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Msg ID: 2765740 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +2/-2     
Author:Curious George
2/18/2023 9:03:54 PM
I guess phi is no better then the coal company making you buy your equipment from them. Pilots now sign a 4 year contract if they quit they owe them 100 grand. Even if you just fly a 407 making a little over 75k a year

Msg ID: 2765742 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-1     
Author:Class A airspace
2/18/2023 9:34:17 PM

Reply to: 2765740

Gulf or EMS no matter the company it's all slave labor!!

Msg ID: 2765743 Anyone who doesn't leave a garbage job +3/-1     
Author:deserves what they have.
2/18/2023 9:40:13 PM

Reply to: 2765742

By staying, you've identified yourself as desperate and will be treated accordingly.

Msg ID: 2765744 Oh my, come to work, sleep all day, and go home (NT) +2/-4     
Author:forced labor, eh?
2/18/2023 9:44:35 PM

Reply to: 2765740

Msg ID: 2765745 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +4/-4     
2/18/2023 10:14:35 PM

Reply to: 2765740

 Bunch of whiners.  Just quit and start your own business. 

Msg ID: 2765748 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-6     
2/19/2023 12:39:04 AM

Reply to: 2765740

Read Marx & Engel. Some truth, some no work solutions. Human greed not accounted for but the basic theory behind the capitalist and the laborer is mostly correct. The fix is not. Corporate takeover of all our institutions is what we face but we are not,United enough to demand our share. Thus we continue as is. Same reason you got the shot, afraid to,lose your job and the money your life depends on. Yup, indentured servitude, neo feudalism...whatever you want to call it.

Msg ID: 2765752 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +1/-1     
Author:oh shut up
2/19/2023 2:35:26 AM

Reply to: 2765748

hundred grand for 407 training? doubtful this training contract exists at all. I prefer neo fuedalism lol wut

Msg ID: 2765749 Training contracts are non-enforceable…. (NT) +2/-0     
Author:Do what you need and leave
2/19/2023 2:23:59 AM

Reply to: 2765740

Msg ID: 2765755 Me playing a violin +9/-2     
Author:Bunch of sissies
2/19/2023 8:27:13 AM

Reply to: 2765740
Imagine doing more work for less pay, let's say a bare bones 206 for $24k per year. The Gomex today is a cocktail party compared to 30 years ago

Msg ID: 2765761 You need to work on your negotiating skills. +1/-0     
2/19/2023 9:16:42 AM

Reply to: 2765755

I can imagine doing more work for less pay. I can also imagine doing more work for more pay, which, by the way, is a better deal.

The person making $100/hr. works just as hard as the one making $50/hr. doing the same job.

Msg ID: 2765766 Me playing a violin +2/-1     
Author:say wut
2/19/2023 9:48:06 AM

Reply to: 2765755

somebody might be jealous they had to fly crappy equipment for substandard pay. unions brought the pay way up with Bristow and PHI unions. If wanting and getting better pay and benefits makes me a sissy, I'll take it. 

Msg ID: 2765768 Me playing a violin +0/-0     
Author:Pilot: I don’t want a training contract
2/19/2023 10:08:51 AM

Reply to: 2765766
you: things used to be hard when men were grinding away out there for peanuts, sissy me: so what

Msg ID: 2765756 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +6/-2     
Author:P Hi
2/19/2023 8:27:53 AM

Reply to: 2765740

Pointed out numerous times, training contracts are NOT enforceable. Do you really want to work for a company that has to resort to this type of threat to keep people? PHI EMS will cease to exist in a few years, this is the last ditch "hail mary" attempt to keep it afloat. 

Msg ID: 2765860 Not True +1/-2     
Author:P. Mason
2/20/2023 9:50:16 AM

Reply to: 2765756

Aside from the fact that if you sign a contract then you should honor your word, a training contract IS enforceable.

Msg ID: 2765769 Can anyone confirm or deny? (NT) +0/-1     
Author:4yr x 100k contract?
2/19/2023 10:30:07 AM

Reply to: 2765740

Msg ID: 2765776 Can anyone confirm or deny? +2/-2     
Author:Can confirm
2/19/2023 11:35:28 AM

Reply to: 2765769
Can confirm they wanted people to sign one very recently. At least in the group I know about, nobody was willing to agree to such nonsense and they all declined the job offer

Msg ID: 2765777 Can anyone confirm or deny? +0/-2     
Author:the group "I know about"
2/19/2023 11:42:26 AM

Reply to: 2765776

how do you "know about" them bro. since 90% of the new pilots are former piston instructors, somebody is going to sign. you need to make your lies a little more believable. Most likely this training contract thing doesn't even exist.

Msg ID: 2765802 Can anyone confirm or deny? +2/-4     
Author:Can confirm
2/19/2023 3:02:56 PM

Reply to: 2765777
I "know about" them because I know one of the people who was asked to sign the paperwork. "Most likely". Lol. Quick to call someone a liar when you have no clue what you are talking about, bro. I actually work there, most likely you don't

Msg ID: 2765803 Can anyone confirm or deny? +2/-3     
Author:say wut
2/19/2023 4:27:26 PM

Reply to: 2765802

you said you "know of" a group that turned down job offers

now you suddenly were in the group. huh.

then you say you already work there? so you turned down an upgrade, not an offer. somebody that actually worked there would not make that mistake.

so yes, you are a liar. unlike you, I actually did work there. you do not.

Msg ID: 2765842 Can anyone confirm or deny? +3/-0     
Author:Can confirm
2/19/2023 11:00:19 PM

Reply to: 2765803
You aren't very good at reading comprehension. There is no way anyone above the 3rd grade reading level could come to the conclusion that you did from what I typed. Because I'm nice, I'll try to explain it in a way you might be able to understand. Nancy works at a company, and has for years. Nancy has a friend, Sally, that is interviewing for a position at her company. After Sally gets back from her interview in Lafayette, Sally calls Nancy and tells her why she didn't accept the position. Apparently Sally didn't want to sign a 4 year and 100K+ obligation to work there. Now... through some miracle, Nancy now "knows of" a contract, yet she already works there, and wasn't personally in the interview. Pretty complicated concept, I know.

Msg ID: 2765858 Can anyone confirm or deny? +0/-0     
Author:Hey nancy
2/20/2023 9:43:59 AM

Reply to: 2765842

how many years you work at PHI

Msg ID: 2765870 Can anyone confirm or deny? +0/-0     
Author:Sally probably should have taken
2/20/2023 10:33:49 AM

Reply to: 2765842

that job rather than going back to r44 tours

Msg ID: 2765794 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +7/-5     
Author:ironic cronic
2/19/2023 1:46:52 PM

Reply to: 2765740

I find it funny that during training... pilots learn that a company can fly them 8 hours in a 14 hour duty day.... they get excited. and eager to work... they work like crazy to build some hours as an insturctor then go off and get that first turbine job....  They fly 5-6 hours a day and then complain they are overworked...   then they go off to HEMS and fly 1-2 hours per day and complain even more that they are overworked and working conditions are crap....  


Thinking they did not fully think about anything other than being able to say they are a pilot.  

Those that are not happy.  quit and go do something else... or as others have said purchase and run your own company and build it so that the pilots you hire will have the life you feel you deserve.... I would bet money that they day you open your company you will run it like every other company out there....  flying pilots as much as possible within the duty day allowed by the FAA.   


Enough of my rant :) 

Msg ID: 2765797 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +1/-4     
Author:another stupid post
2/19/2023 1:59:05 PM

Reply to: 2765794

by somebody that has never done this. where do these clowns come from.

Msg ID: 2765799 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +2/-2     
2/19/2023 2:25:49 PM

Reply to: 2765797

all the pilots that don't like to fly a lot leave the GOM and start their own helicopter companies and they make all their pilots fly a lot and this is totally something that happens in real life and it not just something made up by some weirdo lol 

Msg ID: 2765811 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-3     
2/19/2023 6:44:54 PM

Reply to: 2765794
they don’t tell you anything about 135 flight and duty time in training are you stupid

Msg ID: 2765845 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-3     
Author:Not so fast
2/20/2023 2:10:13 AM

Reply to: 2765811
Mine flight school did. We talked about all sides of the industry. We spoke about transition jobs, corporate, offshore, offshore, news, instruction, air medical, movie, fire, utility, tours and private jobs. Spent some time talking about military v civilian. Never had any surprises and by the time I finished my commercial rating I already decided which jobs I was interested in long term. And more importantly which jobs I was not interested in.

Msg ID: 2765855 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +3/-1     
Author:since none of you had ever worked
2/20/2023 9:14:16 AM

Reply to: 2765845

any of those jobs, it must have been a short discussion. the military civilian part must have been fascinating lol

Msg ID: 2765856 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-1     
Author:what’s a transition job
2/20/2023 9:20:54 AM

Reply to: 2765845

haven't heard of it

Msg ID: 2765857 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-0     
Author:Yes yes
2/20/2023 9:28:55 AM

Reply to: 2765856

Much more important that you know which jobs you want vs the jobs you don't want

Msg ID: 2765862 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +2/-0     
Author:never had any surprises
2/20/2023 9:53:35 AM

Reply to: 2765845

when I finished my commercial rating. yes, at 150 hours, the surprises were over as we talked about all the jobs we couldn't get for another 1500 hours

Msg ID: 2765915 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +1/-1     
2/20/2023 12:51:05 PM

Reply to: 2765740

When a company has to impose a training contract to retain an employee, that is a major red flag. Pilots leaving must be an issue. Steer clear. There must be a toxic work environment. 

Msg ID: 2765920 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-0     
2/20/2023 1:14:56 PM

Reply to: 2765740

As you read the following article, just replace the word "stripper" with "PHI pilot" and you'll have a better understanding of the OP's victim hood.

Msg ID: 2765938 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +1/-1     
Author:New IP Guy
2/20/2023 6:37:45 PM

Reply to: 2765740

Great topic for a thread. A lot of replies were very salient. Kudos to OP and the sane replies.

To the Marx and Engel guy. Also look at Gramsci. Not groundbreaking, but did advance the ideas of the gentlemen(I use the word facetiously) you mentioned.


Msg ID: 2766077 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-2     
2/22/2023 1:32:32 PM

Reply to: 2765740

I worked for PHI for well over 2 decades and there were many times where I felt like I was working in a sweat shop slave camp but I did what I had to do to put food on the table.

Msg ID: 2766088 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +1/-0     
Author:say wut
2/22/2023 3:23:00 PM

Reply to: 2766077

I worked there for three years as a lowly 407 pilot and was treated quite well. lots and lots of jobs that didn't fly much. If you went IFR, it was easy peezy. I started out with Apache production, did it for a year and then it was all gravy. If you flew a lot in the heat at PHI, it was because you chose it. Sweat shop slave camp my ass.

Msg ID: 2766098 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-1     
2/22/2023 5:44:43 PM

Reply to: 2765740

George flying is the easy part try maintaining these egg beaters ! And i make more than what your making now with no risk to my life...

Msg ID: 2767600 Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +0/-0     
3/9/2023 8:17:08 PM

Reply to: 2765740

Training bonds have been tried many times before and they have never held up when challenged.  The company can't bond you for training they are required by the FAA to provide you.
