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Msg ID: 2786005 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +9/-6     
Author:Old Pilot
6/23/2023 10:49:32 PM

Hey kids. People learned to fly in helicopters before Robinsons came along, and did work with helicopters before and after HAA came along.

I sure enjoy the helicoptere conversations that happen on here that do not deal with Robinsons or HAA

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Msg ID: 2786014 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +0/-4     
Author:Did your girl
6/24/2023 12:01:15 AM

Reply to: 2786005

Bang a Robbie pilot? 

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Msg ID: 2786024 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +10/-5     
Author:Maybe you should
6/24/2023 2:08:21 AM

Reply to: 2786005

go start your own forum then.... or maybe quit your bit*hing 🤷🏻‍♂️. God you people are such crybabies. Ignore the conversations you don't care about, and participate in the ones you do. Stop being freaking Karen's you old farts!

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Msg ID: 2786025 Whining about people that whine... (NT) +2/-4     
6/24/2023 2:37:46 AM

Reply to: 2786024

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Msg ID: 2786027 Whining about people that whine... +7/-1     
Author:whining about people that whine about
6/24/2023 6:24:23 AM

Reply to: 2786025
people that whine. amazing lol

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Msg ID: 2786033 Whining about people that whine... +2/-2     
6/24/2023 10:49:48 AM

Reply to: 2786025

Wow, you're a smart one aren't you! I bet your mom says you're so special as well

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Msg ID: 2786156 Whining about people that whine... +0/-1     
Author:she does
6/25/2023 5:47:21 PM

Reply to: 2786033
I’d say she’s right

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Msg ID: 2786030 EGO Fest helicopter pilots.  +3/-9     
6/24/2023 10:13:57 AM

Reply to: 2786005

I have hired a lot of pilots over the years and have had much much much better success with pilots that have a Robinson background then have a Blackhawk background.  

And the Robinson pilots have a much better attitude towards aviation.  Less EGO.   

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Msg ID: 2786031 Not seeing an ego fest +7/-4     
Author:Younger pilot
6/24/2023 10:28:47 AM

Reply to: 2786030

Well, this forum is over ran with HAA posts, usuallly whining about something.

As for Robisnons, they didn't slam anyone that trained in a Robinson. They are just poiting out that there was helicopter training before them.

I'm one of the few younger guys (35) who learned in a Bell 47, and would take learning to fly in one of them over a Robinosn (which I instructed in) any day.

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Msg ID: 2786051 Not seeing an ego fest +1/-3     
6/24/2023 1:16:16 PM

Reply to: 2786031

You trained in a Bell 47?!?!?!?!? Wow!!! Nobody cares!!!!!!! Is that what you tell all the girls in the bar too? Hahaha 🤣 

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Msg ID: 2786080 I would take a 47 over a Robinson any day +1/-1     
Author:Younger Pilot
6/24/2023 11:33:26 PM

Reply to: 2786051

That is all I said. Just becasue Robinsons are everywhere, does not mean it is the best to use in training.

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Msg ID: 2786036 EGO Fest helicopter pilots.  +0/-1     
6/24/2023 11:04:46 AM

Reply to: 2786030

you just told everybody you know nothing about helicopter aviation with that statement

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Msg ID: 2786037 EGO Fest helicopter pilots.  +9/-0     
6/24/2023 11:11:57 AM

Reply to: 2786030

those robbie pilots have a "better attitude towards aviation" lol what the hell is that supposed to mean

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Msg ID: 2786032 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +1/-2     
Author:24 EMS
6/24/2023 10:33:15 AM

Reply to: 2786005

Post / topics on the first page alone. Which proves that they're bored, and are the crybabies of the helicopter industry.

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Msg ID: 2786040 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +8/-2     
Author:90% of all EMS pilots
6/24/2023 11:39:39 AM

Reply to: 2786032

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Msg ID: 2786049 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +1/-1     
Author:Calm yourself karen
6/24/2023 1:12:01 PM

Reply to: 2786040

You better request to talk to their manager immediatel!!!!

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Msg ID: 2786076 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +2/-1     
Author:Fact Jack
6/24/2023 7:34:05 PM

Reply to: 2786040

Don't be fooled thinking all those HAA posts are made by the pilots...Nope, the bored Med Crews love posting on JH and pilots have much better things to do.

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Msg ID: 2786063 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +0/-1     
Author:Robinson to S70
6/24/2023 5:02:08 PM

Reply to: 2786005

Then you're wanting stories from 43+ years ago?

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Msg ID: 2786073 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +1/-0     
Author:Klank made it interesting…
6/24/2023 6:23:15 PM

Reply to: 2786063

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Msg ID: 2786124 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +0/-1     
Author:Field guy
6/25/2023 12:33:18 PM

Reply to: 2786073

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Msg ID: 2786079 Many Old Stories And Photos Are Great +3/-4     
Author:Younger Pilot
6/24/2023 11:26:16 PM

Reply to: 2786063

I enjoy them much more than HAA crap over and over and over. 

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Msg ID: 2786172 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +0/-1     
Author:How bout both?
6/25/2023 8:26:41 PM

Reply to: 2786005

Don't talk about either, talk about both: 

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Msg ID: 2786382 Robinson Helicopters and HAA +0/-1     
Author:I got 2k
6/27/2023 6:22:33 PM

Reply to: 2786005

hours....  Yea, a-hole.  In a Robbie and in the pattern.  Retards training retards.  How about that NVG time?

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