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Msg ID: 2789442 Charleston Airport SC Closed  +0/-1     
8/1/2023 5:04:43 PM

SC Sherriff Heli down.  Airport closed. Google now.  

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Msg ID: 2789452 Charleston Airport SC Closed  +0/-0     
8/1/2023 6:00:34 PM

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Msg ID: 2789482 Charleston Airport SC Closed  +0/-0     
Author:Link here
8/2/2023 6:38:32 AM

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Msg ID: 2789483 Charleston Airport SC Closed  +1/-0     
Author:Easier to link
8/2/2023 6:39:50 AM

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Msg ID: 2789461 "...returning from scheduled maintenance" (NT) +0/-1     
8/1/2023 7:40:42 PM

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Msg ID: 2789765 Video of crash. Intermittent Loss of tail rotor? +1/-0     
8/5/2023 8:27:46 AM

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Msg ID: 2789800 Video of crash. Intermittent Loss of tail rotor? +0/-0     
8/5/2023 3:17:08 PM

Reply to: 2789765

Pilot skill. Did wrong thing at every chance.

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Msg ID: 2789856 Video of crash. Intermittent Loss of tail rotor? +1/-0     
8/5/2023 11:03:58 PM

Reply to: 2789800

Looks like he could have run it on for the landing but didn't. What do y'all think?  So glad he didn't get seriously hurt and is at home. He didn't commit to the landing as originally planned as it looks. 

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