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Msg ID: 2766476  +2/-1     
2/26/2023 1:14:16 PM

Looking for recomendations for a Fixed Wing Private Flight School in the Oklahoma City area. Grandson has expressed an interest in aviation.

Msg ID: 2766482 if u love ur grandson +2/-9     
2/26/2023 2:13:44 PM

Reply to: 2766476

help him get a job as a line boy at the local g.a. field. that's 10 times more helpo than paying for him to get a license. cheaper , too.

Msg ID: 2766483 if u love ur grandson +2/-1     
Author:and you could
2/26/2023 2:31:13 PM

Reply to: 2766482

mind your own business bro

Msg ID: 2766484 if u love ur grandson +0/-2     
2/26/2023 3:01:43 PM

Reply to: 2766483

Stay away from Spartan in Tulsa... 

Msg ID: 2766493 if ur too lazy, clueless or stupid +11/-2     
2/26/2023 4:18:48 PM

Reply to: 2766492

he didn't ask about a part time job, he asked about flight training.

Msg ID: 2766488 if u love ur grandson +3/-0     
2/26/2023 3:43:28 PM

Reply to: 2766482

My first job in aviation. Late 60's. Loved it and learned a lot. Don't know about now, but pay was crap back then. 

Msg ID: 2766582 if u love ur grandson +7/-0     
2/27/2023 1:19:51 PM

Reply to: 2766488

If you just go to a flight school, all you're going to get close to is that school's planes. I worked line service while getting my private. If you can get a job in line service you can get up close to almost every fw and helicopter on the airport and talk with their pilots and mechanics. i fueled everything from Bell 47s to Hueys, Cubs to DC-3s and 707s, including Air Force 2. i got some good advice and some bad advice. But it was worth it. 

Msg ID: 2766514 OSU +10/-0     
Author:Proud Father
2/26/2023 8:01:08 PM

Reply to: 2766476

My son just completed his Private thru CFII a Oklahoma State Univerisity in their Professional Pilot Program and got hired by Fed Ex upon graduation.  Excellent flight school and the BS degree is a shoe-in to any major Airline. 

Msg ID: 2767452 OSU +0/-0     
Author:Fed Ex…?
3/7/2023 10:47:16 PM

Reply to: 2766514

Fed Ex or a Fed Ex feeder like Mountain Air Cargo? Big difference. 

Msg ID: 2766535 Recommend visiting a few +3/-0     
2/27/2023 12:13:09 AM

Reply to: 2766476

Perhaps it may be best to also visit a few. Instructors come and go and mangement changes.

Maybe good to talk to a few, look at their aircraft, etc. You'll probably be a better judge than most people 

Good luck and hope your grandson enjoys it!

Msg ID: 2767448  +0/-0     
3/7/2023 9:14:09 PM

Reply to: 2766476

generally get what you pay for in aviation.
