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Msg ID: 2766661 Benefits of going airline +1/-2     
Author:James hunt
2/28/2023 6:32:22 AM

just went to Europe. Got upgraded to business both legs. What you waiting for ?

Msg ID: 2766671 Benefits of going airline +2/-2     
Author:Mike Hunt
2/28/2023 10:33:28 AM

Reply to: 2766661

What 121 operator?

Msg ID: 2766672 Benefits of going airline +2/-0     
Author:Class A airspace
2/28/2023 10:45:35 AM

Reply to: 2766661

Lots of times you can even snag first class on a liesure trip too!!

Msg ID: 2766674 Benefits of going airline +2/-0     
Author:And lots
2/28/2023 10:59:13 AM

Reply to: 2766672

of times it can be a couple days to get from A to B.  

Msg ID: 2766679 Benefits of going airline +5/-1     
Author:Reality Check
2/28/2023 11:14:18 AM

Reply to: 2766674

When you're earning $200k+ per year, and listing as non-rev isn't going to work, you just buy a ticket...

Msg ID: 2766799 Benefits of going airline +1/-0     
Author:Class A airspace
3/1/2023 12:35:22 PM

Reply to: 2766679

At a reduced rate too!!

Msg ID: 2766925 I stood by for three flights and didn't get on, had to buy a (NT) +2/-1     
Author:hotel room and lost a whole day off
3/2/2023 12:32:56 PM

Reply to: 2766661
