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Msg ID: 2789952 AMC announces additional $15k stipend for (NT) +0/-5     
Author:November 1 2024
8/6/2023 11:21:38 PM

Msg ID: 2789953 You mean the $15k retention bonus? (NT) +0/-2     
Author:Where’s this years?
8/6/2023 11:22:21 PM

Reply to: 2789952

Msg ID: 2789956 what's the difference!?! (NT) +0/-3     
Author:bonus is a stipend, stipend is a bonus
8/7/2023 2:07:09 AM

Reply to: 2789953

Msg ID: 2789954 AMC announces additional $15k stipend for  +3/-1     
Author:FAKE NEWS!!!
8/7/2023 12:12:47 AM

Reply to: 2789952

From someone who ACCTUALLY works for AMC. I can tell you, they have not said anything, or hinted anything likes this to any pilots. 

Msg ID: 2789978 NO additional $15k  +1/-2     
8/7/2023 10:52:19 AM

Reply to: 2789954

i work there and right now it is just the $15k set for Novermber....thats it...they absolutely will not be paying out a $30k Bonus....BTW realize that even if they did, you are going to get screwed on your taxes...due to Higher Yearly wages for be ready to be in a different tax bracket for 2023...yeah...

Msg ID: 2789979 NO additional $15k  +1/-2     
Author:say wut
8/7/2023 11:00:38 AM

Reply to: 2789978

No, the money will not be tax free you stupid idiot. I would also say most AMC pilots are in the 95k to 182 bracket so you would have to make over 182K adjusted gross to see a significant tax increase. Not many pilots making north of 182. Also, it only goes up 2% if it puts you into the 95k to 182k bracket. 


Msg ID: 2789982 NO additional $15k  +1/-0     
Author:you missed my point dummy
8/7/2023 11:11:18 AM

Reply to: 2789979

I never said it was TAX FREE...You sound like that Base KNOW IT ALL.....They have to take taxes out of it.. unless you are deferred and owe at the end of the....yeah, with $13k=$20k EXTRA income for that reported year, the Govt will look at that.... 

Msg ID: 2789984 NO additional $15k  +2/-3     
Author:it's on
8/7/2023 11:15:52 AM

Reply to: 2789982

your w2. how can they question that you stupid jackass

Msg ID: 2789983 NO additional $15k  +0/-0     
8/7/2023 11:12:24 AM

Reply to: 2789979

say what BRO.....Bro's are angry this am...Bro I am so confused...but then again i work for AMC

Msg ID: 2790026 NO additional $15k  +1/-0     
8/7/2023 7:56:50 PM

Reply to: 2789978

What an idiot. So you don't want a bonus or raise or for that matter, any increase in W2 wages because you'll have to pay taxes on it. You can't fix stupid. These low wage operators must love your thinking.

Msg ID: 2790278 NO additional $15k  +2/-0     
Author:not a Tax Man
8/9/2023 3:59:32 PM

Reply to: 2789978

You do realize we have a progressive tax rate system, right?


Let's say you would have been $1 shy of the next tax bracket at the end of the year. You now get a $15,000 bonus. At the end of the year, you are now $14,999 over into the next tax bracket. You only pay the higher rate on the $14,999. You don't pay the higher rate on ALL of your earnins for the year. You aren't getting screwed by getting  bonus.

Speaking of bonues, here is a bonus tip for you. You know when you get that bonus they tax it at a high rate, right? At the end of the year, it is all just regular earlinings on your W-2. So you may have paid more when you got it, but it all works out in the end with whatever tax bracket you are in. 


Msg ID: 2790343 NO additional $15k  +0/-0     
8/10/2023 2:41:05 AM

Reply to: 2790278

It's depressing how few American taxpayers understand those two basic tax issues. 

Msg ID: 2789991 AMC announces additional $15k stipend for  +3/-0     
8/7/2023 12:16:33 PM

Reply to: 2789952

Everyone else has a 40 thousand and PHI 50 thousand. Airevac is 15000 with a 40 thousand that takes years to get. BUTT PHI al in the first year and only year contract. AMC is Losing!!!

Msg ID: 2789995 It’s not AM plan to WIN, it’s the plan to SURVIVE until the SALE is final (NT) +2/-0     
Author:Pay attention here. “C’mon man”
8/7/2023 12:45:09 PM

Reply to: 2789991

Msg ID: 2790008 Metro bonus plan +1/-0     
Author:Good news
8/7/2023 3:59:25 PM

Reply to: 2789995

HAHAHA made you look suckers! Metro doesnt do a bonus!

Msg ID: 2790047 PHI os NOT all in first year dummmmmy +0/-0     
Author:It paid out over
8/7/2023 11:15:22 PM

Reply to: 2789991

3yrs the $50,000.  It's basically a 3yr stopens and if you leave before 3yrs. You pay back what they paid you in that.  It's $50,000 over 3yrs.  Hence why I passed 

Msg ID: 2790048 PHI os NOT all in first year dummmmmy +1/-0     
Author:say wut
8/7/2023 11:21:03 PM

Reply to: 2790047

you the guy that passed on a job that was never offered because hr was too slow getting back to you. lol guess what bro, it wasn't going to happen. lol that was funny.

Msg ID: 2790043 AMC announces additional $15k stipend for  +2/-0     
8/7/2023 9:53:34 PM

Reply to: 2789952

and posts of this level of maturity and intligence are reasons why we do not get paid what we deserve

Msg ID: 2790050 AMC announces additional $15k stipend for  +1/-0     
8/7/2023 11:46:13 PM

Reply to: 2789952

Stipends are for Grad students, not aviation professionals. Peanuts may be a better term.
