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Msg ID: 2786082 Best slip on shoes for flying? (NT) +1/-1     
6/25/2023 12:43:13 AM

Msg ID: 2786085 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +0/-6     
Author:ask your bell 47 buddies
6/25/2023 6:13:45 AM

Reply to: 2786082

they'll fill you in

Msg ID: 2786088 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +0/-3     
Author:Old man EMS
6/25/2023 8:56:01 AM

Reply to: 2786085

I buy those $15 Velcros from Walmart. 

they're super comfortable... but only last about 8 months before falling apart.  

I don't give a crap about what anyone says.  They're very comfortable and easy to fly with.

my employer doesn't give a stipend for shoes

Msg ID: 2786092 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +3/-4     
Author:Bell 47G, G4, G5
6/25/2023 10:30:59 AM

Reply to: 2786085

Helicopters ya really have to fly.  Not for lazy pilots.

Msg ID: 2786093 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +0/-2     
Author:boy, it sounds really hard
6/25/2023 10:33:02 AM

Reply to: 2786092

you can have it dork

Msg ID: 2786168 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +1/-1     
6/25/2023 7:48:02 PM

Reply to: 2786093

You want some of my AS332L, S61N, S92, S76A,A+,B,C,C+, AS365N2 etc. time (22,000+) too?

Dork, good one, new word for ya.

Msg ID: 2786144 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +0/-2     
6/25/2023 2:25:06 PM

Reply to: 2786085

Flip Flops

Msg ID: 2786091 Any that don't slip off while you're flying! (NT) +0/-3     
6/25/2023 9:36:26 AM

Reply to: 2786082

Msg ID: 2786173 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +0/-0     
Author:Probably Not These
6/25/2023 10:00:21 PM

Reply to: 2786082

Msg ID: 2786186 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +0/-0     
6/25/2023 11:50:48 PM

Reply to: 2786082

I like my Sketchers

Msg ID: 2786254 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +6/-0     
Author:HAA Captain
6/26/2023 12:40:59 PM

Reply to: 2786082

I prefer my crocs. They allow me to assert my dominance over all med crew, utility pilots, and former military pilots.

Msg ID: 2786258 I have a pair of slip on's that have fake laces so (NT) +1/-0     
Author:you can't tell they're slip on's
6/26/2023 1:39:11 PM

Reply to: 2786082

Msg ID: 2786280 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +1/-1     
6/26/2023 4:20:12 PM

Reply to: 2786082

Anything with a substantial sole works. 

As an aside, I would never use footwear (or clothes) that I wouldn't want to hike out in.

Msg ID: 2786291 Best slip on shoes for flying?  +0/-2     
6/26/2023 5:29:16 PM

Reply to: 2786082

Slip on shoes are fine unless you crash and catch fire and lose one or both of your shoes and have to exit through burning jet fuel. Never wear any shoe that can melt on your feet while you are trying to extridite yourself from a crumpled cockpit. I used to see a lot of Robbie pilots flying in shorts and tennis shoes and you can see a lot of small airplane pilots doing the same. If you watch enough warbird pilots they wear a nomex flight suit, nomex gloves, a helmet, and tennis shoes that will melt on their feet. At a lot of airshows the "fire guard" for those large radial engine planes are wearing a T shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes. On the 737 I'm on now I wear black leather "penny loafers" as I figure any crash will kill me anyway. Your milage may vary, but at least wear a leather shoe. 
