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Msg ID: 2765461 HAA Pilots, Weather Turndown Survey +1/-3     
Author:Better Product?
2/16/2023 3:39:35 PM

TLDR: HAA Pilots, please fill out my survey here:

Hi everyone, I've been toying around the idea of creating a better product than the currently available I find that I don't use wtd becuase it lacks a lot of things I would like to see and seems "clunky" to me. I work at a base at the corner of 3 states, so if I want to see all the turn downs around me I have to select each state and go hunting. Some things I would like to have are, realtime notifications, the ability to be notified about specific hospitals or a specific defined area (distance around your base), integration and automation so the information isn't dependant on a pilot putting the info in whenever and if they feel like it. (I know wtd does integrate with some software). And various other things. So anyway, if you would kindly fill out the survey it would be a lot of help.

I'm just trying to see if this would even be feesable right now before I go and spend a large amount of money developing, hosting, etc... If you any other comments or idea's I'm open to them also. Thanks,

Msg ID: 2765466 HAA Pilots, Weather Turndown Survey +0/-2     
Author:No comment
2/16/2023 4:09:17 PM

Reply to: 2765461

Keep up the good work and let me know if you need me to sign anything. 

Msg ID: 2765502 HAA Pilots, Weather Turndown Survey +1/-0     
Author:Good luck
2/16/2023 8:12:47 PM

Reply to: 2765461

No one will use it. 

Msg ID: 2765506 HAA Pilots, Weather Turndown Survey +2/-1     
Author:We dont need no stinkin survey
2/16/2023 9:40:31 PM

Reply to: 2765461

This will be an opertunity for lazy pilot to turn down flights based on what others have done. This site will only work if pilots specify what exactly it was about the weather that caused them to turn down the flight. I have seen pilots turn down flights because they need 2000/5 at night (personal minimums/new pilot), while I am good to go with 1500/5.

I know pilots who will say well if they turned it down so must I, then they roll over and go back to sleep.

This will be an opertunity for lazy pilots to turn down flight based on what others have done.

Msg ID: 2765507 HAA Pilots, Weather Turndown Survey +2/-2     
2/16/2023 9:48:42 PM

Reply to: 2765506

I don't fly in the minimum at night.  If it drops from there then I'm having to land in a field and that does the patient no good. If you want me to fly at 1500 at night make the minimum back to 1000.

Msg ID: 2765642 HAA Pilots, Weather Turndown Survey +5/-3     
Author:I make my own weather calls
2/17/2023 8:22:19 PM

Reply to: 2765461

There have been too many programs that turn down a flight due to "weather" when it's actually due to lack of staffing, close to shift change, aircraft OOS, etc.  

Msg ID: 2765798 Exactly. Weather turndown page is just them looking for an excuse. (NT) +0/-0     
2/19/2023 2:00:24 PM

Reply to: 2765642
