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Msg ID: 2785091 Are airlines still hiring? (NT) +1/-2     
Author:Asking for a friend
6/14/2023 11:29:21 AM

Msg ID: 2785093 Are airlines still hiring? +2/-1     
Author:Big Time...
6/14/2023 11:57:08 AM

Reply to: 2785091


Msg ID: 2785098 Are airlines still hiring? +4/-2     
6/14/2023 1:50:37 PM

Reply to: 2785091



UA plans to hire 2500 per year for the next several years with a goal of 25,000 pilots on property in 10 years.

all the legacies are still hiring as well as the LCCs and regionals.  

never been a better time to make a career change from RW to FW 


stay safe!

Msg ID: 2785147 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-1     
Author:Yes they are…
6/15/2023 9:21:09 AM

Reply to: 2785091

I previously replied in the affirmative & related how my rotary-wing son left the military and quickly assimilated into the airlines. 

PS I flew helicopters military & HEMES for 42 years. I know a little bit about the subject.

Msg ID: 2785148 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-2     
Author:Let’s see…
6/15/2023 9:22:29 AM

Reply to: 2785147

How long it takes to be remove.

Msg ID: 2785593 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-0     
Author:Moderator update
6/20/2023 10:25:18 AM

Reply to: 2785148

They are now selectively editing posts by removing sentences or words. This "forum" is a fraud.

Msg ID: 2785156 Are airlines still hiring? +2/-3     
Author:Typical helicopter man
6/15/2023 1:06:36 PM

Reply to: 2785091

 United is public about hiring 50% women and POC in their hiring spree so if your not a woman or person of color which excludes most helicopter pilots that doorway is now much smaller.

Msg ID: 2785169 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-6     
Author:sACrificing skill
6/15/2023 3:27:30 PM

Reply to: 2785156

for quota never ends well.


Hope they factored in about a 50% increase in passenger and pilot mortality rate, and a 50% increase in new aircraft replacement costs.  50% increase in insurance premiums, and 50% bad press resulting in 50% of the company share holders exiting the stocks while 100% of the company files bankruptcy.

Msg ID: 2785364 Are airlines still hiring? +1/-1     
Author:Reality is
6/17/2023 8:11:58 PM

Reply to: 2785169

a strong suit we see.

Msg ID: 2785174 Are airlines still hiring? +7/-3     
6/15/2023 3:39:08 PM

Reply to: 2785156

You presume much.

United advertises that they would like to hire 50% women and pilots of color.  That part is true.  Why?  Cause any press indicating an employer is trying to grow a more diverse workforce is positive press these days.

the facts are that UAL will not have 50% of their applicants be women or people of color because there are not that many pilots in those demographics.  Last I read the percentage of women in the US with an ATP hovers around 5%.  

bottom line... UAL hiring is open to everyone qualified and all are encouraged to apply.  The growth plans we have with United Next are more than 10k pilots here in the next 10 years.  If you are thinking of j7mping over from the RW world, do it.  

however, if you're afraid you might be crewed with a woman or person of color, stay RW.  We don't need you.

Msg ID: 2785267 Are airlines still hiring? +2/-1     
Author:Was at a major…
6/16/2023 10:04:14 PM

Reply to: 2785174

Pay is great, schedule is horrible. If you aren't a tranny, gae, black, or all three, you don't count. They were mandating clot shots as well. Had enough of aviation after that last woke indoc. Previously Did helicopters for 20 years, made the jump, yada yada...On to better things.

Msg ID: 2785288 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-2     
Author:another poor
6/17/2023 9:44:19 AM

Reply to: 2785267

whiny white guy with victim syndrome. sad.

Msg ID: 2785294 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-1     
6/17/2023 10:00:55 AM

Reply to: 2785288

capable of moving on, unlike others.

Msg ID: 2785385 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-1     
6/17/2023 10:22:14 PM

Reply to: 2785288

"whiny white guy with victim syndrome. sad"

Here, we have another one overcome with negativity and trying to incite division. This is why All special interest groups should be abolished. Then we'd really have equality.

Msg ID: 2785464 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-1     
6/18/2023 6:21:08 PM

Reply to: 2785174

But, what is a woman. Tuck friendly included?

Msg ID: 2785598 Are airlines still hiring? +0/-1     
Author:100% true…
6/20/2023 10:34:03 AM

Reply to: 2785156

My buddy flies for a United Regional but has no interest in their "flow-thru". He knows he'll get boned by their egregious policies & mandates. They are going to lose great talent & it'll end up biting them big-time.

