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Msg ID: 2785511 I like this, What is this aircraft? +1/-0     
6/19/2023 8:19:38 AM

Msg ID: 2785512 I like this, What is this aircraft? +9/-0     
6/19/2023 8:32:07 AM

Reply to: 2785511

OV-1D Mohawk with a SLAR boom, used for recon from the 60's through the 90's. 

Msg ID: 2785514 I like this, What is this aircraft? (NT) +0/-4     
Author:A-10 WARPIG
6/19/2023 11:42:02 AM

Reply to: 2785512

Msg ID: 2785517 Looks like a 1st Gen A6 Intruder  +0/-2     
6/19/2023 12:15:17 PM

Reply to: 2785514

we used to see those at Ft. Rucker back in the day, 60yrs ago....

Msg ID: 2785537 I like this, What is this aircraft? +0/-1     
6/19/2023 4:11:45 PM

Reply to: 2785512

OV-10 widow maker.  On take off if you lost an engine it would torque roll and you would eject into the ground.


It was the last aircraft the Army had ejection seat train for anr muther rucker it the 80's

Msg ID: 2785518 I like this, What is this aircraft? +3/-1     
Author:Aviation worthy
6/19/2023 12:48:09 PM

Reply to: 2785511

 I like this guessing game too. Beats the typical HAA, union drivel

Msg ID: 2785519 I like this, What is this aircraft? +0/-0     
6/19/2023 12:50:55 PM

Reply to: 2785518

They don't have much else to talk about tho....

Msg ID: 2785522 It's A DC-3 (NT) +1/-3     
Author:Made By Douglas
6/19/2023 1:39:27 PM

Reply to: 2785511

Msg ID: 2785527 It's A DC-3 +1/-2     
6/19/2023 2:39:20 PM

Reply to: 2785522

Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation

Msg ID: 2785574 You mean a C-47 (NT) +0/-2     
6/20/2023 12:24:43 AM

Reply to: 2785522

Msg ID: 2785546 I like this, What is this aircraft? +1/-0     
Author:OV1 Mohawk
6/19/2023 7:23:07 PM

Reply to: 2785511

The widow maker.  LycomingT53 turbine engines - lots of torque.



Msg ID: 2785704 I like this, What is this aircraft? +1/-1     
6/21/2023 9:39:33 AM

Reply to: 2785546

failure befor Velocity minimum control was a wild ride if not very careful.  Akin to the MU2 prior to @ 165kts on takeoff.

Msg ID: 2785558 I like this, What is this aircraft? +0/-0     
Author:2nd MI Stuttgart Echterdingen Airfield
6/19/2023 10:07:14 PM

Reply to: 2785511

I know a former Captain who flew one of those into a major set of powerlines in Spain back in 1989/1990 and took out half the power in that country.

Msg ID: 2785601 I like this, What is this aircraft? +0/-0     
6/20/2023 10:57:02 AM

Reply to: 2785558
You mean the one that hit a cable car line that dropped a few thousand feet and squished everyone onboard.

Msg ID: 2785822 I like this, What is this aircraft? +0/-1     
6/22/2023 9:37:44 AM

Reply to: 2785601

You mean the one that hit a cable car line that dropped a few thousand feet and squished everyone onboard.


No that was a actual Navy A-6


The US Army's OV-1 Mohawk series had Ejection Seats by Martin-Baker of Merry 'Ole England.  A Observer/Equipment Operator and his pilot Ejected.  The Observer , Chad was his first name, survived, the Pilot If I recall did not.  Martin-Baker sent Chad a letter welcoming him as a member of the "Silkworm Club" as he had ejected/bailed out of a perfectly bad airplane.  Sometime later, Chad again ejected after being told to eject by the pilot.  This time the Pilot landed the plane.  Chad received a second letter from Martin-Baker: "Sir, it is not necessary to renew your membership in the "Silkworm Club"


Any way Chad then went to ROTC, got a degree, went to Army flight school, took a Huey on a joyride with his Dept of Army Civilian girlfriend on board, got caught, lost his wings, got a career killer report card, had to serve his full obligation.  Got out.  He then became a Department of the Army Civilian himself and I lost track.


I still like the guy.

Msg ID: 2787286 I like this, What is this aircraft? +0/-0     
7/6/2023 12:16:58 AM

Reply to: 2785558
I was therein 81 thru 84 with the 25th
