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Msg ID: 2789579 Amc +0/-2     
Author:Smart guys
8/3/2023 9:22:55 AM
Anyone know if the amc quarterly inflation payment is terminated? Thanks, i am not walter

Msg ID: 2789586 Amc +1/-0     
Author:I haven’t
8/3/2023 11:24:39 AM

Reply to: 2789579

Received one fo the last couple quarter so perhaps it's done. Never saw anything official.


We're only a couple months out from the November 1 retention bonuses though. So we have that to look forward to. Time to put finishing touches on resumes and get them out to perspective new employers as the hiring process can take a couple of months. You want to have something lined up instead of waiting for everyone else to jump ship all at once. Many pilots are planning to walk once the bonus comes in. Doesn't look like those in the glass house can see out of their windows.

Msg ID: 2789588 Amc +1/-5     
Author:why would
8/3/2023 11:42:03 AM

Reply to: 2789586

you quit a company that gives you a 15 large bonus. more importantly, if you have a place you'd rather be, you apply for it, bonus or no bonus. what kind of dumbass would wait for 10k after taxes and risk not getting a position they would rather have? nobody, that's who. 

Msg ID: 2789592 Amc +1/-4     
Author:say wut
8/3/2023 12:31:14 PM

Reply to: 2789586

"You want to have something lined up instead of waiting for everyone else to jump ship all at once."

So you are already quitting but you are going to tell your future employer you can't start until November, which is three months away. Of course, your new employer will be quite aware you are screwing over AMC to collect a measly 10 grand. Maybe they won't care, maybe they will?

The training process and onboarding is what takes the time, not the hiring process. From the minute you apply, you should an  an offer letter and BE HIRED within a week or two. If not officially hired, maybe you can go to onboarding and training while you still work for AMC! Good luck with the timing so you can collect the 15 and get the job you really want. I'm sure the job will stay open for you and good luck with putting those "finishing touches" on your resume!

Brilliant plan. 

Msg ID: 2789595 Amc +6/-1     
Author:Interesting point
8/3/2023 1:30:38 PM

Reply to: 2789592

A retention bonus is an effort to discourage turnover via an offer to increase your salary by a specific amount of money ($20,000) if you remain employed for a specified period of time (1 year), paid out in lump sum installments ($5,000/ $15,000), the largest being the last payment once the term has been completed (11/01/2023).


Now that we have that out of the way, I do not see how a prospective employer would find fault in fulfilling such an arrangement. There is no benefit to staying with one employer for the long haul as new hire pilots are making only a couple thousand less than someone with 5-7 years. Meanwhile it's nearly impossible to find an employer in our industry who doesn't offer hiring bonuses (strings attached of course). As long as you complete your end of the arrangement, what's the issue? No different than working a contract.

We should all be doing the best job we can for our employers while also watching out for ourselves. Nobody has more interest in you than you.

Msg ID: 2789602 Amc +0/-2     
8/3/2023 2:41:58 PM

Reply to: 2789595

I'll give you that but saying tons pilots are going to quit and his plan is unworkable hot garbage. 

Msg ID: 2789607 Amc +1/-2     
8/3/2023 3:21:07 PM

Reply to: 2789602

Is that really the way you want to quit a job? It wouldn't affect you now but helicopters are a small world. If AMC ever opened a base close that you would want, you could console yourself with the 10k because your resume is going right in the trash. AMC is not a bad place to work. I'll bet you 5 bucks the guy doesn't even work there. Who would sit around and wait to quit a job for 10 grand unless you were retiring? Nobody with half a brain. 

Msg ID: 2789622 Amc +1/-0     
Author:Jesus Christ
8/3/2023 3:55:03 PM

Reply to: 2789579

All bs from this group of people, clearly not an answer to his question. YES, the inflation bonus, NOT the retention bonus should be on this next check. Have to have the full pay period out of the quarter for it to be in there. We had 1 day in q3 on the last pay period. So we had to wait this long. 

Msg ID: 2789623 Amc +0/-0     
8/3/2023 3:56:42 PM

Reply to: 2789622

1 day in q2, not q3

Msg ID: 2789663 Amc +0/-0     
8/4/2023 7:49:15 AM

Reply to: 2789623
And its not there today. Thoughts ?
