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Msg ID: 2789624 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +15/-22     
Author:Doctor's point of view
8/3/2023 4:12:10 PM

Pilots have inflated ego's but are amateurs with no real education. Mechanics are mostly doomsday preppers with an inferiority complex....and no education. 


Their clients and passengers believe they are getting into the aircraft with an airline caliber pilot with airline caliber maintenance. In truth, the whole industry is about akin to flying-rat-rods trying to justify their little position. Bottom feeders that complain and complain but do nothing about it. 

Msg ID: 2789625 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +21/-3     
Author:If you’re a doctor
8/3/2023 4:14:13 PM

Reply to: 2789624

Then you probably know the best way to go Fvck yourself.

Msg ID: 2789626 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +3/-4     
Author:Doctor OP
8/3/2023 4:16:16 PM

Reply to: 2789625

Do my staff a huge favor and stay at your helipad when delivering patients to me.

Msg ID: 2789628 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +4/-4     
Author:Not everyone
8/3/2023 4:20:07 PM

Reply to: 2789626

On here is a ems puke, some of us actually have a real job.

Msg ID: 2789629 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +5/-3     
Author:Doctor OP
8/3/2023 4:23:15 PM

Reply to: 2789628

Thank you for making my point. There are so many attempts at self validation on this forum, it is laughable. 

Msg ID: 2789630 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +4/-2     
Author:And yet, here you are on a losers
8/3/2023 4:26:47 PM

Reply to: 2789629

forum. Guess you recognize your peers.

Msg ID: 2789632 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +1/-1     
Author:this is the hunter biden laptop
8/3/2023 4:48:27 PM

Reply to: 2789630

of jh threads

Msg ID: 2789631 Speaking of somebody with no education.... (NT) +0/-1     
8/3/2023 4:46:41 PM

Reply to: 2789624

Msg ID: 2789636 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +3/-1     
Author:Most pilots and mechanics have…
8/3/2023 6:05:46 PM

Reply to: 2789624

More education and experience than the nurses who cater to you!

Msg ID: 2789638 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +8/-1     
Author:Hey Doc, 1 question for you….
8/3/2023 6:27:43 PM

Reply to: 2789624

How much do you pay on malpractice insurance every year. Just curious since the medical professionals kill the most people 

Msg ID: 2789640 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +2/-1     
8/3/2023 6:30:48 PM

Reply to: 2789638

Laughable. reminds me of Dr. Charles Emerson Winchester...the third!

Msg ID: 2789646 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +2/-1     
Author:Real American
8/3/2023 8:32:19 PM

Reply to: 2789624

I can't be the only one here curious about the back story that created the OP's poor opinion of our industry.

They're painting with a very broad brush. I'm assuming the doctor came into contact with some slackjawed baffoon in a flight suit and from there this opinion was born. Or maybe they have spent too much time reading this forum. Drink a beer or something bud. Take a load off. I've met some some Doctors who have left me wondering how they got their shoes on that morning. It's not just pilots. The struggle is real.

Msg ID: 2789647 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +8/-1     
Author:holy crap
8/3/2023 8:41:02 PM

Reply to: 2789646

somebody thinks the op is actually a doctor and doesn't realize the troll.

Msg ID: 2789648 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +3/-1     
8/3/2023 8:51:41 PM

Reply to: 2789624

You obviously have spent little time in the industry.  If you think the airlines are full of even tempered educated pilots you'd be wrong by a large margin.  How many airline Captains do you know with a GED?  They're out there, as well as normal high school, all number of years college and higher.  Do the research.

Msg ID: 2789653 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +1/-1     
8/3/2023 10:05:55 PM

Reply to: 2789648

Pilots have looked down on people since 1903,,,,,just sayin

Msg ID: 2789668 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +1/-1     
8/4/2023 8:58:33 AM

Reply to: 2789653

happens when ur physically above them in flight.

Msg ID: 2789659 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +0/-3     
Author:Questionable stereotype there
8/4/2023 1:58:40 AM

Reply to: 2789624

 Sorry to disappoint Dr Crappy Kind. You've got me all wrong. I'm the pilot that is prepping! I've got plenty to hole up for years. You'd never guess me with my calm, quiet demeanor. Maybe we've met. But within 4 seconds of meeting I'll have a plan to kill you if needed. But usually not needed.   And the A&P mechanic? That's me too. Fix and fly both.

Funny thing about prepping is the amount of medical knowledge one needs to read and understand. Actually isn't very hard.

Msg ID: 2789667 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +1/-1     
Author:say wut
8/4/2023 8:42:13 AM

Reply to: 2789659

medical knowledge is easy! you can perform surgery on yourself bro lol

Msg ID: 2789681 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +2/-1     
Author:Doctor OP
8/4/2023 10:49:16 AM

Reply to: 2789624


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Msg ID: 2789719 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +0/-1     
Author:Rip V. Winkle
8/4/2023 3:02:28 PM

Reply to: 2789681

Could I please get you to state your name (optional): Where you went to Medical school: Medical Area of Specialization or expertise and where your practice is located ?  I wish to totally avoid that area......even if there is a small amount of truth in your post.  

Msg ID: 2789729 Objective view of Helicopter Aviation +0/-1     
8/4/2023 4:27:08 PM

Reply to: 2789624

And the general population can diagnose themselves off google these days all you are is a script happy writing POS who has no claim to fame other than your two letter abbreviation.

Msg ID: 2789739 Best troll post of the day +1/-1     
Author:Game warden
8/4/2023 6:38:59 PM

Reply to: 2789624

Your hook was shiney and you caught your limit quickly. 
Good job!

Msg ID: 2789740 Best troll post of the day +1/-1     
Author:Doctor OP
8/4/2023 6:41:05 PM

Reply to: 2789739

Thanks dude

Msg ID: 2789742 Best troll post of the day +1/-1     
Author:G W
8/4/2023 6:43:00 PM

Reply to: 2789740

It was too easy. 

Msg ID: 2789744 Education fact checker +0/-1     
8/4/2023 7:06:02 PM

Reply to: 2789624

At one time there was a GOM company that had more mechanics with degrees than management. That's not counting most of the mechanics with associate degrees which most a&p's have. 

Msg ID: 2789745 Education fact checker +0/-1     
Author:of course
8/4/2023 7:59:17 PM

Reply to: 2789744

you can't bother to name the company
