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Msg ID: 2766420 There’s a helicopter in the video +11/-0     
Author:Cool flying machine.
2/25/2023 6:19:31 PM

This tiny aircraft is the Lockheed YO-3 Quiet Star. The YO-3A operated silently at 1,000 feet, or lower, depending on terrestrial background noise. Some pilots were known to have gone unobserved over the enemy at 200 feet. Occasionally, daylight flights were made over the rivers. Crew chiefs would monitor the YO-3A flying over the maintenance section prior to deployment, listening for rattles, whistles or other noises. The propeller, even at 500 feet over the maintenance area, made only a light flutter, heard just as it approached. This was followed by a light rushing of wind over the wings. There was no audible sound once the aircraft had passed over. If any abnormal noises were heard, the aircraft returned to the runway, where duct tape and other measures were employed to quiet noticeable sounds. 

hope some of y'all enjoy this.

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Msg ID: 2766449 There’s a helicopter in the video +0/-0     
2/26/2023 8:46:49 AM

Reply to: 2766420

I spent many years flying out of the Skagit Regional Airport in Washington where one of these was located.  The pictures I have show a six bladed prop and several mufflers exiting near the tail.  I met the owner and talked about buying the airplane but the last I heard was that it was living out it's days in a museum, somewhere.

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