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Msg ID: 2790231 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +9/-2     
8/9/2023 10:59:54 AM
Wow, hard to tell the next generation to take the time/effort to invest in becoming a helicopter pilot when UPS delivery drivers make this much! Work for UPS No years of slavery on active duty, no "paying dues" by YEARS of crappy CFI pay, tours work, etc. only to "make it" to slave utility work, crappy pay law enforcement or HAA flying, etc.

Msg ID: 2790281 Walmart drivers also make more  +1/-0     
Author:You would have to work
8/9/2023 4:13:25 PM

Reply to: 2790235

A week of truck driving will put you manbuns in the fetal position.  Can't turn down deliveries because it's raining two states away.  But some of you are trying it.  Can't merge, can't go up a hill, can't back into a loading dock on first 5 tries.

Msg ID: 2790275 Walmart drivers also make more  +2/-3     
8/9/2023 3:52:04 PM

Reply to: 2790232

Real Pilots fly because they love to fly not for the money, the new geration of pilots its all about the $

Msg ID: 2790291 Walmart drivers also make more  +2/-0     
8/9/2023 5:44:40 PM

Reply to: 2790275

Just wow.

I will remember that, with all the check rides, medical's, injury from loud noises and vibrations.

Your right dude, I should be paying them!

Msg ID: 2790297 OK Boomer... +2/-1     
8/9/2023 5:58:22 PM

Reply to: 2790275
No Gramps, I just want to pay the bills and making 70-80K after flying for 20 years may sound like a lot compared to your day when gas was 85 cents, yadda yadda yadda, but guess what: that's crap pay for 20 years of flying

Msg ID: 2790239 Union's negative feelings campaign is pitiful! Take your own advice: (NT) +0/-4     
Author:If you don't like it , leave
8/9/2023 11:44:21 AM

Reply to: 2790231

Msg ID: 2790258 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +3/-0     
8/9/2023 2:02:58 PM

Reply to: 2790231

Would love to see you run a UPS truck for a day in the summer say in Dallas? You'd be begging to come back to your $80,000 EMS job taking a nap, playing Call of Duty, watching a movie grilling lunch etc. 

Msg ID: 2790262 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +2/-0     
8/9/2023 2:15:10 PM

Reply to: 2790258
What I'm saying is right now I'd recommend my kid do UPS delivery driver in his 20's then work up to UPS haul driver or management in his 30's and pretty sure he'll do way better for himself than his old man did...

Msg ID: 2790260 Pension, trips to Disney, better medical benefits  +1/-1     
Author:AMC Guy
8/9/2023 2:12:44 PM

Reply to: 2790231
When my son was playing rec football, one of the dads was a UPS delivery driver. Sole income provider, no side-gig or other income. Went to Disney 2-3 times a year. Always at family sports or cheer events. Asked him about his work and he loved it, paid well, great benefits, good pension. Made me question my measly starting pay at the time with AMC in 2019.

Msg ID: 2790286 Yes, but they have to really work for salary, unlike +1/-0     
Author:EMS pilots
8/9/2023 5:14:54 PM

Reply to: 2790231


Msg ID: 2790303 Yes, but they have to really work for salary, unlike +1/-0     
Author:HAA = Happy at Airmed
8/9/2023 6:59:39 PM

Reply to: 2790286

My buddy has 20 years in with UPS and hates it. He plans to retire at frist opertunity. He starts each work day at 9am and get home around 6pm. Busy times like Christmas he works a lot of OT, 8am - 9pm and not by choice. His GPS tracked truck tells on him if he takes a break.

We make the same money ($118K last year), but while I often think it would be easier to do his job, I enjoy the down time in HAA to much to consider a change. When we are busy (IFR Program) it can be extremely stressfull. However on quiet day I get to take care of a lot of personal stuff which makes my week off, truly off time.

While I could do his job I don't think he could do mine. He works well on his own and would probably get run off by the Med Crew. I don't think I would let my dog ride in his truck not to mind a helicopter.

Fun guy to be around though.

Msg ID: 2790306 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +1/-0     
8/9/2023 7:14:08 PM

Reply to: 2790231

are significant pilot individuals over the last five years who have declined to promote the industry, for good reason.  

Msg ID: 2790323 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +1/-1     
Author:Better than?
8/9/2023 9:25:22 PM

Reply to: 2790231


There is no way to compare the two jobs.  They are very different.

Driving truck leaves the future of, well, driving truck.  Fascinating.

When flying corporate, in today's dollars, I ended that 20+ year employment at 330k/an and there were others far ahead of that.  So, money, good equipment, good people, and real schedule.  Very good job.  Moral of the story, keep looking, seek and find, don't give up.  

Or go drive truck.

Msg ID: 2790331 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +1/-0     
8/9/2023 10:54:46 PM

Reply to: 2790323

$170k to go throw broken boxes at a poarch... the union held that company for ransom, and we are all going to pay for it. It will trickle down into the cost of deliveries. Amazon, FedEx, DHL, and many cargo carrying airlines will now have to compete or face the union threat, thus raising prices, inflation continues, interest rates continue to climb, and Joe Biden continues to fall.

Msg ID: 2790396 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +0/-0     
Author:Hoffa's ghost
8/10/2023 1:28:23 PM

Reply to: 2790331

$170k is including "benefits" in that number.  Will grant UPS pays all medical so there's that.  Take home is about 90K-110k on average. and its salary.  To the boo-hoo-I-can't-take-a-late-flight-because-if-ten- different-delays-that-might-happen-I might-go-over-12+01-even-though-I-can-go-14, UPS drivers work until the truck is empty.

Msg ID: 2790446 Working for UPS better than flying helicopters? +1/-0     
8/10/2023 11:28:30 PM

Reply to: 2790331

It all trickles down in all ways.  Why the rich get richer and the poor get more poor.  Breakpoints will hit and box and mortar will sneak back in.
