PM

Reply to: 2790432

Agreed "The tentative deal would raise part-time workers' wages to at least $21 an hour. Their pay was a sticking point during negotiations. Full-time workers will average $49 an hour, and the agreement would end mandatory overtime on drivers' days off, according to a summary posted by the Teamsters Union." 

Msg ID: 2790651 UPS drivers truly make more +0/-0     
Author:Ups fact
8/13/2023 8:23:23 AM

Reply to: 2790394

7.50 hour increase over 5 years. Not really that great

pension increase

