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Msg ID: 2784933 Yellow & Black  +0/-1     
Author:Caribbean Lover
6/11/2023 8:15:58 PM

Hmmm, Airbus H160's to Guyana. 🤔


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Msg ID: 2785033 Yellow & Black  +0/-1     
6/13/2023 12:43:39 PM

Reply to: 2784933

AMG Side hasn't seen a NEW aircraft in probably 6-7yrs....definitely won't be going over to their side

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Msg ID: 2785046 Yellow & Black  +1/-0     
6/13/2023 4:00:40 PM

Reply to: 2785033

I wonder how many people thought AMG might be sending H160's to Guyana for ems. lol

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Msg ID: 2785094 Yellow & Black  +0/-2     
Author:um probably NO ONE
6/14/2023 12:01:04 PM

Reply to: 2785046

AMG won't expand outside the US...they don't have the support NOW to even cover what they have or staffing, plus the Board of Directors won't buy that aircraft for the AMG side...if the OG gets it with a contract, they will just take that S76 they have on that contract and move it to AMG...>MOST if not all the Air Med aircrat are all former OG ships offshore. 

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Msg ID: 2785096 Yellow & Black  +0/-1     
Author:say wut
6/14/2023 12:18:43 PM

Reply to: 2785094

you sound like a real insider. all those 135's and astars were offshore? lol no

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Msg ID: 2785166 Yellow & Black  +0/-1     
6/15/2023 2:41:42 PM

Reply to: 2785096

A bunch of the EC135s and AStars formerly flew with PHI offshore.

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Msg ID: 2785189 Yellow & Black  +1/-1     
6/15/2023 6:48:01 PM

Reply to: 2785166
no, they didn’t

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